Karma challenge

When doing my daily killer I expect red and purple ranks...so a challenge in positivity. If the team does not troll tbag and clicky click I will be nice to the next 4 killers I face as a level 20 survivor. If not i will treat the next 4 killers the same way I was treated. Let's go community show me those non toxic higher ranks this game can be a positive influence.
Day 1 2 red ranks and 2 purple tbagging clicky clicking well time for my survivor matches next 4 killers sorry the community has spoken...meta perk claudette activate key and hatch offerings set my teammates will survive😎
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You make the game worse by not continuously being part of the solution.
I'm a Killer Main, no matter what my previous games have been like I don't start toxic to the Survivors, even if they had been toxic to me in a previous game. Every game is a fresh start. And I especially don't start toxic to people I've never played against before. But if someone is toxic to me then I'll tunnel and slug them for a bit and not feel too bad about it.
When I play Survivor I'm not toxic to the Killer, even if they are a face camper or tunneler. I don't clicky-clicky or t-bag or vault point or any of that. I don't show toxic behavior, even if they are themselves being toxic.
Being toxic to Killers because Survivors were toxic to you as Killer only keeps the cycle of toxicity going. You have to be better than it.
Being toxic to Survivors because Killers were toxic to you as Survivor only keeps the cycle of toxicity going. You have to be better than it.
You have to be the better person.
Post edited by vladspellbinder on14 -
Yeah, those toxic Survivors or Killer will really be upset when/if they find out you bullied people who had nothing to do with the toxic stuff and have no relationship to them.
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Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Day 2 update 3 red ranks 1 green. Played the twins no camping or tunneling trying to get adept...tbags and clicky clicks galore...so sad come on community I know there are positive higher ranks. Oh well trolling claudette activate you have been summoned again sorry to the next 4 brown rank killers
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What do ranks even have to do with anything?
Watched my friend earlier today play friendly Spirit. Didn't injure anyone or anything, just chased, but then in the exit gate they're blinding him and when he tries to hook one they break the hook and continue trying to blind him. Why? What the hell does that prove, to bully someone who never even swung their weapon?
But he didn't then switch over to survivor and play like a dick to make other killers feel his pain. Because that is ass backwards.
Congrats on being part of the problem, I guess, you've found a really weird way to try to justify it but have fun adding to the community's toxicity.
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Nothing really I am a green rank matched with higher ranks...if I run into any rank group that doesn't troll my daily killer match I will play 4 good brown rank survivor matches...hence karma challenge. I am not holding my breath though...many toxic days just started this challenge yesterday.😎
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I find it unique...usually people play a toxic killer instead but this way we all have fun and I help people escape and rank up...its win win and ez ggz😁
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I don't think they will find out or even care actually...well maybe when lobbies get worse for survivor😏
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So you are toxic as a killer if they are toxic to you but turn the other cheek when you play survivor and a killer is toxic to you? Why not turn the cheek in both instances?
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Mainly because I know that Survivor is the actual power role of the game* and not Killer.
A lot of Killers need to camp and tunnel and slug to stand even a fraction of a chance of winning because they don't have the right Perks they need to slow the game down enough or they don't know the Killer they are playing as well enough or they are just playing a low class Killer like Trapper or Trickster. I personally don't have all Perks on all characters so I know the pain of playing someone without Ruin or Pop or any actually halfway decent Perk. There have been a lot of games where I might as well have played Perkless for all the good the Perks I did have did me.
That is the reason for both not being a toxic Survivor and for being a toxic Killer when the Survivors are toxic first. The Survivors are only toxic because they know they have a decent chance of getting away with it. So by being toxic they make themselves a target for me to Prove Them Wrong. If the game was actually Killer sided then there would be a lot less room for Survivors to be toxic in the first place.
But the key factor is I don't start as a toxic Killer. Even when I'm playing someone without Ruin or Pop or I'm playing someone like Clown or Trapper I don't camp and I try hard not to tunnel and if I do tunnel I'll let myself get hit with DS and if they don't have it I'll slug them instead of rehooking.
You say you want people in the community to be better, but you yourself ARE NOT being better. Don't be a toxic Survivor, at least to a Killer who doesn't deserve it. Sure, go full on biosafety level 5 on a Killer if they camp or tunnel someone first if you want, but don't just start being toxic to someone who hasn't been toxic to you first. THAT is how the cycle starts anew with someone and DOES. NOT. HELP.
