If I Killed you how am i Trash??


Honestly. I never understood this reasoning. You killed me and my team mates so you are trash. You didnt let me unhook you ARE trash. LMAO I love when i get called a baby killer for playing the killer role effectively. The one most common thing i get is.. Nice Crutch perks. Meanwhile they are running FULL meta!!! Anyone else get a kick out of this?


  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Rank two telling me learn how to play when I did a epic pig bait with 1 gen left 3 survivors and it was tough a 2 man swf was all blind happy but I pulled off the slap counter to a blind attempt hook the rank 2 then waited for there buddy to come save but the other survivor came as well and I got the 4K then as I said msg saying learn how to play when I beeping adapted to a 2 man blind team and baited them out like a smart player would

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,687

    Because if you don't win the 'right' way, it doesn't count and you actually lost. Can't you read? Page 43 of the survivor's rulebook.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I had a guy who was already dead and spectating his buddies tell me ggez because his friend got hatch. Couldve slugged for 4k but most of the time I dont care to. My favorite line they use, which I also heard recently was "we were just playing chill" "I wasnt even trying" Dude went on to say I was sweating and that he was "trolling" and "salt farming" me lmao Ok bud. After he realized how much he was embarrassing himself he admitted he was trying to save face lol Gotta love survivor mains.

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 920

    is just some salty

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,543

    I mean.. calling someone trash doesn’t always relate to the skill level of that person but maybe their attitude. I am not saying that is fitting in your case but there are plenty of casual survivors out there just trying to have a fun time without dominating in matches or bullying the killer. You can really easily tell if that is the case actually. And it may very well be that they had just had many frustrating matches in a row and lost their temper in end game chat.

    its pretty much the equivalent of killer players talking down survivors that win against them and the killers finding excuses like only because of swf, voice comms, meta/crutch perks and then call the survs trash. Which happens a lot as well.

    players of both sides shouldn’t talk the ‚other side‘ down like that.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,639

    people are just whiny babies cause they lost.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    Im being serious. That map even with the rework is legit survivor city!!!

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    agreed. If I tunnel someone its not out of being salty its because someone pulled them and then hid and would not take aggro. Im not going to just ignore the person who was saved because if Survivor rules!! lmao Plus the survivor had a key so i needed to make sure that person died AT least. Sure they found the key but either way if i see it you will most likely die first imo.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Dude just accept the salt. Maybe use it on some baked potatoes.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545

    This happened to me yesterday

    I hooked survivor A.

    Survivor B was making it way too obvious that they were purposely distracting me.

    I have Tinkerer and 3 gens are still needed to power the exit gates, if I felt the need to leave, I would have left. Only one gen proc'd tinkerer and Survivor B is still trying to distract me, at this point I injure him and immediately retreat to the hook.

    Right on queue, Survivor C approaches. I damage survivor C and since i have STBFL i was also able to grab survivor C while they attempted the save. While holding survivor C I injure survivor D and down Survivor B and still managed to get to the hook.

    Needless to say the match fell apart and in the Endgame Chat they felt the need to explain how I was trash and how everything is due to my lack of skill and not the fact that they played the book entirely wrong.

    I was trying to kindly tell them how I knew exactly what their plan was, and how my build assured me I had no reason to leave the hook. They were not accepting of my words.