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So.... Boon totems?

Wondering what everybody thinks about it. I think it's interesting and it'll mix up the game a little bit.

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  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Does anyone know what boon totems will do?

  • Member Posts: 30

    This is just speculation on my end, but I have a feeling it'll be like hexes. So the effect persists until a killer kicks the totem. but from all the info we heard it seems odd.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Had to look up what boon translates to in my language. So it’s pretty much something like β€šblessingβ€˜ (right?)

    they said they will give effects when nearby the boon totem. So I guess it will be a pretty strong effect, something like passive healing when just nearby, making it possible to still do other stuff like gens.

    question is, can you/other survs destroy the totem for perks like Inner Strength? Can Killers destroy the totems? Can they turn into Noed if they are the last totem (probably not)?

    would 2 survs share one boon totem, or would the effect be personal? Would multiple boon totems give effects in multiple locations?

    way too many questions. I guess best way is to wait and see instead of building false expectations..

  • Member Posts: 4,695

    The way I can envision it was actually through a bit of a train of thought.

    For one, I was hoping boon perks would be related to the Imperiatti and the Pariahs (Γ‰lodie, Felix, and three other, unnamed characters). That got me thinking that maybe Built to Last should be changed to a Boon perk.

    I can imagine Boon perks replacing the ability to destroy a totem. Instead of cleansing a totem, you hijack it with a boon, that persists until used up or until the killer destroys it. For Built to Last, I was thinking that, once a totem has been hijacked and turned into a boon totem, any survivor can walk up to it with a depleted item in hand and through interacting with the boon totem, can refill their charges, after which the totem falls apart.

    Another idea I had was actually a perk idea I had for Little Nightmares' Mono, as a survivor, which would make it so that any destroyed totem would reveal the aura of nearby survivors to Mono, and that if he destroyed a totem, it'd show him the killer's aura for a few seconds.

    That could be adapted to a boon totem where a survivor hijacks a totem, and then it pings or shows an aura when the killer gets too close to it.

    All in all, there's a fantastic array of possibilities and I am super curious to see where this goes. This could allow for some actually relevant new survivor perks to crop up.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I hope it's not something the Killer will have to manage but something survivors will have to. Killers already have enough in their plates, giving survivors a power boost by totems would only be fair if the survivors also have to maintain it.

    Also I'm curious how this will work out with the totem count, are they going to make it so more totems appear or will they reword Haunted Ground and combine all boon perks in a singe totem.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Maybe this could be the early game mechanic the devs were talking about?

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Blessing works yeah

    Alternatively there's the 80s version which means a favour from someone higher in power than you. Think of this scene from Heathers: The Musical:

    "This is an excellent forgery- who are you?"

    "Veronica uh- Sawyer. I crave a boon."

    "What boon?"

    "Let me sit at your table at lunch, just once- no talking necessary. If people think you guys tolerate me they'll leave me alone."

    For context she's talking to the girls who have the highest social status in the school.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I doubt it, Killers complain a lot about lacking time to patrol and chase everyone, I dont think theyll put Hexes for Survivors so Killers have to check for even more stuff. I suppose they are Totems that give some kind of benefit when cleansed, giving a secondary objective for Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 318

    I think you're like hex perks for survivors. Only with the difference that you have to destroy the totem to get the perk active.

  • Member Posts: 1,839
    edited May 2021

    That's why I mentioned earlier that it could be a perk that is activated by cleansing the boon totem. Survivors would start out without the perk and have to find and activate it. This would make sense as it wouldn't add new chores for the killer, and fit in with what survivors do already.

    My one question is, however, how they would deal with a Killer using a full hex build with HG involved. All 5 totem spawns would be used. Will boon add a sixth totem?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    So this is what some people like me thought should happen to totems: survivor hex totems, that remove a survivor perk when survivors cleanse them.

    Oh wait, nevermind, they are clearly distinguishable from normal totems.

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  • Member Posts: 6,827

    what even is boon totems????

  • Member Posts: 737

    My understanding was that they were tied to dull totems, and lit when you went within proximity to them. But this means you have to leave dull totems up, which will discourage cleansing and be a indirect NOED buff. So I hope this isnt the case.

    I cant imagine they are lit by default, as if every survivor took one, and the killer takes 2 hex perks, that means somebody isnt gettin a perk they brought with them. Similarly, if the killer takes 4 hex totems, one of which is haunted ground, seems like this would be a problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I still don't really understand the Boon Totems. It's like a Hex, but for survivors?

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    i think the general consensus is that they'll be hexes but for Survivors

  • Member Posts: 628

    They didn't say much in the stream. Its a new type of perk (different than hex and obsession perks) that's related to Totems.

    I think it'll be a dull totem that survivors can activate creating boon totems, which will give some boost to the individual (speed, cleansing, healing, or worst case-gen repair). But I think the balance is that these boon totems are treated as dull totems in the sense of the trial. Once last gen is repaired all boon totems are extinguished and treated like regular dull totems, which will activate NOED.

    Or NOED can become a regular hex or can be linked to new Mori system that was mentioned. Maybe killers have to cleanse boon totems to activate NOED.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    That is actually a good suggestion... if they weren't distinguishable.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Personally. I dont think they are a good idea if they are anything like hexes in terms of strength. Survivors find hexes easily due to there being 4 of them, with the RE chapter 3 perks that show totems and having a 3rd person camera. Using a high mobility killer like blight sure it wont be a big deal but imagine trying to find the totems as slinger, trickster or huntress. Worse still is that a lot of the widely considered low/mid tier killers are gonna suffer from this a lot more than high tier ones like Trapper is going to have a much harder time than say blight or oni finding them.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Yes, it would turn Hex totems for both sides into high risk, high reward perks.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Indeed! And who knows, maybe they would last a little bit longer too.