*I'm talking at the higher levels of play, not even the top ranks but the skill you should be at in Purple Ranks, if the actual ranking system of the game worked right. If you have a team of four decent Survivors, even with no coms, then you'd need to be a Red Rank equivalent Killer to stand a chance with no slow-down Perks. At Red Ranks all across the board you basically can't win without slowdown unless you're Spirit or Nurse or really, really, really good with the Killer you are playing.
It is only at the lower ranks that Killer is the power role.
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To quote Rambo they drew first blood😁 I am being better by giving the community a chance...i will gladly play fun games as long as I don't get trolled first that is the whole point of this karma challenge and me updating every day.I want to see every day not be a troll day so I can pay it forward to 4 brown rank killers but if not then i guess the cycle continues...on the plus side I do let the trolls know in the end game chat that they are helping to keep the cycle going...the responses range from so what to make it 8 games not just 4 to sorry about my friends they enjoy trolling so yeah lets see if any get some insight but I doubt it.
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Why are they not allowed to use game mechanics to help another survivor? It was probably a boring match for them bc your friend didnt attack and i can understand their frustration.
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All of this
I think of myself as a nice killer (won't facecamp/tunnel/proxy camp).
If a group of survivors are being a holes, my nice killer instinct will go away (I'll still play smart and not FC or tunnel or whatnot unless it's to my advantage but I will use any trick in my killer bag if strategically advantageous) but for THAT game alone.
There is nothing to be gained for anyone to punish the players in the next game as they didn't do anything...
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Sure there is as the players will see how higher ranks will treat killers...they get good or say to heck with this game and play something else...lobby simulator evenings persist even more. The game only has a rank mode for the sweats thats on them...a casual mode fixes that issue = positivity for most.
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I mean... I guess killing the game itself because too many people get frustrated and quit for the game to survive is one strange way to see yourself as getting a win here but you do you.
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@latinfla4 1) I understand English is not everyone first language and that you are probably working on getting better at it but right now you're English is a bit stilted and hard to understand.
2) Just stop. There is no "challenge". A lot of the community doesn't even check these forums. Some use these forms, others use Reddit, other use other places.
3) Again, just stop. Maybe this is a misunderstanding because of your not so good English but it sounds like you are being toxic to Killers who have done nothing to you because you got toxic Survivors while as Killer. Great job being toxic to someone who doesn't deserve it. That is sarcasm by the way.
4) Just don't eve be toxic as Survivor. Being toxic as Survivor is just counter to everything you claim you are trying to accomplish.
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Never said they weren't allowed to. It just all seemed very pointless. If they were frustrated or bored, they could have just left, he had opened the exit gate. They chose to stick around, but they didn't want hook saves, they didn't seem to want anything from him except to blind him, and me and him both run Lightborn permanently so what they were doing was completely pointless. It seemed like they were out to antagonize him (but only now that the gate was open so they were completely safe, no challenge, no actual danger), so rather than earn points with them he walked away while they kept hanging out around the open exit gate and started kicking the breakable walls: they can waste their own time earning nothing while he continues earning BP.
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Yeah no mmr or casual mode but I am killing the game because sweat squads are justified 🙄
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Not everyone's first language and it is your not you're...and why stop when I am enjoying myself more now when I get trolled since it proves my point🤣
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Day 3 update with 4 purple ranks so close but my trapper with padded jaws was to agressive (and yes they knew the traps were padded because I caught all 4 of them during the match). Clicky clicky, tbagging, and 3 man hatch escape (with verbal abuse in the after chat). Verbal abuse doubles the penalty...8 killers must be punished and I will be Mr. Clicky click and no hooks will happen on my watch 🤣😂
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Day 4 update 3 purple ranks and 1 red rank that were not toxic 😁. There is hope and even a gg message awesome...8 killers who will feel the positivity. Come on community don't let me down and hopefully this is a streak of non toxic groups
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Day 5 update 3 red ranks and 1 purple and my adept challenge as trickster gets me tbagged and clicky clicked oh well...swf you have failed this community. I will now become someone else...something else and punish😂😂😂😂😂 lets try urban evading sprint bursting claudette and loop some killers again with swamp offerings.
