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what fun do you killers get from camping for no reason?



  • Member Posts: 1,493
    edited November 2018

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Taretsu said:

    @Doccy said:
    Camping is an allowed strategy according to the developers. As much as it's boring to do, sometimes it helps the Killer win.

    This is just reason enough to end the argument. If it's not against the rules, deal with it. As good old bricky says, killers don't have to follow any made up code of honor. Either because the context of the game seems to make it pay off or you just freaking want to, Killers shouldn't excuse themselves for this. Same us it's pointless asking survivors why they do one gen after the other.

    Ffs, it's a two sided multiplayer game. One side is not "responsible" for the other's "fun". It's up to oneself.

    i said WHY do you camp not STOP camping its against the rules

    There are no rules genius. Killer's do not have to abide by the Non-existent "Survivor Rule-book". IF you got hooked, you got hooked. Learn from your mistakes so you don't get hooked next time.

    i literally said i DID NOT SAY CAMPING WAS AGAINST THE RULES i clearly stated that i was asking WHY in the post genuis

  • Member Posts: 387

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Taretsu said:

    @Doccy said:
    Camping is an allowed strategy according to the developers. As much as it's boring to do, sometimes it helps the Killer win.

    This is just reason enough to end the argument. If it's not against the rules, deal with it. As good old bricky says, killers don't have to follow any made up code of honor. Either because the context of the game seems to make it pay off or you just freaking want to, Killers shouldn't excuse themselves for this. Same us it's pointless asking survivors why they do one gen after the other.

    Ffs, it's a two sided multiplayer game. One side is not "responsible" for the other's "fun". It's up to oneself.

    i said WHY do you camp not STOP camping its against the rules

    There are no rules genius. Killer's do not have to abide by the Non-existent "Survivor Rule-book". IF you got hooked, you got hooked. Learn from your mistakes so you don't get hooked next time.

    i literally said i DID NOT SAY CAMPING WAS AGAINST THE RULES i clearly stated that i was asking WHY in the post genuis

    Why dafuq did you put in "its against the rules" if you DIDN'T MEAN IT?!

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Taretsu said:

    @Doccy said:
    Camping is an allowed strategy according to the developers. As much as it's boring to do, sometimes it helps the Killer win.

    This is just reason enough to end the argument. If it's not against the rules, deal with it. As good old bricky says, killers don't have to follow any made up code of honor. Either because the context of the game seems to make it pay off or you just freaking want to, Killers shouldn't excuse themselves for this. Same us it's pointless asking survivors why they do one gen after the other.

    Ffs, it's a two sided multiplayer game. One side is not "responsible" for the other's "fun". It's up to oneself.

    i said WHY do you camp not STOP camping its against the rules

    There are no rules genius. Killer's do not have to abide by the Non-existent "Survivor Rule-book". IF you got hooked, you got hooked. Learn from your mistakes so you don't get hooked next time.

    i literally said i DID NOT SAY CAMPING WAS AGAINST THE RULES i clearly stated that i was asking WHY in the post genuis

    Why dafuq did you put in "its against the rules" if you DIDN'T MEAN IT?!

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Taretsu said:

    @Doccy said:
    Camping is an allowed strategy according to the developers. As much as it's boring to do, sometimes it helps the Killer win.

    This is just reason enough to end the argument. If it's not against the rules, deal with it. As good old bricky says, killers don't have to follow any made up code of honor. Either because the context of the game seems to make it pay off or you just freaking want to, Killers shouldn't excuse themselves for this. Same us it's pointless asking survivors why they do one gen after the other.

    Ffs, it's a two sided multiplayer game. One side is not "responsible" for the other's "fun". It's up to oneself.

    i said WHY do you camp not STOP camping its against the rules

    i stated in the post "WHY do you camp" not "Stop camping because its against the rules" meaning people who argue that this post should be taken down because i said camping was against the rules are FALSE because i never said that. i asked why do you do it like what are reasons for camping and because you want to is a good option i was asking why not that anyone is wrong.

  • Member Posts: 372

    They probably sleep soundly at night knowing they are going to log onto the forums tomorrow and see a fresh batch of 10+ posts complaining about camping I would imagine.

