Time for some positive reinforcement

Rule 1) Only positivity here in this thread
Rule 2) follow rule 1
Now that thats out of the way time to get to the meat of it. Today I am bored and honestly kind of down. So here in this thread for however long it stays up I'd like to talk about positive things and make everyone happy. I don't care what it is as long as it's positive. No negativity and If you are negative I'm going to be so kind to you that you won't even know what hugged you. Also just so this post doesn't get moved lets talk about some dbd stuff but really anything you want if you have no dbd stuff thats positive.
I'll start us yesterday I had a dbd game where I did really bad as Pig. I love playing Pig but I am not good at timing stuff and doing the stealth right. Luckily one of the fellow xbox gamers was a Pig main. We went into a custom match and they taught me all they knew. They were a rank 1 p3 Pig so seeing as I am a mere rank 8 with only a level 20 Pig I took in all the knowledge I could. And after about an hour of messing around and learning they left and I went into another Pig game. Using my new found knowledge I got a 3k and a knew Pig friend.
Now lemme hear your positive tales and ideas. And remember the rules.
I had a match recently where me and the other three survivors helped a plague get her challenge done! That challenge is a complete nuisance to get done
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I've been playing on my girlfriends profile for her to get the skins in archive. And I have to remind myself half way through the match that they arent my rank. And then they freak out because I just start screwing off, and dont understand.
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Giving the hatch to an Élodie who got intentionally sandbagged by a David was one of the best DBD moments I've ever had.
I will never forget her "Thanks Freddy". It warmed my heart.
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When things like this happen it makes my day it helps remind me were not at war with survivors were a community that should work together and be kind. Its the main reason I don't try hard hardly at all only time I do is when a survivor is too good for me to make the game exciting then I try hard to give them a good time or at least try too.
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I had a match recently where the survivors brought me to Haddonfield. Every one of them was toxic, except for the Nea.
At first I tried to kill her when she teabagged with me, but after she amassed a nice item pile I came around. After I killed all of her teammates, I led her over to the hatch, but she wanted to get the gate for some reason so she let me close it. Afterwards, she opened one of the exits and we had a staring contest until the EGC was about to end. Then we went our separate ways.
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I actually helped a baby plague do that as well. I also got my dwight challenge of her so we said "thanks" and moved on thats how It should be I feel just a little assistance every now and then especially on those "Complete in one trial" challenges.
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Indeed! What people need to understand is that we, as a community, are a family.
Yes, we are a family. A divided and complicated family, but a family nonetheless.
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It's always good to reward those who play nice in a crowd of toxic a-holes. It helps people to be nice during their other games and trust me that positivity spreads. It may not be very fast but it eventually does.
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Well said friend. Well said.
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Had a match that just had me laughing. I don't know why, but Demogorgon players are some of the most chill, most fun Killers. I was in Hawkin's Lab and I'm just a casual player (Solo queue). I spawned on the second floor, and due to my extensive gaming history, I always feel the urge to 'loot' the chests. So I go into that locker room and start opening one when I hear a chase heading my way, an Ash runs him right into my lap and I just stare at Demo, he stares at me, I crouch my head in shame at my uncontrollable desire to take things that don't belong to me- he looks away, looks back at me, and walks off LOL.
So as the game progresses,we play normally and I was the last survivor. He shuts the hatch, and I see him down the hall, and I just crouch in shame again, inching my way ever so close to the door- he ended up letting me go, but me and my partner were laughing at it. It was just a fun match and honestly makes the game worthwhile for me.
I <3 Demos.
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That's so wholesome to hear!
And it's lovely to see a thread promoting positivity, I think we all are victim to remembering the negative stuff and forgetting about the positive stuff - even compliments, it's human nature I guess. But I think it's good to stop and think of all the positives that we have....for me, this game has given me a great job, and made me so many incredible friends in my life, people I wouldn't have otherwise met, so I will always be grateful.
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Lisa has her own portrait now and I'm a happy lisa main.
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Indeed! Even if I am unhappy with the current state of the game, I will always hold it close to my heart. And never forget all of the positive moments I've experienced. And the ones I am yet to experience, obviously.
As I've said, we as community are a family. And joining this family was one of the best decisions of my life.
