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General Discussions

killer perk tier list

Member Posts: 149
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

let me start off by saying that this is my opinion, if yours is different then we can discuss it.


1. BBQ and Chili- allows the killer to see where survivors are after hooking a survivor, but only ones that are far away, and gives BP bonuses. Great perk
Nurse's Calling- killer can see auras of healing survivors when within a certain distance. You can really catch survivors off guard with this, great perk.
Agitation- walk faster while carrying a survivor to a hook. Better than iron grasp because it saves a bit of time while transporting survivors.
Brutal Strength- Unless you're using nurse, I'd argue this perk is meta. Let's you break pallets quicker, although I still think it deserves a bit of a buff because of how many pallets there are and how much they're used.


Whispers- allows you to hear the entity's whispering when within a certain distance of a survivor. Good for getting an idea of where to look, especially if there's only one survivor left. Not S tier because it really isn't too necessary as long as you patrol gens well.
Hex: Ruin- as long as the hex totem remains, survivors can't do gens at the speed of lightning. Would be S tier if the totems weren't so easy and quick to find and cleanse.
Hex: No One Escapes Death- once the exit gates are powered, as long as the hex totem remains, you can one shot survivors (if it's tier 3), and it gives you small speed boosts. Would be S tier if it wasn't a hex, or if tier 2 allowed one shots. Turns a losing game into a winning one quickly.
Coulrophobia- when survivors are within a certain distance, healing speed is reduced. good to stop people from healing quickly before you find them.
Enduring- reduces stun time. allows you to play riskier and stay chasing the survivors instead of spending half the game recovering from the pallets.
Remember Me- the more you hit your obsession, the longer it takes to open the gates. paired with NOED, and this perk can devastate at the end game.
Overcharge- damaging a gen will regress it and cause the next survivor to repair it to trigger a hard skill check, which can show where they are. Would be higher if survivors weren't so good at those hard skillchecks from all the decisive strike.


Iron Grasp- allows you more time to carry survivors and their wiggle effects don't do as much. Good if you don't have agitation or if the wiggling messes you up a lot. Still, Agitation is better.
Blood Warden- after the exit gates are powered, if you hook a survivor, the exits are blocked by the entity and you can see the survivors at the gates. Good perk, but if you don't manage to hook anyone it's useless.
Deerstalker- allows you to see auras of downed survivors within a certain range. Must have for slugging. Overall a safe perk choice if you don't have anything else.
Bamboozle- you vault windows faster and can block windows you've vaulted for a certain amount of time. Good to stop those loops that feel like they're infinite, but still there are better alternatives.
Pop Goes the Weasel- if a survivor is hooked, any generator you damage gets regressed by a certain amount. Can be a game saver if paired with overcharge, but still not amazing.
Hex: Devour Hope-This perk could be put in C tier, but also in A tier, so I put it in the middle. Every time a survivor is saved from a hook within a certain distance from you, you get tokens. Once you get 3 tokens, you can one shot survivors. If used right and not cleansed right away, can devastate, but it's a risky perk to run.
Shadowborn- increases your FOV. makes it harder for survivors to juke you by hiding in plain sight. Used to be trash, but they removed the negative effect.
Monitor and Abuse- If you aren't in a chase, your terror radius is smaller and your FOV higher, but while in a chase your terror radius is bigger. Pretty good, but the changing FOV is kind of weird.
Tinkerer- used to make addons more effective. Pretty good, but there are better perks to run.
Make Your Choice- if you're a certain distance away from a hooked survivor and they get saved, their rescuer gets exposed, and can be one shot. Promotes not camping, and can be good. Still, there are better perks.
Unnerving Presence- while survivors are in your terror radius, skillchecks are a lot harder and more frequent. Good on some killers, bad on others because it tells survivors if you're close. It just depends on who you're using and your playstyle.


