Add a score event for Survivors called "Martyr" for the Survival category

^ Title
The score event rewards you with around 3000 bloodpoints in the Survival category for being sacrificed or mori'd while your team escapes, similar to Obsession Dead/Escaped. This will be beneficial to create a better understanding for Survivors on what a "victory" is and allow Survivors to earn more bloodpoints in the Survival category, which is currently why people have such a hard time grinding as Survivor in the first place.
The conditions of earning "Martyr" are as follows: you are killed or sacrificed after all of the gens are done OR at least one Survivor has escaped.
Perhaps after sacrificing yourself to save another it triggers. Never leave a soul behind is my motto.
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Don't feed a camper. That would be my motto.
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So someone escapes and you suddenly get 60% of the escape points just for being sacrificed?
This would boost sirvivors ditching each other, because the difference between escape or not would shrink.
(Its kinda the same BS with the escape points attached to the hatch points)
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Yes, because you and your team got far enough to be rewarded for your efforts, even if you didn’t make it all the way. Remember, these are bloodpoints we’re talking about, not pips.
Either way, the conditions can be adjusted. Mine is just the simplest way I could think of.
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I like the idea. Being that first Survivor that gets whacked with NOED sucks.
Somebody has to take one for the team.