Killer Camping

Genuine question to the killer community. I run a lot of games lately with killers getting a hook and just hitting the survivor over and over again or zapping them with the doc. I gotta ask, why? Is it a vendetta thing or is that fun?


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I was all prepared to make some snarky comment like "Congratulations!! You've posted the 1,000,000th thread about camping!". But since you used the word genuine, I'll give you a genuine reply. When I first started playing the game I was a camping monster. Every game. Camp. Camp. Camp. I was really blood thirsty. I didn't care about bloodpoints. I didn't care about salt. I didn't care if everyone except one survivor died. I just wanted to see them die.

    It was as simple as that really. A lot of that was part of the learning curve for me. When I first started I didn't really understand why I could smash someone's head in with a sledgehammer, put them on a meat hook, and 30 seconds later see them running around as if nothing happened. I figured if I made sure they didn't leave the meat hook then they would die. Sure enough it worked. Better yet, I didn't have to chase after the other survivors! They just came to me! That's way easier that running around constantly.

    Eventually, I discovered the beauty that is BBQ. Hey, this double bloodpoint thing is pretty sweet. I started to understand how nice it is to get actual progress with blood point gains. Then that became my objective and I didn't really care all that much if survivors lived or died. Don't get me wrong. They still do a whole lot of dying. I just don't care all that much. It doesn't make my heart race like it used to. I actually enjoy good chases and look at the game from the survivors perspective once in a while. That was my evolution as a killer. I can't answer for everyone, but hopefully that gives you some perspective.

  • ToppingPanic
    ToppingPanic Member Posts: 78

    @Dreamnomad said:
    I was all prepared to make some snarky comment like "Congratulations!! You've posted the 1,000,000th thread about camping!". But since you used the word genuine, I'll give you a genuine reply. When I first started playing the game I was a camping monster. Every game. Camp. Camp. Camp. I was really blood thirsty. I didn't care about bloodpoints. I didn't care about salt. I didn't care if everyone except one survivor died. I just wanted to see them die.

    It was as simple as that really. A lot of that was part of the learning curve for me. When I first started I didn't really understand why I could smash someone's head in with a sledgehammer, put them on a meat hook, and 30 seconds later see them running around as if nothing happened. I figured if I made sure they didn't leave the meat hook then they would die. Sure enough it worked. Better yet, I didn't have to chase after the other survivors! They just came to me! That's way easier that running around constantly.

    Eventually, I discovered the beauty that is BBQ. Hey, this double bloodpoint thing is pretty sweet. I started to understand how nice it is to get actual progress with blood point gains. Then that became my objective and I didn't really care all that much if survivors lived or died. Don't get me wrong. They still do a whole lot of dying. I just don't care all that much. It doesn't make my heart race like it used to. I actually enjoy good chases and look at the game from the survivors perspective once in a while. That was my evolution as a killer. I can't answer for everyone, but hopefully that gives you some perspective.

    Bro, that first paragraph is just not 100%. I appreciate you being real, but god damn.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    Honestly, the answer is as varied as the answer to why survivors teabag.

    Some are new and believe it speeds up the sacrifice.

    I've been known to hit a hooked survivor once as kind of a high five for a good chase.

    Some do it just in case the survivor escapes, they'll be angry and start making mistakes.

    Some do it because they're mad or frustrated because of (insert a reason here...teabagging, SWF, game imbalance, etc, etc).

    I'm sure there's more but that's all the ones I know of currently.
  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    If you loop a killer around one pickup truck the entire game, they will down with NOED, hook you, facecamp and beat you least that's one of my experiences
  • Oooooof
    Oooooof Member Posts: 109

    @HuN7r3sS And thats why noed needs rework xD

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Genuine question to the killer community. I run a lot of games lately with killers getting a hook and just hitting the survivor over and over again or zapping them with the doc. I gotta ask, why? Is it a vendetta thing or is that fun?

    For  the most part I generally see camper they just wait however if I ever see a camper repeatedly smack or BM a Survivor on hook, I know that survivor must have done something to really piss off that killer whether it was in this match or a previous one
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    sometimes camping is straight up the best play if the survivors are overly altruistic

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    @Oooooof I very much agree with you
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ToppingPanic said:
    Genuine question to the killer community. I run a lot of games lately with killers getting a hook and just hitting the survivor over and over again or zapping them with the doc. I gotta ask, why? Is it a vendetta thing or is that fun?

    A SWF bullying me has already ruined the games for all other survivors the whole day. And no, its not really fun to camp, rather boring. It only becomes fun when survivors throw themselves at you^^