  • Member Posts: 565

    From what i understood from the explaination on stream it sounded more like:

    Boon is like a status effect, being close to a dull totem activates the effect. And lights the totem while in range.

    A possible effect could be: while close to a dull totem (your boon) you see the aura of all survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    If 4 Survivors bring Boon perk and using 4 Dulls.

    Me as a Noed user: shook

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Most likely a perk that lits a totem that does something positive when cleansed.

    the only issue with that theory is how it will work with hex perks.

    will there be more then 5 totems if a killer brings a full set of hex perks and the survivors all bring boon perks?

    Will the hexes gain priority? will the boons? who knows

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Not looking forward to going totem hunting as killer while three gens pop in the distance.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Here's two ideas for how they might work.

    You activate your "Boon" perk by pressing the "Activate Ability" button while interacting with a dull totem.


    Running a Boon perk spawns a Boon totem. Cleansing the totem activates the perk.

    Personally, I'm leaning towards the 2nd guess. Either way, they sound very interesting and I'm excited to hear more.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I have always wanted to see a survivor version of hex perks. I am expecting a lot of killers complaining about survivors having overpowered perks, just like survivors do with noed, and everyone saying 'just break the totems' lol

  • Member Posts: 4,695

    It'll be sweet retribution to hurl the tired old 'dO bOneS' trope at them.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I'm not really sure what they are, but I think it'd be interesting if they appeared the same as a hex totem; are you cleansing Devour Hope or your own teammates perk? Good luck ;)

  • Member Posts: 290

    Not yet no, from how they described it, it seems to still be on the drawing board, nothing garenteed. All we know is that they are survivor perks but this is subject to change.

  • Member Posts: 290

    My guess is that survivors brings in a boon perk and if they clease it, they either get a strong temporary buff or a weak permanent buff. Killer probably won't have its aura revealed to him but if he finds it, depend on the killer, can proxy camp it with traps or something.

    I'd like this dynamic to the game, that's for sure. I'd like to see multiple boon totems at once so multiple survivors can try it out in a game. My only concern is all survivors bringing The same perk to abuse it but that's it.

  • Member Posts: 66

    You think they won't nerf killers even more? After talking about how moris are toxic and they are not gonna do anything about keys?

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I'd love for Killers to have to stomp totems to destroy these stronger perks for Survivors. The killers complaining already is hilarious since they always say totems are destroyed within a minute of the match and are WAY too easy to find. But the thought of the having the shoe on the other foot is atrocious.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    We basically got told nothing other than their name so we don't really know anything.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    boon means advantage. they said its apparently a survivor mechanic instead of a killer mechanic like hex totems and obsession perks. My imagination is that its a perk that a survivor brings and it gives them a bonus if they cleanse it. I am not sure what kind of bonus these are but it could be something like, if you cleanse this "green lit totem", it gives you some kind of advantage like healing speed. They also imply that the perk can have negative disadvantage for not cleansing it, so for example while the totem is not cleansed, survivors who brought the perk is affected by slower healing speeds. I am personally scared of these types of perks because you can create extremely high risk/high reward perks like "grants endurence status effect" but while not cleansed, you are exposed the entire match or "Increases chance to gain skillchecks and add bonus progresssion on generators for skillchecks but while the totem is not cleansed, you are affected by old Hex:Ruin for generators.

    I am just curious how these perks will work when killers bring 5 hex perks in a game. there's only 5 totems or will boon totems have separate type of totem spawn for each survivor.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I'm excited for it tbh.

    Also Boon is a funny word.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I had a third idea, the boon Totems spawn on a fixed number (for example 2 per trial with offerings or perks increasing their number) and they grant whoever cleanses them some kind of benefit, for example healing a state or inmunity to Killer applied debuffs for a fixed amount of time (inmunity to Mangled, Hemorrhage etc) or they interact with Killer powers for example cleansing Plague's infection without using a pool or the easiest thing that comes to mind a BP multiplier or a huge BP boost.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    My issue with this is, killers already have enough to do in a trial. KILLERS aren't the ones who need extra things to do.

  • Member Posts: 597

    Pretty sure this is how they explained it... if I understood correctly, though they didn't explain anything in more detail.

    I presume, Survivor breaks the boon totem and gets some kind of buff or something that they can use. Encourages totem cleansing which gives Survivors something else to do besides gen rush, theoretically, but will it actually work? I'm not sure haha.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2021

    The stream said "Boon Totem Perks will give a brand new interaction to survivors standing next to a Dull Totem in a trial".

    Interaction; So it has to be a perk that allows you to activate a dull totem into a boon totem, granting you a perk. So I don't think it will automatically activate, and I don't think it's proximity based, you'll have the choice to Boon or cleanse. Whether a Killer can get rid of it or if things like NOED would overwrite it we can't know yet.

    People saying Killers don't need something else to hunt are correct, but also survivors with this sort of perk on would probably prioritse finding a totem in early game, which may give the killer a little extra time to get things rolling.

  • Member Posts: 473

    I thought it was Noob totem πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 305

    if so, then i want a perk like noed 4% moventspeed and a other very good ability, and when killers cry about it, we can say do boons :D

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    It's quite a different thing when you have 4 survivors looking for totems to destroy rather than a single killer - killer's don't need yet another issue to manage, they've already got their hands full!

  • Member Posts: 408

    I hope undying will get a rework when boom totems are live: you can corrupt boon totems gaining a token to use to protect your other totem perks so they don’t die in 30s in some cases.

  • Member Posts: 408

    I also have a boon idea:

    boon: looking the other way: The entity can be bribed in certain ways.

    survivors get 3 extra vaults & can block the killer from vaulting.

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