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    @Killigma said:
    They probably sleep soundly at night knowing they are going to log onto the forums tomorrow and see a fresh batch of 10+ posts complaining about camping I would imagine.

    im not complainging im just asking why you do it and wanting a real response

  • Member Posts: 372

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @Killigma said:
    They probably sleep soundly at night knowing they are going to log onto the forums tomorrow and see a fresh batch of 10+ posts complaining about camping I would imagine.

    im not complainging im just asking why you do it and wanting a real response

    I do not personally do it but I would put it down to simply they are bad. Sick of trying for 4k games so they end up just going for at least a 1k. Or, they run into hook jumping teams so know that instead of going hunting, the Survivors will just come to them. Simple as that imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:
    i will not have done anything to deserve it like teabaggin or flashlight clicking but you still camp me when im the first one found and 5 gens are still needing to be done. i want to have fun and get bloodpoints but neither of us get alot if you sit thier and camp me on no gens done. this causes you to get gen rushed and everyone else escapes because you decided camping was a great idea so please explain why you sit thier right next to me and ignoring other people except you pull them off and drop them

    Camping Critera:
    1: Are there any gens left?
    2: Did BBQ locate anyone?
    3: Did 3 survivors bodyblock and attempt flashlight save?
    4: Basement hook?
    5: Am I playing Leatherface, Huntress, Trapper, or Hag?
    6: Was this survivor being toxic and do I have a Mori?
    7: Was this guy in a locker?
    8: Did this survivor have DS, Deadhard, and Adrenaline?

    Under these conditions I typically camp or patrol really heavily it also depends if I have to do a Sac daily, typically killers don't camp unless the survivors did something (gen rush, bodyblock, flashlight save/pallet stun).

  • Member Posts: 44
    I always camp with Michael. I run scratched mirror, with M&A. I'm all the way up in the red ranks, you'd be surprised hoh many people just come running in to save just to get screwed over. Oh and I also run PWYF+STBFL on him. Be as hyper altruistic you want to be. Either way you're making me stronger by letting me build up tokens just standing there, while the rest of the team try to run and save etc.
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    They are simply amused in an other way than others are.
    Whether they disagree or don't understand isn't gonna change that.

  • Member Posts: 43

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:
    i will not have done anything to deserve it like teabaggin or flashlight clicking but you still camp me when im the first one found and 5 gens are still needing to be done. i want to have fun and get bloodpoints but neither of us get alot if you sit thier and camp me on no gens done. this causes you to get gen rushed and everyone else escapes because you decided camping was a great idea so please explain why you sit thier right next to me and ignoring other people except you pull them off and drop them

    It's not fun, it's strategy, although a bad strategy at that.

  • Member Posts: 395

    killers also camp if survivors are overly altruistic or its end game with no kills. i know this isnt what you suffered from but they're valid reasons to camp.

  • Member Posts: 799
    Dudes. Depends on what you mean when you say camping. I've lost track of hate mails calling me camper noob and other harsher things when in reality I didn't. Got one on the book, look it up the map and hear out if a gen is being worked and all that stuff, sometimes tho they are super altruistic and by the time I go look it up a gen they get saved

    Of course I go back, 2 people of the gens its precious, especially when I spot someone around the hook right after I've done it, I won't leave, I'm gonna chase down the guy and look behind while doing so and they go for saves. This situation is perfect, 3 people of the gens.

    Sometimes happens and of course you get punished for unhooking in front of me but the entitlement is stronk in this game so if you insta unhook shouldn't be punished for. Who take the blame? The killer of course.

    When I play survivor my most hated enemies are my mates not the killer, those one who instead unhook or do risky ones making me get harmed the problems is people thinks its the killer fault just because in-game its against you. I know some people don't use the brain but sometimes what you might think is camping it's just a guy who hear a person close the hook or saw him/her, an happens a lot

    I'm not accusing anyone since I haven't seen your games but as far as I can tell playing both, are the survivors who ######### up survivors. The one who DC just because got caught by a trap, happened just yesterday and he was happy about it, unsafe unhook which lead me to be harmed etc etc one of the reasons I played egoistic as survivor. They are their own Demise most of the time

    as ling as I player I met 4 people face camping me. Only 4, so I don't know why its such a big dealnfor all these people, I see many more giving me the hatch that I've lost count. maybe, just maybe, most of these threads are made by people who think camping is been saved when the killer is 15mt away and being chased again, obviously.