Hex: Thrill of the Hunt- while the hex totem is active, it takes longer to cleanse totems and you're notified when a survivor starts to. Also gives bloodpoint gains. Only really good paired with other hex perks, so you can monitor them better.
Hex: Huntress Lullaby- while the hex totem is active, for every survivor you hook, time between the skillcheck warning and the skillcheck get shorter. If you hook enough people, there isn't a warning at all. The effect is good, but usually the totem is cleansed before the effect even really takes place. Still, if you can protect the totem, this can make gens a lot harder.
Thanatophobia- for every survivor that's injured, all survivors get a penalty to repair, healing, and sabotage speeds. Isn't enough of a penalty to really warrant using this, but it's ok. If you can keep multiple survivors injured, or if someone is using no mither, this perk can be pretty good.
Franklin's Demise- when you hit a survivor, they drop their item and it's amount of use is lowered. Good against SWF with flashlights or keys. Other than that, it's really just more annoying than anything. But if a survivor is determined to keep an item, you can use it to down them when they keep coming for it.
Knock Out- makes survivors unable to see the auras of downed survivors from a certain distance. Good for slugging, so the survivors don't know where to go to heal their downed teammates.
Lightborn- increases resistance to flashlights and decreases flashlight blindness time. Good against flashlight wielding SWF, but overall just ok.
Dying Light- after you sacrifice your obsession, every remaining survivor has a big penalty to repair, healing, and sabotage speed. While the obsession is alive though, they get boosts to those. Really good perk if you manage to kill obsession quick, as it can doom the survivors for the rest of the game, but ultimately not worth it as your obsession can be good and just screw you over. Risky perk to run, but when it works it works well.
Bloodhound- injured survivor's blood stains are easier to see and remain longer. Good for tracking survivors, but there are better alternatives. Paired with sloppy butcher though, and this can be good.
Stridor- injured survivor's breathing is easier to hear. Kind of like bloodhound, good for tracking injured survivors, but not really great in the scheme of things.
Overwhelming Presence- survivors within a certain distance suffer from inefficiency. Item consumption rates are increased a lot. It's ok, but really not too good.


Hex: The Third Seal- while the hex totem is active, the last few survivors you hit suffer from blindness, and they can't read auras. Also good for a slugging build, when paired with Knock Out and Deerstalker, but other than that kind of useless. Wouldn't really recommend.
Unrelenting- missed attacks cooldown is reduced. Good if you miss a lot of your attacks, but if you're experienced enough to know when to attack, you don't need this.
Territorial Imperative- whenever a survivor enters the basement a certain distance away from you, you get alerted. It's ok because it's unexpected, but really not worth it.
Distressing- your terror radius is increased, and you get a bloodpoint bonus in deviousness. Good on the doctor, but not really good on anyone else, especially stealth killers.
Bitter Murmur- once the exit gates are active, you can see survivor's auras for a few seconds. Yeah, it lets you know what gates they're headed to, but it only lasts a few seconds. Plus, whichever gate is closer to the last gen that was repaired, it's safe to say they're probably headed to that one.
Beast of Prey- once bloodlust activates, the red stain in front of you disappears. Decent against new players who don't look behind them to see where the killer is, but anyone that actually knows what they're doing doesn't need the stain anyway. Plus, it's only when you get bloodlust, and with all the pallets you have to break, you don't have bloodlust too often.
Fire Up- for every gen repaired, you get a boost to speed. It's alright but it relies on the survivors making progress. So in order to use it, you have to be put in a losing situation, and it's not good enough to warrant it, like NOED is, for example.
Save the Best for Last- if your obsession is alive, after being in a chase for 20 seconds, your attack cooldown times are reduced. It's ok, but if you lose line of sight, the chase is over anyway, even if they haven't lost you. Just not worth it.
Hangman's Trick- sabotaged hooks regenerate quicker, and you get a notification when someone starts sabotaging. Ok against those annoying people that sabotage every hook in the map, but really situational.


Spies from the Shadows- if a survivor scares off crows, it might give you a visual notification. MIGHT. It's RNG, not guaranteed at all. And if it is triggered, you don't hear it. Awful perk, yeah, it's unexpected, but for a reason. Because it sucks. Don't use this.
Sloppy Butcher - Injured survivors bleed more. Ok when used with bloodhound, but other than that it's pretty much a wasted perk.
Surveillance - you can see auras of the last regressing gens. So if someone starts working on one after getting off it, you'll see it. Pretty useless
Monstrous Shrine- speeds up the sacrificing progress and makes it even harder to escape the hook. Sounds pretty good, until you read that it only does this for the basement hooks. So, only 4 hooks in the map have this. Would be great if it were for every hook. But it's awful because it's only the basement. It should be easy enough to make sure survivors hooked in the basement don't get saved, even without camping. So this perk is bad.
Predator- red scratches from running survivors last longer. When I first read the effect of this perk, I thought it'd be good. But, it really just confuses you. You don't need to see the scratch marks for as long as you can with this perk. You can see scratch marks from a survivor that's already about halfway across the map. Bad perk.
Play With Your Food- every time you let your obsession win a chase, you get a token. However many tokens you have, it gives a speed boost to any offensive action. Every time you make an offensive action, you lose a token. It takes 20 seconds to get something that you lose in about a second. Complete waste of time, especially considering in 20 seconds, survivors can get a gen about 1/4 of the way done without any boosts. Just plain bad perk.


