Trickster is deffently the worst killer

If people are struggling to get 2 kills especially against rank 5 surivors how is he supposed to be played at rank 1
this is the only killer I struggle to stay in rank 1 and he literal garbage my inputs dont matter as this killer I try recoil control nope random recoil I try m1 nope he's 110 cant do that well on top of that he's easily the most map dependent killer in the game you got a tall loop you lose got a short loop take 30s to down then
seriously he's worse that legion legion can at least temporarily ingore any loops and get quick injures and info and then after that they are atleast 115 to down
Look at nemmisis he's 115 has ai free info has a short ranged attack and can break pallets with it also he needs 3 hits not 16
Seriously whoever made this killer had a good idea but someone butchered it
Unfortunately true for the majority, but I've actually went against some really good Tricksters that destroyed our team. Granted it was an open map and on some other realms he's absolute trash but, he has his moments.
Nonetheless though his "main event" is such a joke and pretty much gives the survivor a free escape since he's slowed down so much. I've found that he's only useful when he camps, and that's awful design.
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When legion exists nope
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I don't think he's as bad as people say he is. He's definitely not the worst, low tier sure, but there are other killers weaker than him, like Trapper and Legion.
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He annoys me. Oh boy, here he comes. Left, right, left, right, left, right, find an obstacle, run around it, left, right, left, right, how many thousands of knives does this guy have again? Left, right, left right. It's like running through a swarm of mosquitoes. It's a stupid and irritating power. And if you lose to it, you didn't lose to skill, you lost to the simple math of managing to get hit 8 out of like 60 times. I'm not going to continue to complain about everything else I dislike about him, I've done that enough.
He's apparently lame to play as as well, and in fact today's the first time I've seen him in weeks. That said, for as much as people say that he isn't any good, I've seen plenty of people (including red ranks) lose to him, so I don't know about him being as ineffective as people say. Just lame and annoying.
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How trapper can instantly end a chase and deny loops and injure from distance if they step in trap
I agree that legion is debatable but he's atleast not map dependent and 115 its literally did trickster get a good map yes he's better no he's worse
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Cmon he’s not that bad I play him and he’s actually underrated he can injure everyone at once and cause massive slowdown
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Legion is far better than trickster. But I guess that depends if you're pc as once again recoil is easier to control due to mouse sensitivity. Still prefer legion though, map control, great for injures and is 115% speed
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Trickster is actually good if you run Trick blades and Melodious murder addon but without those 2 addons he sucks. His power sucks he’s to slow and main event actually hurts him more than it helps I lost a game cause of main event. I hope they buff him good in the mid chapter of resident evil
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But the thing is they weren't that good like Mike said you lost to math and luck he has 60 knives and only needs 8-16 he still has 40+knives to throw to you and they try to make up for that with random recoil and being 110 all of those are are not needed he dosent need random recoil and 60 knives 40 is plenty if the player dosent have to combat the game mechanic
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But purple addons aren't available every game the green is debatable but I'll let it pass
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Legion can easily get the first hit on multiple survivors, and with 115% ms he can end chases faster. Trickster is literally a 110% ms killer 90% of the time
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That's just it. If Tricker is anywhere within viewing distance of you here come the knives, and you have to drop everything and run around like a madman trying to evade roughly 50 damn projectiles for 30 straight seconds. That's a bit much. I don't care how good you are, you're not going to avoid them all and you only need a small amount to start being affected. Huntress only has half a dozen, Deathslinger only has one, and they both need to aim. Trickster? Hold a button and just watch a rain of weapons go flying at the opponent. You have 5 dozen times to hit them in one volley, and only one of those dozen needs to connect. It's like being downed from someone running up behind you and jabbing you in the back with their finger over and over.
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Trickster is like... a poor excuse of a Huntress that failed his Old Legion classes.
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The thing is, looping is part of the metagame. Trapper and Legion have no anti-loop to help them down survivors as they're pretty much basic M1 killers.
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Ranks are not indicitive of skill, but more so of time put in the game. You can be rank one and be terrible at looping or chasing down survivors and anti looping or mind games.
That being said, trickster suffers from lethality and ending chases fast, that has never been a good thing and almost always means that killer will struggle against experienced and good players. That being said, not many experienced players think he is the worst, but he suffers from poor design for sure. There is room to improve him, without a doubt.
Not to mention, he isnt very "tricky" be it skill ceiling or playstyle.
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How do you end a chase as legion? You have to be an m1 killer which causes issues on certain maps and against good survivors
Trickster’s chase is actually okay especially on low wall loops
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In no world can legion consistently end chase faster than trickster
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Yes yes they are not the best but no way the worst trapper can shut down loops how is that not anti loop
And again legion legion yes he is pretty much a m1 killer but he can still ingore loops for a short time and can get info out of their power
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Yes he dose have potential but currently he is the worst killer
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Yeah not consistently but he can without a doubt
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The thing is clowns power is consistent you slow surivors to 90% hes 115 can be 125 and a skilled clown can land bottels on top of loops to affect both sides of the loop
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He can end it considerably faster. The first hit is practically guaranteed, and you can even get there faster when you see the survivor. The 2nd hit is just like the tricksters, but you're never tempted to get out your knives and slow down, just focus on finishing the chase
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That and you can possibly injure 2 or 3 surivors and the good players dont heal against legion effective cutting the chase In half. In a way
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The player doesn't even have to be good, if they play Trickster a lot and get good map RNG then yeah they will probably dominate compared to the average player. It's all about skill, something that is learned with different killers.
