Deja Vu and Visionary are the same perk, except visionary is worse

Deja Vu doesnt have a cooldown where as visionary does for some reason.
They aren't the same.
Visionary helps you find gens near you.
Deja Vu shows the three that are closest to each other, not you.
It's a good idea to get gens that are close to each other done, because if you need one last gen at the end and all 3 are together the killer can easily patrol them and keep you from finishing.
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Déjà Vu give you the location of the strongest 3gen for the first minute of the match while Visionary give you the aura of gen in a 32m radius all the time except for 16s after completing a gen.
Both are kinda meh but I'd argue Déjà Vu is the strongest. Reason being that after you played a bunch of games on each map you know where gen will spawn for the most part and they are not hard to find except on some indoor map (hello Lery). If you do one of the gen Déjà Vu show you, you'll break the strongest 3 gen and that's more than what Visionary give you.
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3 gens that are closest to each other is 40% of the generators at the start of the match. There's a pretty good chance at least 1 of those gens is going to be the one closest to you. That chance only increases as generators are completed.
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They’re completely different perk. I don’t blame you for not knowing though, even the big content creators think deja vu just shows gens close to you.
Its a pretty good perk.
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I think the OP definitely understands what the perks do, they're just exemplifying how sh*t Visionary is.
If you just always follow Visionary because those are the gens you see, you created the 3 gen strat for the killer
If you just always follow Deja Vu because those are the gens you see, you made the game extremely difficult for the killer. (voiding Demo and Freddy)
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Solution for those two perks?
Simples buffs.
Deja vu: you can see the three gens progress by the intensity of their auras.
Visionary: increase the radius from 32m to 46m.
There you go, solved. :)
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How do you look at both of these perks and think Visionary is worse? Deja Vu shows you 3 gens, Visionary shows you all of them.
Yes I'm aware the purpose of Deja Vu is to prevent a 3-gen setup, but if you have eyeballs inside of your head you can do that with Visionary as well. Also, come on dude, your reasoning for Visionary being worse is that it has a cooldown? It's twenty seconds, Deja Vu is on a time limit, if the timer runs out it's gone until another gen gets done, effectively giving Deja Vu a variable cooldown.
Deja Vu's cooldown could be twenty seconds, it could be ninety, it could just never reactivate at all if the killer has a good enough grip on the trial.
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I never said the perk was bad I literally said it was better than Visionary, a perk you have to pay for
Visionary doesnt show you all of them, both perks show you 3 gen situations because if you see 3 generators within 32m it's a 3 gen.... visionary just has a random cool down.
Deja vu was buffed a while back, it shows you 3 gens every single time a generator is completed. Its much stronger than Visionary which does the same thing, except worse, and with a cooldown. You also have to buy visionary whereas deja Vu is a default pwrk
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Again, visionary and deja vu do not do the same thing.
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They do
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This is totally incorrect. And funnily enough I was just about to do a post praising Visionary. Both perks do entirely different things.
I’ll tag you in the post once it’s up.
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They're still the same perk, why have 2 perks that do the same thing
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A perk that shows you 3 generators for 60 seconds every time a generator is done and a perk that shows you 2-3 generators within 32m with a 20 second cooldown each time a generator is done are 2 entirely different perks? They're the same thing with different (but not really) activation conditions. The only difference is the reverse cooldown.
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Deja vu has a cool down, which is you have to do Gen for 80sec to get another info. Visionary shows aura all the time, only disable for 16sec after complete one.
Deja vu is to prevent 3 Gens. Visionary is super helpful in indoor maps.
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"Visionary doesn't show you all of them, both perks show you 3 gen situations because if you see 3 generators within 32m it's a 3 gen.... visionary just has a random cool down."
Now y'see @jakesotto this quote just gives me the impression you've never actually used Visionary. The thirty two meter aura reading isn't static, it follows you around when you move across the map, enabling you to find where all of the gens are with ease. From there you can assess the situation you're in and repair the gens in a way that creates distance between them.
Also, constantly bringing up the fact that Visionary has a twenty second cooldown isn't winning me over. I'm honestly not sure why you're so fixated on the cooldown in the first place.
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Visionary, Windows of Opportunity, Detective's Hunch / Small Game, and Left Behind are 4 great perks for new map releases.
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Visionary shows gens close to you (32m), deja vu shows you the three gens that are closest to each other, not to you. This helps to prevent ending in a three gen situation, making deja vu much better for advanced players.
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Detectives hunch is far better then both anyway. Well, if you are able to do one gen.
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Deja Vu is cool, but most gen spawns are standard and even some maps some areas are easy to 3 gen if you know the problematic gens just by playing killer (gen upstairs in Hawkins is nearly impossible to defend from a killer perspective) so survivors can save that one for last lol
I didn't buy Felix, but Deja Vu is free so I like free more lol