Perk-Wise is Yun-Jin Lee really the worst survivor?

RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

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  • Dbdswitchisok
    Dbdswitchisok Member Posts: 30

    I don't think so. She has at least some viable perks (fast track, smash hit) but some other (Ace Ash Quentin Steve) have some perks that aren't very good. That's just my opinion though. Side note Steve has second wind which isn't a bad perk but babysitter is pretty bad same with camaraderie

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Her perks are all gimmicky except for maybe Smash Hit being actually an alright pick.

    Self Preservation is actually pretty good for those who like getting flashlight saves or enjoy a much more stealthy approach.

    Fast Track can work as a reverse PGTW it just requires way too much set up, good for endgame clutches.

    I would say Quentin has the worst perks, none of them really stand out and there are better picks

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    No, she’s not even close to the perk. Smash hit and fast track are solid. Self-preservation is terrible but having two decent perks is better than a decent amount of survivors.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    Disagree, the flash bang and the ability to track regressing gens is pretty good.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Nope that title goes to Quentin

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    She has an exhaustion perk which already puts her in the top 6.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Her perks actually do something.

    Ash and Ace are in a much worse spot.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Not even close, all of her perks range from decent to very strong. She is one of the few characters who doesn't have a bad perk

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Ace Visconti is the worst survivor when judged by his perks, Yun Jin Lee has the exhaustion perk that is not that bad but also not that good, the Self Preservation is very occasional as it only works if you are in chase and someone bodyblocks a hit for you, then you leave no scratchmarks and the Fast Track, it is a meme gen rushing perk as you are able to use the Brand New parts without having it and you can combo with resilience, spine chill, fast track, stake out and someone other then you with prove-thyself, you can complete the gen way faster then with the brand new parts if there are 2 guys with prove-thyself( 1 buffing 3 guys and the other buffing the first guy).About Ace Visconti, he has a semi Iron Will built in, his perks are, Open Handed, increases the aura reading ability for survivors by 16 meters, Ace in the Hole makes you get add ons on your plundered item( you can check the table of drops here:,Item%20has%20equipped%20upon%20escaping.&text=of%20all%20Survivors-,Lady%20Luck%20always%20seems%20to%20be%20throwing%20something%20good%20your,Very%20Rare%20Rarity%20or%20lower. ) and last one is Up The Ante, another meme perk that combos with the luck set up, usually used by players that are ghosting the killer that have Devour Hope so they can get out of the hook without having Deliverance. I really hope that this helped you in some way to decide which one is the worst survivor in the game when ranked by perks. Peace out :)

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    I thinks its Ash or Ace.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    @Laluzi Steve does have a perk anti-camping used by lots of players at tournaments, still, on normal matches you rarely make use out of this perk as it is a anti camping perk and you have to be a good looper or a toxic player to piss off the killer in a way that he decides to camp you, Ace doesnt have any perk that helps you in a normal match situation, Ash has the Mettle of Man the meme perk, and Quentin has wake up that helps survivors other than you see what eit gate are you opening and you have a buff of 15%, its a solo queue perk that might not even come in use in any matches if you dont achieve the endgame just like adrenaline, but adrenaline isnt even a good comparation to this perk as it is infinitely better than wake up, as you said about Leon , he has got the flash bang perk that might combo with head on ds on the future but we still dont know, his perks are preety bad as we can see in PTB, let`s see if he can be maybe buffed on the rookie spirit and Bite the bullet, my Idea is that Rookie Spirit can stop one gen of regressing at a time, and the healing Bite the Bullet could maybe increase the healing speed if its on the killer`s terror radius and you and your allie being healed are completely silent as they heal.

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    Claud has the worst perks

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I'd argue that it's Quentin, not Ace. Up The Ante is worthless. Luck is a joke. Open-Handed doesn't do anything for him if he's going au naturale with his perks, but if you're not doing Adept Ace, then it pairs wonderfully with perks like Bond and Kindred, and applying to the whole team is a nice bonus. Ace in the Hole also isn't bad. Opening chests is a bit of wasted time, but the items you'll find will be way higher quality than the usual - medkits with bonus heals or even a styptic, toolboxes with extra charges, keys with aura reads or that you'll keep after the trial no matter what, etc. It's also the only thing you can do in-game to actively build up your addon stock, so that's nice. It's not a good perk, but it's got its uses. So for Ace, 1/3 garbage and 2/3 meh.