Does that mean Trickster is good? Hell no, he's terrible but some players can make it work. DBD should be balanced around higher-level players after all.
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Maybe in your hands. I dont think many players with a ton of playtime would agree.
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I would agree with that bit I mained huntress and deathslinger
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I find it incredible that some people dare to say "IT'S NOT TOO BAD".
Man, he's the worst killer in the game, you guys aren't fooling anyone.
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I didn’t even watch this, it’s common knowledge you can win with every killer at any rank.
Does it make him good? Absolutely not. I actually think he is the worst at this point. If you are winning with him easily the survivors were bad, it’s basically that simple.
He does no damage at loops. If you are able to throw over the loop, other ranged killers are almost strictly better.
He can hardly camp, he cant tunnel anyone good. He is meh unless you get a really favorable map. I have to work so hard on trickster to get kills that are practically handed to other killers for existing.
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Every time someone says they lose at a tall loop, I know they're a terrible Trickster but can't admit it. It should be taking you 30 seconds for an average survivor at a tall loop, 40 for a tournament ready one. He's not an easy killer, he requires better aim than Huntress, and if you're trying to mindgame people then you're wasting your own time and deserve to lose.
And he doesn't even have random recoil, his knives just gently drift upwards.
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Ok, now do it with decent survivors and no accessories. 😁
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legion can atleast get the first hit near instantly and follow up with standard m1 chase which usually results in a faster down than trickster.
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Hands down the worst killer in the game. By a long way.
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They can say hello in my lobby any time over Trickster. All better than him.
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You're entitled to your opinion. I don't agree with it.
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Legion is leagues above Trickster.
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All of them 115 with either stealth a way to deny loops or gen delay
If your confused about Myers his anti loop is to end the chase before it begins
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First. I'm gonna point out you got proprobably the most balanced map with an open outside and low loops both favor trickster
2 you average around 30 knives to down 1 survivor this is on pc imagine console players
3 you have 3 gen delay perks yes I'm counting undying because it saved ruin. not the average killer that doesn't suck only needs 1 granted they didn't get much value but the fact that you feel the need to run 3 says something.
4 the surivors threw the game because you were camping the Steve
Again a killer that dosent suck wouldn't have to camp because they could end the chase or get an injure quick enough to make it worth
I get defending him till struggle because they were slow to save
5 if the survivors were smart they would of gen rushed your @$$ for camping makeing it impossible for you to catch up in time
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If its taking you "forever" to reach tier 3 as Myers, or to set some traps down as Trapper then you are playing those killers so badly.
What do you mean stealth doesn't matter with Pig? Stealth always matter. Stealth is a power and can be used effectively. If a killer can hide the ability to let survivors know they are near then that matters. Significantly. Its why Tinkerer is so good.
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Yes set up a 4 gen w sloppy and dont over extend your area I personally use dark devotion because they are gonna run across the map so I use the stealth to get another almost free hit
Agreed with the pig part but still not the worst
Tinkerer stealth can be good that's a free hit possibly stalling the gen or even a free down if they are injured and they only time you wont get to the gen with tinkerer in time is if 2 happen or its across them map which is why people use the mobile killers 5o be able to stop it.
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Again if you lose 3 gens by the time you set some traps or tier up, then you are playing really badly. Either that or you've got four brand new parts in the match and prove thyself players. In that scenario 90% of the killers would lose gens before they get a hook. But situations like that are rare.
Stealth is never overrated when it allows you to get close to an unaware survivor. Its one of the few decent aspects about Pig.
Of course Tinkerer is good because of stealth. Being able to catch a survivor unaware on a gen is huge. Knowing a gen is about to be done is not great if the survivor hears you coming. Yeah you chase them off it. Then what? Kick it and then babysit it til it regresses to a significant portion? Meantime two or three more tinkerers prop while you're proxy camping that gen watching its super slow regression. Make no mistake the stealth aspect is the strongest part of it.
Not to mention many killers can benefit from it from their power, especially the insta down killers. The chainsaw killers, Myers with a 99'ed tier 3, Oni etc. Fantastic on them in particular. If you have something like pop on then you get your hook and regress that gen back to the stone age.
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The real problem is his design. Not that it is crazy bad, but you cant really make him more lethal at range... and buffing his main event could make him way too strong when survivors are grouped or in dead zones... he could cut people down like the chainsaw on bubba... at range.
I can tell you it is a very noticeable difference in lethality at range when using the usb and coca can.... vs using the item that takes more knives to down and gives bp. That is the metric I am using to say that making it take 6 shots or 4 shots to down would be very very strong. huntress and slinger both have more lethal ranged attacks. but they are also much more predictable, or in the case of slinger, counterable.
It feels like he needs something that slows survivors the more knives they have in them... but that might also be bad. It is a tough call. I think he needs to be redesigned. It was a shame to see him come out as he did and then see the tuning pass not actually address the issues that players have with him.
Maybe give him a better element of stealth, or ability to "trick" people. It is a tough ask. much like pig and trapper. they have to change the killers in ways that stay true to the story, but make them more playable. I am glad I am a consumer, not a developer, in this case.