Leatherface secondary ability. (NOT A NERF, PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING)

Crystopus Member Posts: 35
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Facing the Cannibal. A rough task if there aren't any pallets or vaults to save you from the chainsaw. But what if there was an alternative?

Leatherface's ability, the chainsaw, doesn't feel special to me. I look at his track star companion, the Hillbilly, and I see a big difference between the two. The Hillbilly has a chainsaw sprint. He runs and knocks down Survivors he hits with the chainsaw. Leatherface... Well he may have a chainsaw tantrum where he can knock down survivors, it doesn't feel special in comparison to the Hillbilly.

So as an alternative, say you rev up the chainsaw behind a survivor, maybe instead of having a tantrum, he could do a chainsaw jab. What this would look like is thrusting the chainsaw forward. If it hits the survivor, maybe it causes that survivor to have the deep wound status effect, and the broken status effect. I find this could give Leatherface an alternative yet still rewarding ability that could stray away form just instantly downing a survivor.

An example of a killer with a similar structure could be the Demogorgon.

The Demogorgon's main power is to traverse the upside down to get to other spots on the map. But as an alternative, the Demogorgon has the Shred attack.

Just an idea.

This doesn't mean he wouldn't have his tantrum, he still could insta down survivors, but this added ability could be used in different ways, and wouldn't have to take as much time to use.


This isn't replacing his old power, this is adding a secondary ability on top of it.

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