Playing killer sucks.

(Yes I use the name Otzdarva because I like to troll).
This stuff happens all the time. Killer us already hard, but when you get red/purple ranks as a green rank everyday, it make you want to quit. Willingly queueing up with rank 11s as a red/purple rank is literally unfair to the killer and then people have the nerve to say that the game is killer sided.
Not sure what you mean by 'willingly queueing up with rank 11s as red/purple rank'. It's not like anyone has any say in who they get matched with?
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Rank isn't a particularly accurate gauge for skill. Hence why the Devs are introducing an MMR based system.
Even if it was accurate, the average rank of the survivors in that game is 7.5. That's hardly an unreasonable deviation from your rank as killer.
What was the end result of the game? You didn't include that in your picture.
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matchmaking giveth and it taketh away.
For every rainbow match in the survivor's favor, there's another in the killers.
I definitely know the 2 reds + purple in my Pig game, two of which were hooked and the latter party hatted, didn't appreciate the rank 14 crouching around still fearful of the TR
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My B for not including that in the pic. They all escaped. I only got 4-5 hooks
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You can tell when ppl are in a swf. They were very coordinated. My point is that it's unfair if red ranks can swf with one green/yellow rank and still get yellow/green rank killer.
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They are seem like SWF, usually one of the SWF member having low rank for get low rank killer. Anyway matchmaking is biggest problem in this game.
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Killer is easier than its ever been.
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And much more boring too.
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Matchmaking sucks, killer is fine. I am on the other end of the deal where I feel really bored with how easy my killer matches have been the last couple weeks.
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Indeed. Almost as easy as playing survivor sometimes
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The thing is they dont need to do that. Even with a full red rank swf you get low rank killer often.
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I understand what you mean now. That does suck if their entire goal is to sh*t on low rank killers. However, my brother barely plays this game, so he's like rank 16. Whenever I play with him, we get matched up against rank 15-20 killers that are no match for me (rank 3 survivor currently). Our goal is just to play together, I'm not going out of my way to find easy games.
I don't think there's an easy solution to this.