Killer Idea, The Druid (From Slasher Solstice)

Snort Member Posts: 27

Thos character was going to be my halloween costume and I am currently bored out of my mind so I just wanna throw this idea out here because it would be pretty rad for one of my favorite slasher characters be in dead by daylight.

Slasher is a netflix show that has chapters instead of seasons, and each chapter is a different story. Season 3 or The Soltice, is what the character The Druid is from and I love the look of this killer. AND I higgghhlyy reccomend watching season 3!! Just skip right too it!!

Name: The Druid

  • Power: Silence

You can clock your terror radius from everyone but your obessision, (Your power makes you have an obsession if a perk does not already) Your ability drians your duration bar slowly, your cloaking can last up too 45 seconds. Picking up a survivor brings you out of your cloaking.

  • Perk One: Silence sees all

When someone has been hooked if someone works on a gen for 8/9/10 seconds while the victim is hooked, their aura will be revealed to you for 8/9/10 seconds and have the exposed status effect for 10/15/20 seconds. (There secrectly exposed like NOED)

60 second cooldown

I dont know what to put for a qoute im sorry.

  • Perk Two: Dont forget what follows

When you see a survivors aura you gain 3%/4%/5% haste (doesnt stack)

Cooldown 60/50/40 second cooldown

  • Perk Three: Rampage

After you are stunned, the survivor who stunned you no longer can see your bloodstain for 3/5/7 seconds

Cooldown of 40/30/20 seconds


Base speed-120%  

Alternate speed-115%

32 meter terror radius

Average height

Did I do this right? What do you guys think?

I dint know what to name stuff sorry and i dint write the descriptions well and I apologise.


  • Snort
    Snort Member Posts: 27

    any feedback? any discussion?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The power seems fairly weak. We have a lot of killer who can hide their terror radius in one form or another, and nearly every one of them has 1-2 other aspects to their power to make them somewhat viable. This is Ghostface with a duration instead of revealing, minus the ability to expose, or crouch, and his power only affects 3/4 survivors.

    Silence Sees All is interesting, but potentially too long a duration on the reveal. It has potential to slow the game when someone gets hooked, but being a secret exposed status sort of counters that benefit out, and would be highly unfair to survivors who just get insta-downed for just working on gens. Remember this is usable on ANY killer, a Nurse seeing and exposing anyone who does repairs when someone is hooked would be incredibly broken.

    Don't Forget What Follows seems decent.

    Rampage would be very unreliable. It would only serve to mindgame an already dropped pallet which would still be a very safe position even without the stain in most cases. Especially since it's only 7 seconds, just running away from the pallet would burn the duration, and you either break the pallet anyway or try to catch up in that time and leave a safe dropped pallet to hurt you in later chases.

    Only other comment, of all the Slasher seasons, I don't know why 3. The killer based around the deadly sins was far more inspired and artistic. The second season was such a beautifully strange take on the cabin in the woods scenario by moving it to the snow, combining two groups who don't know each other, and the ending was incredible.

    Season 3 was just messy, overdone, teenage politics. The kills weren't meaningful, it was just "what's on hand and how can this be messy" and half the characters didn't even seem to have significant reason to die.

  • Nywlr
    Nywlr Member Posts: 9

    Tbh I don't think we'd get a killer nearly like this or this, but we could get a skin like this for legion(fits them very well)