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So... in order to protest survivors treating you like crap, you're going to go and treat more killers like crap? That makes no sense to me. "I'm so mad you kicked me in the shin! I'm going to kick four other people in the shin now."
Congrats on becoming the problem, I guess. There's nothing laudable about what you're doing.
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Yes it is therapeutic and I have to get rid of these keys and hatch offerings. Less killers stick around or switch to survivor which leads to longer survivor lobbies it's beautiful...maybe the swf get introspective of I shouldn't bully to run killers away or maybe they don't...have you treated your killers in a non toxic manner today?😏
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Yes? I'm basically never toxic. Only situation I play nasty is when I'm killer and the survivors are very obviously BMing me - and I'm nasty to those survivors, not the next few crops I run into. If you were hoping to gotcha me and validate this idea that it's okay to be a raging ass because everyone is, you're going to be left wanting. Most players manage just fine without it.
This idea that you're cleverly making things worse for survivors by directly making things worse for killers is pretty much the definition of cutting off the nose to spite the face. Joining in the toxic behavior isn't going to convince anyone to be less toxic. It's going to convince the killers you play against to be more toxic, which encourages the survivors they get to be more toxic. Et cetera.
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People don't introspect from a large problem. The survivors that bully aren't going to stop and wonder if they are, in part, the reason that their lobbies take 15 minutes. They'll just blame something else and move on with their lives.
You're just trying to rationalize your petty retribution that you enact on players who did nothing to you. What you speak of is not justice or Karma, its a temper tantrum.
Finally, no I haven't treated my killers in a non-toxic way today, because I was the killer.
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Yeah I do this in real life, I treat people based on how the last completely unrelated person treated me. Together we're healing the community.
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what about just play nice all the time? what's stopping you?
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If every player took this challenge the overall karma of the community would plunge hard enough to make the Buddha dbds next killer
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Wait but that may not be the best idea
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You are talking about positive influence, at the same time you want to be toxic, just because someone has been toxic to you. To give back as you are given is not always the right way. You want a challenge? Try to be nice, even though people have been toxic to you.
Post edited by Paina on5 -
^ this
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Yes join me
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Day 6 update and my fault for playing in the evening and playing 5 games. 3 games were 3 red ranks and either another red or a purple and massive toxic behavior...nice to see matchmaking has not failed me or the community...I will only count the first game with the verbal abuse so the next 8 killers you are the weakest link😂
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And yet nothing is fixed with mmr or a casual mode...come on new resident evil players come get bullied because our sweats ran off most of the killers.
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I played nice since 2018 and nothing has changed...how about you take my place as a killer main and deal with them?
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This content has been removed.
When I say ggwp I usually get cussed at or a racial slur and rarely ever a gg back...so yeah how has your day been?
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So how have things changed since you started paying killer?😎
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You say the killers become more toxic to combat the toxic higher rank swf? It's like they learn how to deal with it earlier...wow this does work😆
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I mean when I started playing killer, I faced new players, then somewhere around green ranks I started seeing red ranks. As people get more confident, they get more arrogant.
Heres a red rank killer secret: ignore the person teabagging, or clicking their flashlight at you, or whatever is making you salty. They want your attention, don't give it to them. Its bait, don't go for the bait.
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Sounds like a never ending cycle of toxicity.
Normal DBD actually.
What's the challenge again?
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I don't give them any attention...my point in the karma challenge is to pay it forward if it is given to me...hence toxic behavior = toxic behavior and good behavior = good behavior. In all fairness, I don't get angry I just laugh and say well the community wants this so I will provide it😂
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Seeing how hard it is to get a non toxic team mostly day after day🤣
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Good pass it on🤗
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Day 7 update and 4 red ranks being toxic to my poor meme walking addon nurse...slugged for the 4k and got called a variety of racial slurs... 4 toxic plus 4 for verbal abuse...sorry to the next 8 killers I will play meta perk elodie😂😂😂😂😂. The cycle must continue until a non toxic challenger approaches.
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If my day was terrible I would still play the same way
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I'd say just stop responding or have an admin close this out. Hearing about somebodys personal vendetta and their version of justice is just pointless.
@latinfla4 nobody cares what you do. If you want to tbag and torment baby killers then go ahead. Nobody's stopping you, nor do we even care.