    Some people are sooo cocky, I see those one on my team make fun of the killer the whole game and even I won't save them, I can imagine how the killer won't either an lick the hook they are on. 

    To summarize, be less entitled and get better avoiding to be caught in the first place. If the killer hooked, do gens, if he won't move here loses anyway
  • Member Posts: 3
    Had 3 matches in a row with hatemails because i camped. The thing is I hook someone and wait for maybe 15 seconds and everyone tries to rescue the poor guy and don't wanna wait for me to go away. Now I'm seriously asking you would you just go away if your prey comes to you? Btw if I see nobody after these 15 seconds I go hunting. Camping the whole match is lame but camping for a few seconds and get rewarded for it is nice for me. Not my fault if survivors have no patience or wanna ######### up the killer.
  • Member Posts: 1,470
    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.
  • Member Posts: 799
    edited December 2018
    Star99er said:
    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.
    The other way around. Some people might start to hard camp for protest about these dumb changes

    If instead of incentive hunting you punish people for face camp what are you gonna get? More face camps

    And what do you get when you take out the hunting incentives nerfing them and giving even more counters? You guessed it! Even more camp
  • Member Posts: 1

    I mean have you ever thought that people actually get off to making others angry? Its seen countless times in other video games where players will have a boring playstyle for the the sole reason to make others upset. Further complaining about camping only adds fuel to the fire imo

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:
    i will not have done anything to deserve it like teabaggin or flashlight clicking but you still camp me when im the first one found and 5 gens are still needing to be done. i want to have fun and get bloodpoints but neither of us get alot if you sit thier and camp me on no gens done. this causes you to get gen rushed and everyone else escapes because you decided camping was a great idea so please explain why you sit thier right next to me and ignoring other people except you pull them off and drop them

    Probably the same fun you get from looping.

  • Member Posts: 469
    edited December 2018

    I love it when survivors act helpless...
    But lets say they are the nicest, most respectful survivor in the world ...

    You may have been camped because your buddies gen rushed, not your fault, but you got caught.
    You may have been camped because you buddy was looping the killer, tea-bagging him and taunting him; It wasn't your fault but you got caught.
    You may be they only person the killer could find. Not your fault, but you got caught.
    You may have been camped because the killers last game was filled with the previous nonsense, its not your fault, but you got caught.

    I'm not a camper myself, my play-style and favorite killers are counter-intiuitive to that tactic (Spirit, Hag, Clown.) However I can understand killers who don't want to put extra effort into an otherwise crummy match.

    After all not every game is supposed to be a 4K right?

    I'll tunnel a particularly try-hard or disrespectful player, but that's part of the game right?!
    A survivor taunting me is okay right? It keeps me in palette loops longer! A total viable tactic!
    It's only natural if slash them down in blind rage, if they get caught.


  • Member Posts: 3,162

    because lockers block auras and your team is running distortion

  • Member Posts: 1,493

    @CrowS said:
    Also, what people call "Camping" is all over the damn place. Some consider EVER checking the hook to be Camping.

    I like to take a loop, just to the edge of my terror radius, and circle back from another angle. I almost ALWAYS catch the unhook in the middle, and immediately down the "saved" survivor. 2nd Hook & 2nd Stage coming right up!!!

    Then I chase the "savior", and double back to the first victim. They die, and I'm getting back to the 2nd player right in time for them to be "saved", too ...


    my definiton of camping is not leaving the area of my hook where i can still hear your heartbeat loudly. if people are nearby and you know for sure they are there then fine but most times people are far away come to get me then leave when they see he is near me

  • Member Posts: 1,775

    @CrowS said:
    Also, what people call "Camping" is all over the damn place. Some consider EVER checking the hook to be Camping.

    I like to take a loop, just to the edge of my terror radius, and circle back from another angle. I almost ALWAYS catch the unhook in the middle, and immediately down the "saved" survivor. 2nd Hook & 2nd Stage coming right up!!!

    Then I chase the "savior", and double back to the first victim. They die, and I'm getting back to the 2nd player right in time for them to be "saved", too ...


    my definiton of camping is not leaving the area of my hook where i can still hear your heartbeat loudly. if people are nearby and you know for sure they are there then fine but most times people are far away come to get me then leave when they see he is near me

    I wouldn't call that a fair definition. 
    Different killers have different terror radius and figuring out that in game meters is a challenge for some.

