DeadHard nerf

I think this will not affect DH pickrate at red ranks at least
-DH no longer gives you immortality while in dash animation
after this change DH won't be any less usefull coz dash to window/pallet is strong already and is not effected by this change at all. Just makes rid of possibility to outplay any kind of damage by pressing one button. option to create that little distance so you make it to save zone or get one more loop is enough.
simple as that
You've got it backwards.
The problem with Dead Hard is that it gives you free distance in a chase at the push of a button with no possibility for the Killer to counter it. Dodging attacks isn't the issue, because that requires timing and skill to pull off.
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Not to mention thanks to latency it doesn't work half the time.
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With how the servers are it basically already works like this. And idk why you'd want to nerf the aspect of perk that nobody has an issue with lmao
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when it works it works hah?
That would be a little buff to killers like Demo, huntress, doctor so their abllities aren't countered with a ,,dodge"
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Literally just give it a 2.5 second animation lock after use. Like a Doctor shock. To prevent artificial chase extension via dead harding for distance to a pallet or vault. It should be used for dodging hits. Even that shouldn't be there (survivors should have to get good and learn to atone for their mistakes), but the animation lock would be a decent compromise.
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then the whole perk would have to be reworked, I'm just taking this aspect
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The whole perk should be reworked, to be honest. It's intended use is borked with dedicated servers (and unhealthy for the game in the same way NOED is), and the use of it for distance is busted.
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I'm not sure do I agree completely (I do to some degree) but how NOED is unhealthy?
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It discourages atonement for a killers mistakes. It offers a killer that one ultimate second chance. Granted, I'd say Dead Hard is actually stronger than NOED, but the idea is the same. Players should be forced to atone for their mistakes. Not be handed free do-overs.
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well it's hex, backup hex, hexes should be strong.
I think DS might be even stronger than NOED coz
you can cleanse all totems so NOED is no more
you can cleanse it when it' active
and all second chances surviors have, can make match do 180 to survivors side so, such a suprise is ok
I literally just got game where trapper had NOED
there was 3 survs left, he got me with noed, other girl I saved as well, hooked me first but tadaa I had delivernce so it ended 2-2
second chance into second chance
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Alright, then people will start dead harding earlier so they don't have to deal with the 2.5 seconds where they can't interact with anything (assuming that's what you mean when you say "animation lock"). Now what? You still didn't fix the problem you have with dead hard which is "artificially extending a chase".