Deep wounds black screen needs to go

Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've always found it annoying that you can barely see in deep wounds state, I've heard other people mention this and thought I'd make a post about it. Are there any contrarians that would like to tell me that barely being able to see your screen is actually really cool and great for gameplay? Lets see.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Contrarian spotted. "A little threatening", Dude...I can barely see the screen and I have 20/20. Just curious do you ever play survivor?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm a bit ambivalent.

    On the one hand, the idea is to let you know you're about to be in the dying state, and it could be seen as a drawback to being in the Deep Wound state, which needs to be something more than a regular injury, but less than the dying state.

    On the other hand, barely being able to see might be too strong.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,505

    I have sight problems in dark areas and looking at dark objects and the deep wound darkening basically guarantees im gonna screw up lol. I hate it so much.

  • Bonquiqui414
    Bonquiqui414 Member Posts: 222

    It really does. I hate when you’re being chased by a Deathslinger or legion and you don’t have time to you and you legit cannot see some structures.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    LMAO, very clever of you to bring up my assuming of you not playing survivor without actually answering the question, nice try. As for the other thing you said, Dude... It's not like the killer can chase you in deep wounds for a while and eventually it gets dark, no that's impossible. You want to try telling me I should mend while getting chased? Go ahead.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Personally i have no problem with it.

    It is meant to slow you down and to be threatened.

    If you pay attention you can still see enough to keep looping the killer.

    It's just not meant for you to keep doing that the whole time, otherwise deep wound doesn't make sense.

    Basically you have as the name suggests a deep wound, and if not treated your energy or life slips away.

    It honestly takes some time before it gets really dark and you can barely see anything, which means that you have wasted a significant amount of time from the killer already.

    So yeah, I have no problem with it and it can stay as it is.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Darkness is just nothing more than a hindrance to screw you over in a chase when you can't stop being chased already against certain killers. Its an annoying mechanic that blinds you almost due to the darkening of the new maps, making it hard to see where you're going. Hell, I've ran back into the killer a few times because it was so dark and I have problems with my eyesight in the dark. Im legally night blind and this just makes it bullshit.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Than just turn on a light when you're night blind 😜

    But for real, it is meant for you to be slowed down. It makes no sense for you to keep going on for ever with a "deep wound".

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I don't have problems with it unless if I'm in dark areas like other people mentioned.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    I mean, I have perfect vision, and I can't really play the game in deep wounds.

    It's an outdated mechanic and honestly needs to be removed. Slinger and Legion need a rework anyways

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Deep wounds on console where the screen is already dark makes me strain my eyes harder than ever before

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    So Borrowed Time and Death Slinger don't exist, oh sorry...I thought Borrowed Time and Death Slinger existed my bad.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Why do people who only play 1 side in an asymmetrical game think they have the right to talk about balance, very strange. Once again the killer can chase someone in deep wounds and eventually you can't see the screen anymore, you can rationalize it any way you want but at the end of the day it's just bad gameplay.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Just mend. It is intended to be like that

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "Just mend" Mending while in chase LMAO, nice troll dude

  • Sup3rCatTree
    Sup3rCatTree Member Posts: 588

    I don't think it needs to go it needs to be changed, maybe make it more visible with blood dripping down the screen

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I dislike how dark it gets, it def needs a revisiting by the devs. It's more of an annoyance than anything.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    It's not that dark until you wait for last seconds of the timer

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we know each other?

    Or at least I don't know you but apparently you know me as you are very sure I play only 1 side appearantly.

    Just to get the record straith mister/misses, never assume that you know someone and what that person plays, makes you look dumb.

    I play both sides and not just one side as you assume, I love a bit of variation.

    You might find deep wound bad gameplay, but it is not designed for just keep doing normal stuff which you do without.

    Yes the killer can still chase you and the screen gets darker the longer it takes, but you can still see.

    If you keep him busy than that is good and bad on him.

    But when you go down than that was bound to happen.

    I have looped killers for a few minutes with a very dark screen so I know how it is like, and I have no problem going down because end of it all, you wasted his time while the rest was busy.

    You call it bad and I call it good as I don't see any issues with it.

    The only thing we agree on is that we disagree with each other

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited May 2021

    Been complaining about this since long before map reworks. if I'm in deep wounds and still being chased, the red stain becomes invisible and I can barely see where I am. This isn't a case of 'git gud' or 'just mend' because stopping to mend for even a moment is going to get you killed and allow the timer to go down a fair bit given the server issues.

    This is, of course, given the fact that DW is not meant to be a threat. It's meant to be a minor nuisance at most, and even then, it is most often seen when a killer is attempting to tunnel someone. Rewarding someone for tunnelling a player by making said player's ability to see non-existent, makes no sense. Especially seeing as it now happens earlier than it did before (bad compensation nerf)

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Sorry Dude, I thought I was messaging the other guy with the Blight profile, I asked him if he played survivor and he refused to answer.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Ah ok I see the issue there yeah 😅

    No problem them 👍🤘✌️

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    But do you actually think going down because you can't see the screen is good gameplay? I don't think that's a valid opinion, so agreeing to disagree doesn't work for me on this one.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    An opinion is still an opinion so it is still valid.

