Does anyone know when the 5th year crowns are comming?

I know they're supposed to come today. I've been looking on DBD Instagram and Twitter for the time when they release the crowns because I'm really excited. Does anyone know?
Next month, actually. I think most of us have been bamboozled.
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I'm really excited too, cause I couldn't get the crown last year. Do you know if there will be more than one crown in a match? Like if someone already took it will a new one spawn?
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Why would it be next month? They said on the stream that the crowns will be released on the 1st of June. And also, the 5th year anniversary will be on the 14th of June.
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I did get one crown last year, but not for the character I wanted. And I don't know if there will be more than one crown every match. Last year, I think it was 1 crown every match and it didn't respawn if someone took it. But I hope that multiple people can get it every match this year.
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Oh, right, it's 1-15 July. I thought it's June as well.
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Oh... Now I'm big sad :(
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I believe it's one crown at once, but several in one trial. I don't really remember how it was last year. But I remember it was spawn randomly for a while and then respawn somwhere else on the map, if no one grab it.
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thanks for the answers :)
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And I woke up excited. Not for the event itself, because it is recycled from last year, but for the Community Challenges.
Now I am sad, and disappointed.
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Last anniversary was a great bloodpoint boost. So much people bringing bloodpoint offerings. It sometimes make you earn more than 150k in one trial. Last year I maxed out Deathslinger p3-50 with all perks.
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i still have some cakes from last year
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Same. 21 on Claudette.
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I don't. Feels bad
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the event is in July what? Isn't the anniversary of the game in June?
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It is. That why I'm so confused about this
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That's close to the truth. With all five players bring a cake last year you could achieve 520% more BP. Mixed with another 100% from BBQ you get 620%.
32,000 x 6.2 = 198,400 as the theoretically max BP possible to earn in a single game last year.
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Crowns do respawn.