Do unto others...

spitfire2k5 Member Posts: 13
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I have about 500 hours on this game and the one thing I've never understood is why it is not the main objective of survivors to escape? If you destroy a killer and escape, you lose a pip. If you run a killer all game and escape, you lose a pip. If you do gens while others run the killer and escape, you lose a pip. But, if you do unhooks, heal, gens, and die; you get a pip. There is literally no incentive to escape if you are trying to level up. The objective of the game is clearly to help others and escaping or not is irrelevant.

Prove me wrong.


  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    You aren't wrong. But it also goes both ways. Sometimes when I get carried away slugging with Nurse I'll depip from a 4k.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    The ranking system isn't solely about escaping because escaping isn't the only thing that dictates you as a good Survivor.

    Anyone can repair five generators and leave on their own, because someone else is busy keeping the Killer occupied. That doesn't mean the gen jockey will have the skill needed to play at high ranks where a Killer won't be occupied for the entire match.

    If escaping was the only thing that matters, then it would reward selfish play where people throw their team under the Autohaven bus so they personally could escape.

  • spitfire2k5
    spitfire2k5 Member Posts: 13

    I'm not saying it shouldn't matter and you shouldn't do other things but escaping should be largely more incentivized than it currently is. You should not go down in rank ever if you escape. Even if that means you don't get a pip at all.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    After rank reset where I was already bumped from rank 4 to 15 I've had multiple rounds where I've lost pips when I should've gained a pip. I had a round against facecamping Bubba where I escaped and lost 4 pips - legit lost 4, went from 7 with 2 pips to 8 with 3 pips. Don't use pips as an incentive because even if you do everything right you can be hit with this bug. Instead play the match in a way you find fun and enjoy the BP you get from it.

  • spitfire2k5
    spitfire2k5 Member Posts: 13

    That is insane that happened. I used to get upset about it, but once I realized the ranking system is trash I started enjoying it more.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I laughed when it happened because of how ridiculous it was. I don't care what rank I am, I just feel bad when I'm low rank being matched against inexperienced killers and during end game they think it was someone of similar rank - I've given so many free kills to killers during this because I just feel bad for feeling like a bully when I'm just playing normal. I made a bug report and keep updating it with the broken pips because while rank is dumb the system should be fixed if they're going to continue to have it in the game and use it for rewards.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    In my opinion the main factor of ranking up should be chasing. Sitting on a gen and rescuing your teammates is important and should be rewarded, but it doesn't really take skill. You should also get more points for escaping the trial, but not get as much of a penalty for dying as it is unrealistic (in my opinion) to never get downed/hooked, especially because survivors need that to happen for Benevolent points.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    I have honestly never seen a Depip when 4King, even when I slugged the whole team and onehooked them (not as Nurse, but with Billy). The only time I see a 4K-depip is with Tombstone as Myers.

    However, IMO an Escape or 4K should never result in a Depip, it should always be a Blackpip at least.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730


    As nurse you get next to no chase points, and same for brutality. So you can't pip with her through slugging.

  • spitfire2k5
    spitfire2k5 Member Posts: 13

    You should def depip for 4king, if thats the only factor you do in a game. Making the game revolve around kills entices killers to camp and tunnel. You should get points for 4King, but the objective should be hooks. This is a healthy way for the game to go because it incentives going after other players and not sitting in one spot, even at end game.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    It's about doing as much as possible as a teammate within a match. Same goes for killer, if you play really well and end the match to fast you don't pip.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've done several gens and escaped and gotten less points than teammates who played around with the killer all match and died.

  • spitfire2k5
    spitfire2k5 Member Posts: 13

    define "really well" just because you get 4 kills fast doesnt mean you played well. Just means the survivors sucked.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    If you're trying to level up then then escaping does very little for you compared to altruistic play and engaging with the Killer. And if you think of winning as getting the most BP (as some do) then you also need to do a lot more than just escape. The game gives minor rewards for stealthy rounds because the ultimate point of the game is Killer and Survivor interaction.

    Get in a chase, drop some palettes, vault some windows, and escape the chase. That's where those sweet, sweet level-up numbers are at. 😊

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, that's what's been happening to me ever since rank reset. I've played dozens of games, lost about 6, and gotten about 8 pips so now I'm rank 6.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730
  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    It is REALLY difficult to de-pip if you escape. The only time that's ever happened with me is when the killer is AFK the entire match, and even then I've usually managed to safety pip (at Red Rank) by doing totems/saboing hooks to go along with the gen work. Doing ANYTHING against a live killer should get you a safety pip if you escape, as long as you contributed something (even if you just sat on gens all game). If you're depipping while escaping against a killer actually playing the game ... well, that's ... impressive, I guess? 🤔

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If you got a 4K fast then you got the best outcome you can get out of a match as quick as possible. Whether the survivors were bad or not that's the best outcome you could have gotten from that particular match.