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PC - Crash when died to The Entity (2nd hook, not saved)

Uncvrd Member Posts: 16


Queued a normal warmup round as survivor, fixed some gens you know. After some time I got hanged by the killer and once my time has come and the entity "ate" me my game crashed on the cutscene when you can see the (branches?) spiraling in the sky.


  • character: Claudette
  • Perks played: Lightweight, Resilience, Botany Knowledge, Spine Chill
  • Map: Red Forest - Mothers Dwelling
  • How Often: Pretty frequent, It happens in lots of random occasions mid-game (never in pregame lobbies/menus). Most crashes don't have anything in common (as if I sometimes can be fixing a gen and my game freezes or I could be running anywhere and it does the same). Sometimes it doesn't even show up the box that let's me choose if I want to send a crash report. It can crash at any time and reinstalling steam and games or even clearing my whole games drive doesn't help to solve the issue. I also get matchmaking banned after those crashes even though it is not my bad..


1 votes

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  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    I have also sent a fair bit of crash reports (every single time the window popped up) via the in game crash report feature. My in game name is Curv. Steam ID: 76561198275525837

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    What error does the crash reporter pop-up say? It could be specific to your hardware and/or software.

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    It doesn't always pop up.. so it's hard for me to tell, sometimes the game freezes and just stays like that. But I can give you all my specs and I'll reply again once it crashes one more time (most likely next game)

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    listen here.. I 99% a gate, fixed 4 gens almost fully alone and it crashes. DBD staff I want my ######### bloodpoints idc if it crashed

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    and healed 2 tm8s

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    Its like another 20k+ bloodpoints..

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    another update: this is the game after I reinstalled all Redist C++ files. I have the exact same ones as my friend who doesn't have that issue

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    it crashed in a random moment, wasn't getting chased, same perks as the first post in this thread.

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    and now I'm

    banned. Nice

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    map was: Disturbed Ward and perks (as mentioned above) the same as the first post in this thread. (I can only assume it's not because of a certain map or perk since I've changed them recently and this still happens. Nor is it because of a certain killer since it crashes at random times disregarding the characters)

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    AYY ONCE MORE this time as the killer :))))


    what I was doing when it crashed:

    literally walking.

  • Slay___
    Slay___ Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 898

    The errors seem to point towards your graphics card and because there aren't a certain action causing the issue but rather happening at random it could be your hardware or graphics driver and not a bug.

    Unfortunately the matchmaking bans for leaving are issued no matter what, even if you get kicked out without any action on your part. And wont be removed as far as I know.

    I would suggest that you create a thread here with the error messages and a brief explainer for further support with this issue,

    PS. I am just a regular forum user and cannot rule out with 100% certainty that this isn't a bug.

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    yea I understand that, I already have this thread, mod-mail on the discord and another ticket on Zendesk. I will check my on my GPU like you said, maybe it makes it less constant or even fixes the issue. So far your message has given me more information about what is the cause than any of my actual staff only support requests

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    new stuff! what the ######### is this matchmaking

    how? These ranks dont make sense

  • Uncvrd
    Uncvrd Member Posts: 16

    ######### gonna take a look or not? this is taking a piss at this point