Trickster is too cool to be so weak

scorpio Member Posts: 354

He needs a buff, at the very least to his speed. I think they made him 4.4m/s because of his range a la Huntress but unlike Huntress he needs to throw like 20 damn knives to get a survivor to the injured state and then another like 20 more to down them. It takes forever, it’s super easy for survivors to dodge or break line of sight, the meter starts going down very quickly undoing all the progress you’ve made, like it’s just such a mess. We paid money for this killer, he should at least be viable and fun to play.

I also think his Main Event needs to be changed. Personally I think his blades should become like Huntress’s hatchets and immediately change the survivor’s injured state to the next level but if not that, make the meter fill like twice as fast or something I don’t know.

Devs, I know you like to wait 2+ years before you buff killers but don’t do the Trickster like that. He’s such a cool character, I love his design and I want to play with him. However, he’s just so weak, particularly at high ranks, that playing him can be painful and very unfun.


  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    Either get rid of Main Event altogether and make him 4.6*m/s or make it so he moves at 4.4*m/s during Main Event. There, he's fixed.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,981

    IMO the only thing he needs reworked is Main Event, it rarely comes into proper use. Everything else about him is fine.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I honestly do not want them to make Trickster a 4.6 killer. I would very much prefer any Trickster buffs be aimed squarely at Main Event. It very much needs some help and is by far the worst burst power in the game. But Trickster's base kit? Honestly it has some very good strengths and some weaknesses both sides need to play around and... I'm good with it.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 354

    Yeah if they made his Main Event feel useful then the other stuff wouldn’t feel as bad but the combination of being so slow and taking so long to injure and down plus having a basically useless ability, it just feels terrible.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited May 2021

    This, though I also think Laceration should not regress and should just reset every time the Survivors health state changes. That way it can be used more strategically and not hurt Trickster to drop a chase.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 354

    It would depend what they do with Main Event but I do completely agree that he could be perfectly viable at 4.4m/s if he had some kind of buff elsewhere. It’s just that at that speed with his current kit he’s sooooo bad. Like, they clearly know that making a killer have 4.4m/s speed means they need to make up for that somewhere else in their kit but with Trickster they didn’t make up for it.

    I’d love to hear people’s ideas for a better Main Event that, with no other changes or buffs to him beside that, could make him viable. Maybe the devs will see them and take notes for a future update to him (fingers crossed).

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 354

    Yeah I personally think laceration regresses way too quickly but Main Event being useless is definitely his biggest downfall.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Making trickster 4.6 would make him uncounterable at most loops since he could confirms downs really easily.

    All he needs is a main event rework