    Then there's perks that change terror radius.

    Myers can get 0 in 2 different ways, one of them being Insidious which works for everyone but freddy, and Huntress.

    Pig, and wraith can also go down to 0 in their alt travel mode.
  • Member Posts: 1,493

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @CrowS said:

    Also, what people call "Camping" is all over the damn place. Some consider EVER checking the hook to be Camping.

    I like to take a loop, just to the edge of my terror radius, and circle back from another angle.  I almost ALWAYS catch the unhook in the middle, and immediately down the "saved" survivor.  2nd Hook & 2nd Stage coming right up!!!
    Then I chase the "savior", and double back to the first victim.  They die, and I'm getting back to the 2nd player right in time for them to be "saved", too ...


    my definiton of camping is not leaving the area of my hook where i can still hear your heartbeat loudly. if people are nearby and you know for sure they are there then fine but most times people are far away come to get me then leave when they see he is near me

    I wouldn't call that a fair definition. 
    Different killers have different terror radius and figuring out that in game meters is a challenge for some.

    Then there's perks that change terror radius.

    Myers can get 0 in 2 different ways, one of them being Insidious which works for everyone but freddy, and Huntress.

    Pig, and wraith can also go down to 0 in their alt travel mode.

    fine if they are in a 24-meter range of me for more then 2 seconds after i have been hooked for 10 secs. not includeing if they see a survivor

  • Member Posts: 608
    Malakir said:
    Star99er said:
    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.
    The other way around. Some people might start to hard camp for protest about these dumb changes

    If instead of incentive hunting you punish people for face camp what are you gonna get? More face camps

    And what do you get when you take out the hunting incentives nerfing them and giving even more counters? You guessed it! Even more camp
    this is actually a perfect example of that said entitlement. The devs add something to bring a little more balance to a problem and the result? Killers camping even more to protest not getting their way like a bunch of petulant children. 

    don't get me wrong... there's entitlement issues on both sides of the coin... but this was too perfect of an example to pass up on.
  • Member Posts: 1,134

    @Avariku said:
    Malakir said:

    Star99er said:

    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.

    The other way around. Some people might start to hard camp for protest about these dumb changes

    If instead of incentive hunting you punish people for face camp what are you gonna get? More face camps

    And what do you get when you take out the hunting incentives nerfing them and giving even more counters? You guessed it! Even more camp

    this is actually a perfect example of that said entitlement. The devs add something to bring a little more balance to a problem and the result? Killers camping even more to protest not getting their way like a bunch of petulant children. 

    don't get me wrong... there's entitlement issues on both sides of the coin... but this was too perfect of an example to pass up on.

    I am gonna camp when I feel like it no matter how much you pun ish me.

    Just play the game and if you get camped, suck it up, Buttercup.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2018
    I’d appreciate feedback. I’ll do a short introduction, an overview of some of the playstyles that I like (I’ll be including their strengths, their weaknesses), and why some killer players might lean one way or the other with regard to camping.
    First off I’ll go ahead and say it: camping is part of the game. There is an economy of time and actions during a trial. If you want to kill all four survivors, I assume that there will be a total of 10 hooks that I need to land: 3 each for the first three survivors and one for the last survivor (the last hook cannot be escaped). Camping is one tool in a killer players toolbox and the solution to getting camped will never be an appeal to the killer players, asking for them to choose not to use a mechanic that is allowed in the game because the mechanic makes the game less fun for you. Camping is the same skill tier as a hadouken from Street Fighter. No one will get upset at a Ryu player for throwing a few hadoukens per match, or even many, providing that the player doesn’t only throw fireballs constantly. The entire match. Forever. Leaving you backed into a corner, only to be slowly roasted as your health meter and sanity  erode until you’re just a husk of a person holding a controller as your little brother cheeses his way to victory one flaming turd macchiato at a time. I get it survivor mains. That is frustrating. That is infuriating. That isn’t fun. Here’s the thing though: the game has counter-play options. A killer can be punished for camping. And, if a killer is a one trick pony that only has a good camping game, then you will win with at least three survivors every time. If you play as a team and counter the killer, then you’ll be making the game unfun for them, leading to either a change in play or a change in rank, both of which solve the camping problem for you. The killer won’t have to actually change anything if they are winning with cheese. The solution isn’t to ask politely for the killer players in the game to stop camping. Yes, asking why killers like to camp is exactly that and no one is fooled when you do that. The people who camp do it because it gets them wins. Survivors let them win with that strategy. The sooner that you accept that the rules to this game are exactly what is allowed in the game, no more no less, the better off you’ll be. Letting a killer win by camping is by far the surest way to incentivize camping. Now I’ll move on to some play styles I use and when I choose to camp (and how to shut it down. I don’t find camping fun when I’m getting counter played, but it’s a blast when my camping gets played into and I get a great win and loads of blood points and the survivor team gets next to none. That’s reality.)

