Boon Totems - I’m fascinated and intrigued.

I wonder how they’ll work?
What kind of powerful survivor abilities will Boons provide?
Will they be entirely separate from the current totem count? I.e. If a killer decides to run 3 Hexes, and Haunted Grounds, where will the survivors Boon Totems go?
Will they spawn like a hex? Or will a survivor need to find a dull totem to activate?
Can the killer cleanse/break a Boon Totem? Will killers get Boon detection perks, or Boon counters?
I know there aren’t any answers to these questions yet. I’m just excited, and letting my thoughts freely run.
What do you want to see from Boon Totems?
My guess is that you’re going to activate a dull totem to make it a boon or potentially turn a hex totem into a boon.
The killer will probably be able to break them or have to hook the survivor who made it in order to break it. This could encourage splitting hooks which is nice!
It’s hard to tell atm but I’m glad survivors will have some sort of secondary objective
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I’m thinking similarly. I can’t see them being passively active right from the start of the game the same way Hexes are.
If extra points, and the fear of NOED still isn’t encouraging interaction with totems, Boons (if powerful enough) will.
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Yeah we’ll have to wait until they reveal more but I’m very excited about them. Adding more depth to survivor is very important since they all play the same
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I would think that if a survivor carries a boon perk then the trial will spawn an additional dull totem that the survivor must ignite (taking 14 seconds) to activate the perk's effect. If the killer finds it they will probably be able to crush it and deactivate the perk, maybe taking 5 seconds or so.
This way survivors get something extra to do other than objectives and survivor perks won't take away from the killer's standard 5 totems.
What I like about this concept is that if survivors find a very well hidden totem to put their boon on, it will make NOED spawn on an easier to find totem. It'll also be interesting to see how survivor and killer totem related perks interact with these new perks. Like will Thrill of the Hunt make activating a boon totem take longer? What about if the killer cleanses it? Will extra dull totems on the map add even more tokens to TotH?
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*grants survivors the ability to mori the killer.
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I wonder if the are going to turn current survivor perks into boon perks. I could see soul guard being reworks into a boon perk and maybe mettle of man.
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Ngl I'm kinda sad, survivors will likely have better hexs than the killer themselves... I'm also assuming killers cant destroy them etc. Meh I'm glad they're trying new things with perks but always feel the killer get the slightly weaker end of the updates
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Idk, I really hope it won't be just hex totems but for survivors. Totems in general are just inconsistent, and the boon totems might just make it worse.
Also welcome back.
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What I gathered is it will light a totem in blue at the start and if the survivor can break it, it gives them a buff. Essentially like breaking a hex totem except instead of breaking it to remove the power from the killer, it buffs you instead.
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I don't believe it'll work like that. It was said that boon totem perks will give a brand new interaction to survivors standing next to a dull totem. So I imagine you'll need to find a dull totem and then light it to activate your boon. Killer can probably crush these totems to remove the boon from play, but the question is can a survivor then relight another totem to get their boon back or is the perk gone for good?
Post edited by GingerBeard on1 -
I think it'll be a survivor esc hex. Survivor that cleanses it gets a buff like Haste or something. Would be cool if you had to do them in order and if you get all six cleansed, all survivors get a buff, atleast gives a secondary objective. Nice addition to the game whatever it is.
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My biggest question concerns the intricacies of how this will work.
5 totems on each map. Let's say, the killer brings 4 hexes as a build, and all 4 survivors bring one boon, for a totel of 8 totems in theory. How does the game determine which perks are active and which perks aren't?
Will they increase totems? 5 for each side, maybe? Will survivors be able to "cleanse" hexes by replacing them with boons?
So many specifics I want to know about lol.
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The stream said "Boon Totem Perks will give a brand new interaction to survivors standing next to a Dull Totem in a trial".
Interaction; So it has to be a perk that allows you to activate a dull totem into a boon totem, granting you your perk. So I don't think it will automatically activate, and I don't think it's proximity based, you'll have the choice to Boon or cleanse. Whether a Killer can get rid of it or if things like NOED would overwrite it we can't know yet.
People saying Killers don't need something else to hunt are correct, but also survivors with this sort of perk on would probably prioritse finding a totem in early game, which may give the killer a little extra time to get things rolling.
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Probably why we have so little info yet. There are a wealth of complicated scenarios they have to work out to avoid bugs or game breaking problems.
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That is an interesting possibility.
But that raises my question again: if a killer decides to run 3 Hexes and Haunted Grounds, where will a Boon Totem spawn?
Will the devs possibly increase the totem count? Could a Boon and a Hex occupy the exact same totem? Both removing a killer hex, and buffing the survivor upon cleansing?
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Here's my take on Boon Totems: They give a survivor a buff at a trade off that the killer gets a stronger Hex Perk.
Boon: Blood Instability
Having the power to kill is so overwhelming that you have totems to store your thirst.
When a survivor is within 6 meters to any totem, they see the aura of the killer, but will scream and become exposed for 20 seconds.
The effects of this perk (besides the scream effect) is strengthen for every completed generator:
- Increases the detection range by 2 meters and exposed duration for 3/4/5 seconds.
Screaming effect has a 10 second personal cool-down.
Boon effects presists for as long as the related totem is standing.
Would be nice trade off: Killer aura reading for making survivors exposed.
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If it is this way I'm expecting it to add an additional totem to the map in one of the unused spawn locations.