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But of course. After all it is my personal goal to promote positivity whenever possible and to make this game a better place both for myself and for the people to come. I see so many people leave the game because they get teabagged by survivors or the killer bms them to death and they just think " this is not worth it" and I hate it since I love this game ( no matter how many times in infuriates me ) and I want this community to grow so when I see a new person and they didn't have the best time if i can i will always help them out and give them the support they both need and deserve to keep going. And I'll keep this going as long as you and the others allow me.
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I'm not sure why but whenever I answer stuff like this I feel like I should talk like alfred from the batman movies. Like a butler y'know but sometimes it sounds cocky and arrogant and Im gonna be honest tho I love talking like a butler but I hate being arrogant so im not sure what to do about that.
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There are a lot of moments in solo queue that I find hilarious.
The start of the game on Lery's, two other survivors and I spawned in the back corner right next to a chest. Proceeded to all trap each other, than praise the medkit we found for a solid two minutes before the trapper decided to join us.
Needless to say that match did not turn into a serious one :)
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Thanks! It's always nice to hear cool stories like this. :)
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Off topic from DbD here, but I found during my walk that two separate families of Blue Tits had inhabited two separate nest boxes in the city park.
I've only got this one blurry photograph because I didn't want to get too close and disturb them.
You can just see a very blurry head of the adult one here, as one of the parent's hurries out again to grab more food.
It was nice to just be able to stand back, sit on a park bench and observe the parent's hopping in and out of the nest.
A lovely walk.
Also got more pictures from my Cambridge walks here:
I like a nice long walk, helps slow things down to my pace and gives me the chance to appreciate the natural world.
Hoping to see some Pipistrelle bats when it starts to get darker earlier. 🦇
I'd love to share more, but that would be for the off-topic section :)
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You make a very good point there, and I think it's one that we need to draw attention to. With the release of this chapter we're likely to get a lot of new players, and they'll be new to the forums as well. It would be great if we as a Community can welcome and help them, and not be condescending with any issues they face with the game - if they think such and such a killer is overpowered, or that something is unfair...but actually understand where they're coming from. I would really love to think that a lot of us who've played the game for quite some time and have been around the forum for a while as well, will help them and make them feel welcome.
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I had a game where my whole team died to a Blight and they closed the hatch on me, so I started fast vaulting near an exit gate. When they came, I dropped my purple flashlight I found, crouched, and nodded. They decided to let me escape through the gate and have me a free pallet stun on the way out. I wanted to give them a hit on the way out, so I pointed at them and then the exit gate, so they tried to leave with me and son their head no that they couldn't. I had to leave my friend behind in the trial. :(
When we talked in end game chat, they were really nice and it was cute.
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Can't believe I forgot this other match I had!
My friends and I decided to meme and everybody run Urban Evasion. We all spawned together and were playing follow the leader while crouching around. We ended up going against a Ghostface of all killers and he joined us. We started following them as the leader.
The rest of the game was just all of us farming and doing the stupid crouch stuff.
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I had two matches in a row yesterday against the same rank 1 killer. He killed everyone on my team, definitely could've killed me but both matches he let me go. First match I thought he ignored me opening the door to try and find the gnome. Second match he dropped me at door and hit handle while he went to find the other last remaining player (he knew I was running adrenaline from previous match). Not sure why he decided to let me go, maybe it was because I was Kate? Maybe we've had matches before and he liked playing with me? Either way I thought it was really nice of the killer. My swf teammate was joking that he was gonna report me for working with the killer. 😂
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So true. Anyway, can I borrow some money from you, dad?
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I once played against a Pyramid Head as Cheryl who just wouldn't attack me for doing reason and followed me around the whole game.
When I pointed at another survivor, they would stack that survivor. When My friend was hooked, I pointed at her and then the exit gate and the PH let her go.
I'm the end game, their name was Cheryl's Guardian and they said that I wished for my friend's escape and they granted it. It was so funny. We ended up adding each other on Steam.
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Had a match recently where I ran a twitch streaming Oni around a loop for like a minute and a half. The moment he got me he started spinning and victory dancing like he won the Olympics. I wasn't even mad, he played really well most of the match. Afterwords, I went to his twitch to give him props. That was a fun day.