     I’ll call one play style that I like the focus style. This style involves only damaging one survivor at a time until they are downed then hooked. At that point, I leave and patrol generators. I’m still camping the area because I want that survivor to be unhooked. You may not feel like you’re being camped because you don’t have the killer in your sight and the terror radius is off, but you are. I keep what I consider to be a “respectful” distance. I’m still camping you. When you get unhooked I know that I can come get you, do the one hit, and get a second hook before you can heal. The focus playstyle in dependent on unhooks. I know I’m being gen rushed. I want your overly altruistic team to come unhook you. I don’t want to wait the entire time of the hook sequence. I want to save that time and chase you down three times. The round gets easier to snowball as more kills are secured. This playstyle is dependent on securing an early kill though. If the killer gets sidetracked, game over: survivors win. This strategy works well against squads of survivors two or greater, allowing for constant unhooks, follow up attacks and rehooks, leading to a kill and so on. Note that this strategy’s efficiency is based on the number and frequency of unhooks, not hooks. The counter to this is to NOT UNHOOK the survivor, not get caught by the camping killer, and go gen rush away from the killer. If you’re caught in this strategy and you’re a survivor, you should be signaling for your team to get away and go gen rush. Choosing to go for unhooks plays into the focus style perfectly. That is the reason that camping is effective. If you’re playing solo, people are going to unhook you. That is the natural reaction. The screen shows you your teammate in red. It beckons. Come get me friend. The reason that killers camp is that it works. It works because survivors fail to see that the solution to camping comes from chess. When an opponent baits you in chess, sometimes the best counter is what’s called an apathy play. Ignoring the bait is far more damaging then trying to actively counter it because the killer has invested time and movement into the camping trap. Remember that just because the killer is being cordial and not standing in your face doesn’t mean you’re not being camped. The counter play to getting focused and hooked is apathy either way. Leave the killer alone and you will force them to have to either abandon the initial plan or commit to an all night camping session, which isn’t fun for the killer. The former yields a soft failure on the part of the killer and the latter yields complete failure for the killer if the team continues apathy or complete success for the killer if the team chooses to go unhook their teammate.Thats my point of view on why camping is fun and why it works. Now I’ll go over a non-camping strategy, and why camping is so common.

    I’ll call this strategy harassment. The strategy involves chasing survivors and doing as much damage to the team as a whole a possible without regard for hooks. That’s not to say that hooks aren’t used in the strategy. I’m saying that hooks take a lower precedent than causing damage to the team in aggregate. The idea here is that the accumulated pressure on the team by having one wound each and preferably mangled status and any other status effects to include bleed or whatever will make the team slower and less efficient and replace their generator time with healing time. The terror radius means something in this strategy if it’s working. The pressure’s on. You can’t afford to do generators because the killers on the move. That’s the idea. This strategy can make survivors clump up into groups of two or more specifically because they need healing. The killer will intentionally do maximum damage before downing survivors, hopefully making the remaining survivors choose between their life and the first hooked survivors life because ideally all the survivors have one wound unless they aren’t hooked when this strat is being used. The killer wants the survivors to be healing and not doing generators because they are tied up with the roving killer. The harassment strategy works on separated survivors, keeping them running around the map looking for each other instead of for generators because everyone is wounded. That’s the trade off. The killer doesn’t secure any kills as part of this strategy, and is in fact better off holding off downing targets until sufficient damage is done to make the remaining survivors have to make hard choices with regard to if they should save their teammate and get hooked or if they should heal and watch the clock get chewed down. This strategy is countered by altruism and solid solo play because the killer isn’t guarding the hook. If the killer doesn’t keep the pressure in the survivors they have a chance to recover and be at full health and possibly finish a generator. The killer may have up to 8 hooks and zero kills if they are up against a sufficiently prepared team of survivors. This strategy works best on isolated “lone wolf” survivor teams. That’s the crux of the harassment strategy though. The normal way that people play dead by daylight when they are even somewhat competent is the exact way that counters the roving harassment strategy. Clumps of survivors come to the hook and unhook  their teammate as the killer roves endlessly, all the while letting the generators pile up because the survivors are clumped up and not seperated like they should be if this strategy is going to be successful.