    But an argument someone make about something you can find it not valid.

    But about the screen getting darker.

    It was never designed for you to last long when you're critically injured, hence the "deep wound"

    It is created to buy you some time to get away, but while in chase to waste time of the killer.

    If you can see clearly the entire time than the meaning deep wound would be useless and should be named 3rd health state.

    So yeah i agree that it can be annoying to some as they want to be able to loop the killer the entire time while in deep wound.

    But it is good gameplay as deep wound gives you an chance to escape rather than instantly downed while unhooked for example.

    And if the killer chooses to chase you that that is bad gameplay from him.

    They just try to make it look like your life dripping away and you eventually get caught, just like many horror movies where someone tries to escape a killer while being badly injured, they go down eventually.

    And tbh i rarely go down because i can't see shite, the killer will leave me most of the times.

    And when they don't i make sure I wast as much time as possible as it was attended to do.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2021

    There's some problems with what you just wrote. The only thing deep wounds is "meant" to do is force a time sink, you can try to justify the black screen but at the end of the day it's bad gameplay, you shouldn't lose a chase because you literally can't see your screen.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2021

    And by literally I mean almost literally, but still very annoying.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Then explain me why you are not supposed to lose a chase because the screen gets darker?

    You can still see enough to let a chase last long.

    You don't give me any reason why you should not lose a chase because of that.

    I gave you my reasoning why I think it is fine as it is but the only reason you gave is "it's bad gameplay"

    Your life is dripping away as you lose a lot of blood, which will mess with your vision.

    I know you find that bad gameplay but no actual reason of why you think it is.

    I play dbd on ps4/5 and have bad eyesight (yes I'm a 4 eyes 😉) and I have no problem keeping track of the killer.

    The only thing that actually fade/disappears, is the red stain from the killer.

    But then again, there are perks and killers who do the same thing.

    But you can still track the killer pretty well.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    There is an objective reason for the deep wounds black screen being considered bad gameplay and it's as follows: Going down because you can't see the screen is non interactive. Plain and simple, non interactiveness is bad in pvp games, it's the reason Spirit is the most hated killer in the game even though Nurse is stronger, it's because it's non interactive. The devs don't play their own game above rank 10 so here we are, doesn't mean it's good doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    If you don't care about what other people have to say if it doesn't agree with you, you don't want a discussion.

    The whole point of a forum is to discuss ideas, thoughts and opinions.

    So, if you don't have any interest in having a friendly discussion, kindly don't make a thread at all.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    A nerf to Legion is a nerf to Legion, an already weak Killer.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Here's the thing though: The darkened screen is Both a Punishment and a Tradeoff.

    Deep Wounds regardless of who applied it requires the killer to hit you and in the case of Slinger/Legion its their Punishments for you for getting hit.

    For BT its a Tradeoff as you can use it to body block one hit/Tank a campers hit but your screen darkens as a trade off to make getting hit the 2nd time easier for the killer because they had already hit you once.

    You survived a hit that should have downed you and you expect there to be no Punishment or Tradeoff to that?

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Can you try using your eyes, this discussion is in feedback and suggestions, why does feedback and suggestions exist? Try answering that before you say more nonsense. I suggested an improvement to the game if you don't like it too bad. FYI you mean nothing to me and I don't care if you think I should make a post or not.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Not really a good argument, tbh. I agree with OP that this is something that really needs changing, Legion existing or not, and have also in the past (in fact I made one post about this just last week) suggested plenty of buffs to Legion.

  • Spill
    Spill Member Posts: 235

    I really hate all visual impairments in this game. I get why they exist but its still really frustrating to deal with.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I think he doesn't want a discussion or anything tbh, I think he's just in here to pick fights with who ever disagrees with him.

    All he says that when you disagree that you're wrong and you're points are not valid.

    But doesn't come with some good points why he thinks that it is bad.

    So no point to have a discussion with him I think

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Perhaps the dark screen for deep wound could be used instead for the bleed out meter? imagine just as you get picked up before you bleed out, your vision is kind of screwed while you're frantically running to find the hatch or something. Pretty scary, right?

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    It seems you have trouble using your eyes and maybe your brain also? I already replied to you and gave you a thorough response, I'll repost it for you in case you missed it.

    "There is an objective reason for the deep wounds black screen being considered bad gameplay and it's as follows: Going down because you can't see the screen is non interactive. Plain and simple, non interactiveness is bad in pvp games, it's the reason Spirit is the most hated killer in the game even though Nurse is stronger, it's because it's non interactive. The devs don't play their own game above rank 10 so here we are, doesn't mean it's good doesn't mean it shouldn't be improved."

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Oh don't worry I have read it.

    Tho for you that is your opinion and as you said to me, not a valid one.

    It's not really a well build argument and just a personal preference, nothing more nothing less.

    But even tho we are in a discussion section, even though you think not, I'm gonna let it rest here because there is no reasoning with you.

    Because as you make it show, whether intentionally or not, what you think is the only thing that matter and is the only thing that is right.

    There is no reason of having a discussion with someone who isn't open to see other reasons but their own.

    So i wish you the best of luck in the future ✌️

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117