Leatherface secondary ability. (NOT A NERF, PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING)

Facing the Cannibal. A rough task if there aren't any pallets or vaults to save you from the chainsaw. But what if there was an alternative?
Leatherface's ability, the chainsaw, doesn't feel special to me. I look at his track star companion, the Hillbilly, and I see a big difference between the two. The Hillbilly has a chainsaw sprint. He runs and knocks down Survivors he hits with the chainsaw. Leatherface... Well he may have a chainsaw tantrum where he can knock down survivors, it doesn't feel special in comparison to the Hillbilly.
So as an alternative, say you rev up the chainsaw behind a survivor, maybe instead of having a tantrum, he could do a chainsaw jab. What this would look like is thrusting the chainsaw forward. If it hits the survivor, maybe it causes that survivor to have the deep wound status effect, and the broken status effect. I find this could give Leatherface an alternative yet still rewarding ability that could stray away form just instantly downing a survivor.
An example of a killer with a similar structure could be the Demogorgon.
The Demogorgon's main power is to traverse the upside down to get to other spots on the map. But as an alternative, the Demogorgon has the Shred attack.
Just an idea.
This doesn't mean he wouldn't have his tantrum, he still could insta down survivors, but this added ability could be used in different ways, and wouldn't have to take as much time to use.
This isn't replacing his old power, this is adding a secondary ability on top of it.
No. This is a nerf.
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This is a nerf and you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Bubba works and what differentiates him from Billy. Those 2 play completely differently
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How is it a nerf? This is just adding a second ability?
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How is adding a second ability a nerf?
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You don't down people with Tantrum. Ever. Making only Tantrum instadown is a huge nerf, no matter how good the second ability is. Not to mention the fact that deep wounds and broken do NOTHING against a good survivor.
Play more killer before you suggest changes.
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Downing players with his chainsaw doesn't down them? This isn't changing his original power, but adding a secondary? Please read my edits for a better understanding.
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One more thing. I have sacrificed almost 1000 survivors in public matches. Please do not assume I don't play killer. And I don't believe adding a secondary power is a nerf. I didn't even mention changing his old power, I only suggested adding a secondary for some variety in how Leatherface can be played.
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I don't get this.
Tantrum is when you run into a wall and get stunned, though you still down any survivors who run into you.
Did you mean just using the chainsaw when you said Tantrum?
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Read my reply on how I read this.
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Yes, I apologize for the misconception. I didn't mean he would ONLY have his tantrum. That statement was implying how he still has ALL of his old powers. This was a suggestion so that Leatherface isn't just a chainsaw swinging killer. I felt that adding a secondary ability to him might change his gameplay a little but without ruining his old gameplay.
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Oh, ok. Now I get it.
I feel like this would be OK, but no one would use it if they have the potential to instadown, or M1 since they wouldn't waste as much time.
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Perhaps in the competitive side. But I've been looking at older killers and how they could be changed to fit the newer playstyle of the game.
Maybe instead of deep wounding them, it could make the closest survivor in a certain range scream.
As I mentioned before, it would only be secondary, and it's meant to aim towards changing how Leatherface is played only slightly.
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Why do i want to injure survivor instead of downing them?
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It's only a concept for a secondary ability. But it would have some benefit for the killer, and would change how he is played slightly.
Take into consideration the Pig's power, the Reverse Bear Trap.
Most games you won't kill players with the trap, however it has the benefit of slowing the game down.
In this secondary ability concept, it might help slow generator progress, and if it does both of those things when using the secondary (Deep wound, and reveals another survivor) Then Leatherface can stop chasing the first survivor (Who has to mend, and becomes one hit until healed, and therefore helps slow the game down) and Leatherface can begin chasing another survivor.
It wouldn't be a mandatory ability, but it might find new gameplay and might change how Leatherface can be played.
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You can slug and chase another survivor. That's much better than a deep wound. You can hook person and that's much better than deep wound. Nothing is better than a downed survivor. Not deep wound, mangled, exposed etc. Bubba should m1 people with these effects to make them kinda worth using on the vaults where you can't chainsaw
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Like I mentioned before. You don't have to use this. This isn't making it so you can't slug and chase another survivor. This is just adding a secondary ability so people who DO want to use this can.
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bruh only dumb killers will use uneffective secondary power. We don't need that until you figure out how to make it viable
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It's not meant to buff Leatherface. As far as I'm concerned he doesn't need a buff. And it doesn't make someone dumb for wanting to use a secondary power. If you want to keep leatherface how he is that's fine, but you don't have to complain about a suggestion that won't make it into the game.
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what? why would you ever want to not down someone with your chainsaw? this doesn't make any sense to me. it's just objectively a flat downgrade to your power.
this is like giving oni the option to only single hit someone in his blood fury. there's no situation where you'd rather give someone broken and deep wounds instead of just instantly downing them and getting slug or hook pressure.