    Now I ask you, the reader, a question. Is the reason that you hate camping because you lose when you get camped? Asking a killer main to play harassment while all the while knowing full well that human nature will make your teammates hard counter that strategy without any additional work from your team is downright insulting. You can say that camping isn’t fun. Winning is fun. Killers want to win. Every time you are faced with a competent killer, as long as they aren’t making mistakes and the match is proceeding somewhat normally, each of your unhooks and rescues are calculated risks that are being allowed by the killer player. Keep in mind that whether you were “camped” or not is entirely in your head because, and I cannot overstate this, your unhook opportunity is intentionally provided by the killer. The killer knows that as soon as the terror radius is off the hooked survivor, that survivor is getting unhooked. The counter to this is for the team to fully commit to a gen rush on the other side of the map, open gate, then mob the hook or whatever it takes to get the last teammate back. If the teammate dies then the team of three should leave the map through the exit because they will win. If the killer is particularly nasty near the hook or has some kind of perk that gives you exposed or whatever, then the team need to cut thier losses and leave the fourth teammate. That’s the trade off. The team wins if they follow proper counter-play protocol. But that’s the thing. If your team only plays clump strategy that gets countered by camping super hard, and you get countered, and you get salty at the killer for playing the strategy that counters you, then, somehow decide that camping isn’t fun and flame the killer: you don’t want to play a competitive game. You want the killer to play like how you want them to play, not how they are going to win. You’re asking killer mains to just suck it up and run around the map. Hunting for solos. The killer main knows there aren’t any. The killer isn’t really playing the game then. The killer is just being the good natured older brother, holding that controller. Sucking up those hadoukens. I’m a killer main, and I am, frankly, sick of absorbing hadoukens because survivor mains can’t figure out how to play this game past basic tutorial difficulty. Get camped or get gud.
  • Member Posts: 608

    @Avariku said:
    Malakir said:

    Star99er said:

    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.

    The other way around. Some people might start to hard camp for protest about these dumb changes

    If instead of incentive hunting you punish people for face camp what are you gonna get? More face camps

    And what do you get when you take out the hunting incentives nerfing them and giving even more counters? You guessed it! Even more camp

    this is actually a perfect example of that said entitlement. The devs add something to bring a little more balance to a problem and the result? Killers camping even more to protest not getting their way like a bunch of petulant children. 

    don't get me wrong... there's entitlement issues on both sides of the coin... but this was too perfect of an example to pass up on.

    I am gonna camp when I feel like it no matter how much you pun ish me.

    Just play the game and if you get camped, suck it up, Buttercup.

    you're such a well-rounded individual, truly, your posts are always so enlightening. I'm truly glad that we have a troll so open about their childishly malevolent nature and the joy they take from ruining other peoples gameplay experience.  kudos to you buddy.
  • Member Posts: 2,213

    @Onionthing said:
    (Spirit, Hag, Clown.)

    I agree with you though I am mainly quoting because: shout out to my fellow Hag/Spirit/Clown player.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    @Avariku said:

    ...Borrowed Time stuff.

    The current proposed state of Deep Wounds is too powerful for Survivors to abuse, even though it is supposed to be a negative effect. Its one of the main reasons Legion is considered so weak currently.

  • Member Posts: 608
    ;a href="/en/profile/GodDamn_Angela">GodDamn_Angela said:

    ;a href="" rel="nofollow">@Avariku said:

    ...Borrowed Time stuff.