    Quentin's perks are a bit more garbage than that. Vigil doesn't shave off enough time to be worthwhile and the only effect you'd care about with it is Exhaustion. Wake Up doesn't do enough for what it is - if you last that long in the trial and you're the one in position to open the gates, great, you do it 3 seconds faster. Could possibly save you in a last-man endgame collapse scenario and that's it. Sure, your teammates see where the gate is when you're opening them, but they already get that info when the gates are powered. Pharmacy is the best of the lot, and it's really just what it says on the tin - you open a chest and get a green medkit, which is a quick self-heal. Great? It does have uses, but you'd be better off just bringing a medkit - it's more reliable. I give Pharmacy points for the situation you want to bring another item but want a reliable heal too, but considering the effort to find and open a chest, Self-Care is going to be the better option in nearly every way. Pharmacy's best use is just getting your character a lot of green medkits, which you can then bring later without using Pharmacy.

    So that's 2/3 garbage and 1/3 meh.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Starstruck is a good perk but is highly situational. Nothing is guaranteed. Good for stun challenges and expert/troll stunners.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    As I said meme perks, I am just comparing them by their best perks, if it`s their best perks doesn`t mean that they are good it means that they are their best perk or they have a utilitie at the meme build like plundering chests with Appraisaal Plunderer`s instinct and Ace in The Hole, again, a meme build.

  • velosinhooo
    velosinhooo Member Posts: 295

    Vigil only works in a considerable way with 4 vigils one in side of the other and Pharmacy makes you opens chests faster and the 1 chest that you open comes a green medkit, as you said is more reliable to bring your own medkit, and I agree with that, ,the point of wake up is that its a info perk that may help pther survivors at the endgame, like they are looping the killer and they couldnt see where the exit gates where when they were pin pointed, Wake up can come in clutch but again its a support perk and its very occasional.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    This might be unpopular but I think Zarina and Elodie have the worst perks. Nowhere near as bad as Ace, Ash and Steve but I’m shocked no one talks about there perks

    Zarinas perks sound great on paper but there all just worst versions of other perks

    red herring sounds great but the cooldown is way to long and it can ######### other people over just run diversion. Off the record sounds great but it’s just Iron will and distortion combined it would be better if it had additional affects. For the people is her best perk but it sucks cause, 1 the cooldown is to long and 2 you get broken and that’s it her perks are honestly underwhelming

    Elodies perks might actually be the worst in the game

    Appraisal, chest perk so it’s not going to be good anyway, Deception honestly it’s a great perk it’s amazing, and Power struggle everyone thought this would be the new DS but it didn’t it’s to situational and when you actually activate it it’s only going to be one time

    overall there bottom tier to me personally

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Wake Up and Pharmacy are real solid perks on Quentin.

    Ace in the Hole is great and open handed can be real strong if the players bring a lot of aura perks.

    Yun Jin's perks' problem is that they are really selfish in a game where you need teamwork.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    No, Fast Track can be decent in a SWF (although you'll rarely see the effects), Smash Hit is the only exhaustion perk that gives you 4 seconds of sprint, which can turn unsafe pallets into escapes, and Self-Preservation can be situationally decent. They're not the best but they're not the worst.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Oh I know, i often use Wake Up! or Open Handed with Kindred myself. But Yun-Jins perks are over all more helpful and not as extremely situational, even if not solely teambased

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I think Yun-Jin is actually a very decent Survivor! Fast Track is actually an amazing perk that I'd argue is pretty top tier. Smash Hit is good for those who like to run exhaustion perks. It worked especially well for me in indoor maps by providing me enough of a boost to get around the corner and get behind something or take a doorway that the Killer didn't think to check.

    It comes down to personal playstyle! I rank the Survivors as top tier being those with 2+ good perks (Nea, Bill, Felix, Meg, Dwight, Yun-Jin, etc), the mid tier being those with only 1 perk that is useful to me (Kate, David, Nancy, Jeff, Adam, etc), and the bottom tier being those who have no viable perks or whose 1 good perk is far too situational (Elodie, Zarina, Steve, Ace, Feng, etc). But if you ask five random Survivors the chances are we'd all rank those characters differently.