who is your go to killer?

After getting destroyed by a SWF cause thats def the only time your actually going to get destroyed what killer do you pull out in response? I will pull out blight. If I really want to be a doosh I pull out Spirit with mother daughter ring and amulet and i will throw on anti gen with a mori. But that is only after a team that taunts and teabags all game because they know they are against a killer of lower tier level. IE trapper or legion. I also noticed twins have turned into a but killer to play and survivors gloat about it all the time
I basically play Freddy exclusively, so this question just has one possible answer.
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Plague. She's comforting to me.
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Spirit because she's easy
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I really enjoy Billy still. Yes, he has that damn CD but mainly, I use it to get across the map quickly for instant pressure on gens. That and those 1-hit downs feel really good when you can manage them. Last thing, I love the little rawr, he does when doing it. I just wish he had another when you use the chainsaw to down one.
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Deathslinger, because he's a rootin' tootin' yee haw bang blam man
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I don't really have a go-to killer. I like to rotate the killers I play.
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I do as well but when I get totally womped I like to get my revenge with blight/Spirit.. show them lil gen jockeys whos boss lmao : )
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I'm still practicing with killers, I 90% solo survivor. There are several I haven't tried yet but man, so far I'm really enjoying Plague.
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I used to do that back in the day with omegablink Nurse.
Then I realized it was wrong to take out my frustration on randoms. Now I'm a lot more chill when I play killer.
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Good Point it just feels so good to dominate with someone like BLight!!!
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Meh, I don't really get much satisfaction from dominating average solo queue survivors.
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doesnt matter to me lol I need a confidence boost after being taken advantage of with no lube if you know what I mean.
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Oh, this name brings back some memories.
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Why do you need a confidence boost? Just play normally and you'll get better naturally.
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Legion is my comfort pick.
My bring the pain pick is either Pyramid Head or Deathslinger.
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You talking about omegablink Nurse?
Yeah, those were the days. No killer could nuke survivors quite like an omegablink Nurse with Infectious Fright.
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Atm Clown is my go-to killer, he's really strategic, relaxing, and fun to play as.
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ok confidence boost may not have been the correct term. What I meant was is it satisfying to dominate as blight.
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Indeed. And even before IF released it still was a terrifying killer to go against.
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Until a few months ago legion and bubba were my go to killers if I felt like winning or got stomped one to many times by obviously swfs.
Buy now I'd say twins. They just fit my play style a lot better and allow me to make more strategic plays.
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Plague, but with really good addons.
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It depends on how it affects me.
Feel like winning? I go to Spirit.
Goof around? Plague.
Have an (sometimes) even match? Oni.
I’m slowly falling in love with Oni, he’s just.. 👌 💋
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Wraith. I don't know why, but for the past couple of matches except for one, the players I went up against have been potatoes. They completely threw for no reason.
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Billy, he's been my main since 2017 and I know a lot about him, even got decent at curving but never mastered it since I play on controller and thought it'd be too risky. He just feels right and I think it's because of how long I've played him. I play a lot of killers but I'll go back and play Billy if I had a really rough match, he reminds me of what I like about killer and I feel like he was the perfect killer before the nerf. He's less fun to play since the nerf but my experience with him is still there so I perform well either way.
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Oni IS amazing. Just sucks to go against a team that denies you that first hit forever. I love monitor on him though it throws most survivors off.
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Trapper + Haddonfield bro my favourite map bro. Trap them Myers House windows and the Survivors ain’t so cocky no more, since there’s nowhere else for the traps to go except someone’s leg. And that someone gets a trip to the basement.
In all seriousness now, my go-to Killers are Wraith, Bubba, and Demogorgon. I love playing each of them, don’t even care if I lose.
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Recently.... trickster.
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Trapper is my favourite. Its a bit painful to play him at red ranks. But he is fun overall
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I win like 98% of my nurse matches so whenever I get bullied as a different killer I'll usually play as her to remind myself I'm not a complete failure.