    The current proposed state of Deep Wounds is too powerful for Survivors to abuse, even though it is supposed to be a negative effect. Its one of the main reasons Legion is considered so weak currently.

    you won't hear any arguments from me on that one... personally I think the way "mend" works currently is a joke. and I'm usually very survivor-sided for a killer. 
  • Member Posts: 1,378
    Some of you are so overtly petty xD It's a game ffs
  • Member Posts: 76

    I'm one of those "toxic killers" that people like to speak of. I'll use Iridescent Hatchets and Moris all day long and not feel bad about it. I'll tunnel your ass if the other players are being super stealthy because, why should I look for something I can't see when you're bleeding right in front of me?

    To answer your question about camping, there are a few distinct reasons I might camp you with 5 gens left:

    • I remember you from a previous match and you were toxic before, or you had toxic post-game attitude.
    • You came in to the match dressed as brown or bloody Claudette with a flashlight or medkit (likely instaheal).
    • You thought you could loop me for more than 3 pallets or a couple of jungle gyms and escape unscathed.
    • You teabagged, emoted, or otherwise made a point to get my attention (this means you, OoO perk users)
    • Your teammates have already demonstrated their intent to body block, flashlight spam, or pallet slam
    • I just came off a really ######### SWF match that exploited every possible crutch in the game to circumvent an otherwise skillful attempt at playing killer (DS, borrowed time with body blockers, unbreakable to last minute hero save, etc.)

    Of those listed, only the last 2 are beyond your control. Even so, they WILL tempt me to camp you. Also, that list is a list of reasons I might camp you with 5 gens left. If you're the first person I see and 3 gens are done before I finally get you on a hook (infinite loops, DS, flashlight saves, etc.), yes I'm going to camp you (to my own detriment most of the time) just to make point.

    As a survivor, I don't OWE you anything. Contrary to popular belief, it's NOT my duty to make your game fun for you, nor is it a show of bad sportsmanship to play to the best of my ability toward my goal. As a killer, my job is to kill survivors. I don't believe in second chances, free passes or any other benevolent actions you think I'm obligated to perform. ** If you hate me at the end of a match, that means I've played well and done my job.**

  • Member Posts: 148
    edited December 2018
    What fun do survivors get from running in circles like a 6 yr old none... ok👌
    Post edited by KingSavageGaming on
  • Member Posts: 395
    edited December 2018

    i have called a camper for going to the other side of the map to check on a gen, walking back after they got unhooked and following some scratch marks to the survivor that i hooked. i didnt even know whos scratch marks they were. survivors definitions of camping and tunneling are broken. also camping is ok as long as the survivor can be rescued. as a someone who prefers killer but play more survivor, i can say that survivors who farm are worse then killers who camp. im sorry i your camped but learn to live with it because its not going to stop and shouldnt be forced to stop.

    sorry for the bad grammar but im to lazy to correct it

  • Member Posts: 45

    I would only camp if I was gen rushed (every bloody game) and I needed a kill at the end. Or unless a survivor brings it on themselves by constantly tea-bagging me, blinding me and stunning me.

    If someone does it at the start of the game, they're a terrible killer who has never played survivor. I only really see this from low-rank killers that can't really play the game at all.

    However, I can say the same thing about you gen rushing us. Most killers are just so angry from the last game they consider the camping and the tunnelling. Just because they know that the game will always be over in 5 minutes, no matter how much they protect gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,134
    edited December 2018

    @Avariku said:
    Attackfrog said:

    @Avariku said:

    Malakir said:

    Star99er said:
    Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff so hopefully that’ll help against campers/tunnelers.
    The other way around. Some people might start to hard camp for protest about these dumb changes
    If instead of incentive hunting you punish people for face camp what are you gonna get? More face camps
    And what do you get when you take out the hunting incentives nerfing them and giving even more counters? You guessed it! Even more camp
    this is actually a perfect example of that said entitlement. The devs add something to bring a little more balance to a problem and the result? Killers camping even more to protest not getting their way like a bunch of petulant children. 

    don't get me wrong... there's entitlement issues on both sides of the coin... but this was too perfect of an example to pass up on.

    I am gonna camp when I feel like it no matter how much you pun ish me.

    Just play the game and if you get camped, suck it up, Buttercup.

    you're such a well-rounded individual, truly, your posts are always so enlightening. I'm truly glad that we have a troll so open about their childishly malevolent nature and the joy they take from ruining other peoples gameplay experience.  kudos to you buddy.

    Thanks, buttercup! I gave you an "awesome"!

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