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General Discussions

When is it time to quit a chase?

I just had a match with 4 “just business” (hardcore, no mistakes or playing around) survivors who all seemed to juke well, and find pallets/windows with ease. I don’t tunnel often, but it seemed that every survivor was capable of evading me for- well the entire game. I like to “think” I’m a good chaser, please have mercy fellow members.

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Best Answers


  • Member Posts: 149

    @guest602 said:
    Well, it depends.

    • When it's a 4man swf, it's better not to be focused on the same survivor for too long. Example: you hit the first one, you see another one, you leave and hit him.
    • What you can also do, is chasing them, let them drop 3/4 pallets and go chase someone else. That way, they won't know which pallets are down, or broken. This can be really helpful.
    • You can also "divide" the map in zones in your mind; chase a survivor and make him drop every pallet in this zone, then hook him and force the others survivors to go in that pallet-free zone.
      I do all these things when I play Piggy, and it really, really helps

    what he said

  • Member Posts: 149

    @robin said:

    what he said

    Excuse me?

  • Member Posts: 149

    @guest602 said:

    @robin said:

    what he said

    Excuse me?

    i was saying that you had the correct answer

  • Member Posts: 149

    @robin said:

    i was saying that you had the correct answer

    ow okay, thank you! It's nice to see that I'm not the only one having this opinion

  • Member Posts: 40

    After about 3-4 pallets in, if they're really good at looping, I usually swap targets and go find someone else or damage a generator.

  • Member Posts: 446

    Honestly it depends on the killer. Trapper and hag, if I can't heard them into a trap, I'll disengage.
    Leather face, if the looping and 360s show this is a survivor that always is in chases I'll leave them and search for easier prey.
    Freddy, I try to sleep survivors. I'll instantly disengage to sleep a healthy survivor since I can easily cut off the one I was chasing.
    Wraith and pig (also spooky Myers) I try to stealth attack my first hit which makes the chase half as long. I'm more willing to just disappear after a botched attack.

  • Member Posts: 7

    When you mother walks in and tells you to have some lunch.

  • Member Posts: 824
    When they’re dead.
  • Member Posts: 37

    When they start trying to taunt me into continuing the chase. In other words, when they're going "HEY LOOK I'M A DIVERSION!!!"

  • Member Posts: 145
    edited June 2018

    when you feel like you want to die and are getting a little too aggravated at everything the survivor does

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Right now I'm practicing Nurse, so I don't give up chases. The survivor has to legit get away and stay hidden. I don't care about gens or exit gates. I just want to get my time-to-down a survivor to a really good spot. If I de-rank then it just means I face "easier" targets next match.

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