
So DBD is adding bots into the game I was excited about this until I saw it was only for tutorial purposes. Like why couldn’t it have been an offline mode??. And hopefully its you don't only play as trapper and one of the first 4 survivors like it would be cool if the bots mode was offline and you could pick whatever killer or survivor you own and do fun matches alone and not have to worry about toxic players and crybaby players that take this game wayyyyyy to seriously. Hopefully what the PTB has isn’t the final version of bots
As I've said on another thread, I would love to have an offline mode with bots, but only if they allowed us to customise the living ######### out of it. I am talking about playing with old killers, on old maps, with old perks.
I don't know how they would do it, but I would love it! Since we will be playing with bots anyway, there is no reason not to give us freedom.
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You still have dream about Old Freddy, arent you... And same, i would like play as Old Freddy, even against bots.
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I’m not sure about old maps since the assets might be gone now but things like old Freddy/nurse/bubba clown and so on would be great
Maybe even old legion if I want the bots to suffer :)
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Of course, my friend, you know I will never give up on my favourite character. But it goes beyond him.
Playing as Old Freddy is already perfect, but playing as Old Freddy with Old Ruin on Old Lery's... Ah, my friend, that is priceless.
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Gold days, i remember. Freddy games was longer. Now my games ending in max 10 minutes. Everything so fast. Hope we can play as Old Freddy against bots.
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Same, I want to practice other killers and use perk builds to find what suits me without losing my sanity against red ranks and take my time until I am ready.
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I hope the assets are still there, because I would love to play on old maps. Especially Old Lery's. I miss my favourite map.
And Old Legion is an evil idea... I like it" :)
You want bots to suffer? 1 add-on: Frank's Mixtape.
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Yeah, I also have the feeling that games used to be slower back in the day. And that is something that I miss.
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Right. I dont see it really being difficult to add this as an offline feature, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt on this cause honestly they cant msk the bots still require online and you only play as trapper for killer and think that's a good idea
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I'm curious, for those of you who've played on the PTB, how much do the bots' actions change from one match to the next? Do they practically act like they're on rails and just respond to the killer's actions, or do they really play differently each time?
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Would live to see an offline bot mode. Though I see it as unlikely since the devs have mentioned not wanting to split the player base in regards to alternative modes. Still we can dream.
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I personally haven't played it but from what I've seen and heard from people the AI will react differently each time, like this one video the player was being chased by the killer and ended the loop chase and even put traps in spots on the map you wouldn't expect
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See I remember them saying that too and honestly to me that's them just being lazy. Cause hundreds of games have both offline and online and it doesn't spilt it at all cause there are people who absolutely hate playing online only games so they are already doing what they fear would happen by adding offline "splitting the player base". Like me I greatly prefer to play offline games and when F13 added offline I bought the game, never had it before that so adding modes will increase sales cause I know people who would play this if it had offline added. Plus offline gives you a chance to play the game risk free from people who play this game as if their lives depend on it and take if far to serious
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Huh, nifty.
I'm really looking forward to trying this out. I do hope they add more maps and allow all the player to choose from any killer. Hell, it'd be a good way to test unpurchased killers to see if you'd like to buy them. Not only is there plenty of buyer's remorse in this game, but there are also a lot of times when people are like, "Hey, I thought this killer would suck, but they're actually a lot of fun!" It could mean more purchases.
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Oh my God could you imagine the people complaining about the wait times.
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This plus being able to unlock trophies/achievements in offline mode. The only thing that would change about them is being able to unlock them offline, so I would think Sony and Microsoft would be fine with it (unless they really are that stingy, if so then holy crap). Most people are not masochistic enough for trophies like Skilled Huntress, Adept Nurse, three blink gen grab, etc (and even fewer are crazy enough to do them twice).
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Oh god, what I wouldn't give for a reasonable way to finish the Skilled Huntress achievement.
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Well, to be honest I was crazy enough for the three blink gen grab achievement, but I like your suggestion. Having an easier way to get Skilled Huntress and Evil Incarnate would be nice.
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Personally I like the idea of being able to use the bots to practice killer moves or learn maps (raccoon city cough cough) without suffering through wait queues.
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I think they’re testing it out to eventually put bots in when a player dcs in actual games.
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Hope so, three cheers if it is.
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If you want bots just play at rank 50 nobody has any idea what they are doing
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Amen, that completely solves the problem of trying out maps without other players present.
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Theyre experimenting rn, thats why its not a thing yet. That and every killer would need their own ai.
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thats fine but im talking about an actual offline bots mode