Insidious- After standing still for 2-4 seconds, your terror radius disappears. All this does is promote camping. Don't use this perk.

pretty sure that's every killer perk so far, if I missed any, tell me. If you disagree with a placement, tell me politely so as to not hurt my very very fragile feelings. this took a while and I'm sure it was a waste of time but it's done now and I'll never have that time back.

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  • Member Posts: 1,962
    This tier list doesn't take the varied killer playstyle into account.

    BBQ and chili isn't S tier on Hag due to her limited mobility.

    Hexes can be removed becoming a wasted perk slot at the beginning of the majority of matches. 

    There are other examples, but meh.
  • Member Posts: 149

    @SpaceCoconut said:
    This tier list doesn't take the varied killer playstyle into account.

    BBQ and chili isn't S tier on Hag due to her limited mobility.

    Hexes can be removed becoming a wasted perk slot at the beginning of the majority of matches. 

    There are other examples, but meh.

    just because it's S tier doesn't mean I'm saying it's a must use. This just gives an idea of how good perks are compared to others. and I explained the drawback to the hex perks in every hex perk description.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 39
    edited June 2018

    Brutal Strengh was better back in the day now it's still good but I don't know if it's S tier. Deer Stalker is a wasted perk slot cause You really rarely slug and if You slug all 4 You already won and this only makes that You can find survivors who already lost the game.

    Also really bad perks can be used in certain scenario like play with your food on tombstone myers or franklin's demise on Hag to put a trap on top of the item. Yeah I guess a lot of perks are better then others but it`s always nice to look for the creative use for "bad" perks ^^

    Also Insidious Basement Leatherface is an S tier... rooDerp , 70% of the time it works everytime.

  • Member Posts: 149

    @Antero said:
    Brutal Strengh was better back in the day now it's still good but I don't know if it's S tier. Deer Stalker is a wasted perk slot cause You really rarely slug and if You slug all 4 You already won and this only makes that You can find survivors who already lost the game.

    Also really bad perks can be used in certain scenario like play with your food on tombstone myers or franklin's demise on Hag to put a trap on top of the item. Yeah I guess a lot of perks are better then others but it`s always nice to look for the creative use for "bad" perks ^^

    Also Insidious Basement Leatherface is an S tier... rooDerp , 70% of the time it works everytime.

    I see what you're saying, brutal strength isn't what it used to be. but the amount of pallets you have to break so they aren't abused makes me believe that brutal strength is necessary.
    as for the bad perks that can be used, this is really just a general list, every perk can have its certain way to shine.

    but insidious basement leatherface should be bannable, don't @ me

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018
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  • Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2018

    I agree with @SaltyKiller . Perks really depends on who you play. I like to run Make Your Choice with my nurse, but it's completely useless with Billy: it's so easy to get back on the hook, it almost guarantees you another kill.
    Also, I like better Enduring than Brutal Strength : I'm used to play loopable killers. I main billy and I love playing the pig, so if I respected pallets, I would lose a lot of time. Moreover, you don't have to break all the pallets. I only break them when survivors keep running around them. When they leave the spot, there's no need to do that. But eating pallets is almost essential. It forces survivors to pull them down, when Brutal strength doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Brutal Strength hasn't been S tier for months now. I'd say it was A tier until the last patch.

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  • Member Posts: 824
    Ruin is S tier. Sure it can be knocked out quickly but it can slow gen progress to a crawl if the survivors refuse to fight through it, which most do. It’s rigjt there with BBQ in terms of perks imho, my killer builds do not feel complete without it.

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