Gasp... I’m thinking of abandoning Clown.

I don’t know what’s up, but my Clown matches have been abysmal the past few weeks.
A lot of it has nothing to do with the skill of the survivors, and falls down to me just doing really dumb, stupid stuff like throwing tonics at pallets, then thinking “what was the point of me doing that?!”
Yet I’ve been dominating almost all matches as Doc, and absolutely decimating survivors as Plague, making the survivors look like a total joke.
Maybe it’s just a temporary loss of my Clown mojo? Who knows.
yeah, you’re probably just burnt out on playing Clown
i get the same way with survivor, if i play way too much i get burnt out and start making really stupid mistakes
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It’s always good to switch up killers. You’ll improve a lot by doing it
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I can't blame you, I got pretty bored playing him for a little while so I started playing Oni but recently picked him back up.
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Maybe take a step back and reload those sweet tonics? It's not like the any other killer is large enough to fit the Clown-sized spot in your heart. Nothing wrong with migrating around a bit to return to the One True Main later, when they start to get stale and Mr. Puddles is ready to lumber across the map again. You do sort of recalibrate the way you play a killer when you put them down for a while; you're more careful about it at first, where excessive comfort with a character can lead to getting sloppy or making overly daring plays.
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Just to be clear, I’m not a 100% exclusive Clown main. He’s just the one I deem having the most hours invested, and the most skill (well until recently).
My other mains are Doc & Plague. Freddy used to be one of my mains, having played him since his original release, but I much prefer old Freddy, and got bored of reworked Freddy.
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I went through a similar thing, but it was just the game as whole. I did a lot of things that I'm just like "I knew what was gonna happen #########", but I just took a break from dbd played more story driven games. For some reason that worked for me. I hope you get your clown mojo back, and may all your games be merciless.
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I think it's always good to change it up a bit, I've played Wraith for ages, but recently I've swapped to Legion - still consider myself a Wraith main, but I'm having fun zooming around the maps with Legion for right now.
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"but I much prefer old Freddy, and got bored of reworked Freddy."
I don't blame you, my friend. I don't blame you.
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I know how narcissistic this sounds, but I also felt special being an old Freddy main, and actually being damn good with him at red ranks.
With the rework causing a surge in his popularity, I lost that feeling of being special.
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Do the unthinkable
Become the world's first Trickster main
I can see it now -
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nemesis is actually slightly reminicent of old freddy with the they have to be infected for you tentacle to damage them
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Don't worry, my friend, I understand. I never considered myself a good killer, but I can't say I am not proud of some of the matches I've won when playing him.
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I feel this same way with Plague. She’s way more similar to old Freddy than most realise.
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It is something I've noticed too... but it is not the same. Never will be.
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Bah, you're just Plagued by your own play-time.
You've Clowned around so much that you're starting to become one. I can't blame you though, do anything too long and you'll be more worn out more than an old Hag - what a Nightmare, eh? You'd become your own Executioner when playing this game. Maybe pull a rabbit from your hat and hatchet away your inner Onis, or really Pig out and settle down with the Hillbilly and his moonshine. Just take a break, try something new, and get yourself back into Shape before you become a Wraith of your former self - Doctor's orders!
Last thing you want to do is become your own Nemesis, and eventually become a Blight to the community. I'm sure that's how some join the Legion of toxicity. What a can-a-bull, to become what you hate just by playing what you love too much, am I right?
If that happens to you though, don't worry, I've been before (we'd basically be Twins). You can always Nurse yourself back by pulling up your britches and Slinging something other than Death - maybe by cracking puns like some sort of Trickster? I'd Demo what I mean, but I fear a Gorgon that would smite me for being so corny.
Anyway, I hope you take my advice in good Spirit while I make like a Ghost and save some Face before I go too far.
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This brightened my day. Very clever.
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You're probably just burned out of Clown.
I hit a point as PH where I lost many matches and then started to take a break of him because of how dull it became.
Break is over and I have fun playing him again. In the meantime I played Blight, Demo, Myers and a few others.
You should leave Clown alone for now and you'll get the feel when it's time to come back.
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This guy makes such creative comments, it's unbelievable xD
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You deserve those🏅🥇🎖🏆
This was waaay too creative for the forums lol
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I'd recommend trying Hillbilly or Hag. But if Doctor is your other it's good to stick with him
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I hadn't played DBD in over a week, and hadn't played Clown in much longer -- busy playing other games. Last night, I had a Clown game where I 100% forgot how the controls worked, like the info was just erased from my brain. I got my bottles stuck on yellow accidentally, and didn't remember how to change them back, so I stood there and spammed all my keys while the survivors stared at me. Good times.
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But the p.. Ptb it needs you
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I feel the same with Oni atm, I am taking a break from playing him so much. Lately, I have been enjoying Blight, so I would just say to take a break and play other killers for a while.