questions for survivors, how many good tricksters have you seen so far? mostly for reds

I've been playing trickster a LOT since his buffs as a rank 1 and it happens a lot in post chat I get comments saying I am a good trickster, which must means it's pretty rare to play against a effective trickster.
So my question, how many good Tricksters have you seen in the red ranks? or in general, how many times did you lost hardly against a trickster?
only 1, sad right. :)
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might have been me then XD
If players tried trickster very seriously, they would see he isn't E at all, not B for sure, not but E
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I think only one. He was on console too.
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I'm a rank 1 Trickster main and I get compliments from survivors from time to time. So ty if I've faced any of you out there.
But when I play survivor (rank 4) I notice a lot of Tricksters I've faced just don't throw knives which just baffles my mind.
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Honestly can't say I've faced a trickster who got more than a handful of downs let alone a good one at red ranks.
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whenever I play against a trickster there's 2 things that comes to my mind, ez game? or please be a good one finally
never got the second one yet :(
I don't main trickster YET but I might since once you play him really well he gets enjoyable
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on console? i'd love to see that match, I wonder how a good trickster looks like on console
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They are rare since to everyone eyes trickster is the worst killer, which in great hands, he isn't at all, far from it
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Yeah just something about myself yelling "Dakka Dakka" while throwing knives just appeals to me. lol
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that sucks
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I hope you'll face a realy good one eventually
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I want to say two but I'm not sure if it was because they were a good trickster or just a good killer.
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could be both?
tbh to be able to win with trickster you need to be good as killer, if you aren't you'll be awful with him
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I also feel like perks make a difference, some of the ones I won against had niche perks, yellow and green perks, going for adept, etc. Both of the ones I lost against had a good build.
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I've seen a few to be fair, now when I go into a match against him it's a 50/50 whether he's really good or not.
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I'm honestly becoming sort of a trickster main myself on console. It's pretty fun.
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Literally none. I can't remember the last trickster where I said to myself "wow this dude is pretty good with trickster".
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I saw 2 good trickters at red ranks. but thats all
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I have yet to play against a trickster who can aim to save his life and who doesn't camp and tunnel.
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About 1/3 trickster I've seen is really good, the rest... Not so much
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iv seen may one or 2 good tricksters since his relese
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Only one, but the survivors were a joke so that could have been it. Bond and kindred reveals so much about what is going on :(
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Absolutely none. They all have poor aim, can't time their knives, and constantly try to play him like Huntress (full of pointless mindgames that waste his own time).
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I personally use monitor, STBFL, bbq and ruin
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must be rough
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I guess you are really lucky then, most of us barely ever had a good trickster
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I hope you experience it one day, a good trisckster is rough to play against
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That's a joke right?😂😂😂😂
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happens a lot
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So am I...quickest killer to derank with and then I switch to wraith or doctor
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2 maybe 3 I sadly don't see many tricksters at all. And when I do they usually overcommit on a bad tile for trickster throwing the entire game. The last trickster I saw let me run him around shack + part of the map until the last three gens were done. This one was a good sport but I tend to get camped after I do this which I kinda understand since getting 1-2 hooks all game is disheartening.
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why would it be? I've never seen a good trickster myself and even those guys on youtube I don't consider them too good with him so if a guy is good with trickster on console i'd love to see that
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Not really. Have some bad matches, but that's just in general otherwise i really love playing him.
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I seen only 1 really good trickster and that 5 days after his release. And I'm talking about a real good trickster that won clean, no tunneling no camping, be it proxy or any type of camping. It was in the asylum map which is a pretty hard map for him. I have only lost 2 times vs him that was 1 time, but the other time I lost he camped me. I have not seen him as much other than the first 2 days he was released and after his buff. As matter of fact I have not seen him in over 2 weeks as a survivor. And most trickster I have seen tend to tunnel and proxy camp, but I can kind of understand due how weak he truly is. Anyway I stop playing him as much since the more I play him, I realized I have to play really sweaty he just takes the most effort out of any killer if you want to get any downs vs decent survivors. Even just vs survivor who have decent movement in tiles if a survivor is just decent at looping not even good loppers, it's very difficult to catch them. Even a lot of the real good killer only user struggle with him at time. He is the only killer that it really depends on the type of survivors how smart they are, and how efficient they are.
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I always merciless lmao
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glad you do :)
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he's not "easy" like the bio tells you lmao, he should be set to hard, since he's realy weak and does require skills to play him
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I love his aesthetic. I just like him all around.
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Only 1 but i am not sure my team was so bad or he was so good. Because when he chase me, i did not feel any different than other Trickster mains.
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Ive gotten some "good" tricksters but no "gods"
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Yeah. If you have near-perfect aim, never m1 to injure despite what your instincts say, know his timings exactly, and forget everything you know about playing killer, he's pretty decent.
Not sure that "easy" is the right word to describe that level of effort required for such a middling result.
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Two, a rank 1 who got 2k and a rank 5 who got 3k.
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It's hard to quantify. Trickster is just Deathslinger but worse, you just click and shoot. That's sort of his skill ceiling, but he can't really do the cool shots through holes Slinger can because of the weird left/right knive trajectories. Outside of basic aiming his skill ceiling is pretty low.
You can be the best Trickster player in the world and you'd probably still lose if you got a map that didn't complement him.
I played a lot of him last month or so and while I was landing my knives on the vast majority of throws, there were so many tiles where Trickster could just simply do nothing without the survivor MASSIVELY screwing up and running out in the open I would feel powerless. Some games are decided against Trickster before they even start thanks to the amount of high wall tiles.
If you get a map with tons of low wall loops like Gas Heaven, Wreckers Yard, etc. It's basically a free win and there's zero counterplay to the knives, even for an actually good survivor. I'm not saying he's OP by any means I think he's trash. But it's not very fun for either side I felt.
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It's been weeks since I've seen a Trickster period. I'm not sure I've ever seen a good one.
Trickster is just not a very good killer. Everything he does, another killer does it far better. He has a lot of trades but he's a master of none of them.
If I ever run into one of these Bigfoot Creatures that is a good trickster, I imagine it'll just be a killer who is really good in spite of using Trickster, not because they use Trickster...
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Was his name Brainlets by any chance? If so, that's me.
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like 1, but he wasnt really good- he was kinda just crutching on hawkins with ricochet add ons
but thats the best one ive seen so far
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Well I do remember messaging them gg and having a small conversation with them. Do you remember getting a gg when playing Trickster?
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Yes. I get a lot of GGs.
I also get a lot of salt, but we don't talk about that
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I usually get called a "toxic slugger".
I remember their names, and if I go against them again, they get slugged to death.
Just so that their name calling is accurate:)