Do the fog offerings do anything?

things like Murky Reagent even when I have 4 people and we all burn them I can barely see a difference. does it effect anything or are they just pointless? I feel like if there is one it should seem much darker and burning more should make it more like actually being in fog.
Yes, they do something.
They kill my fps is what they do.
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I honestly never use them wish they were removed from bloodwebs
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They do, I think though that there is some sort of “cap” on how foggy it can get. I think only 2 murky reagents achieves the max “fogginess”
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So actually this is something that I've been wondering about too, regarding these mist offerings. Just how useful is it increasing/decreasing the fog? Does it really make that much of a difference for either side? Legit I don't know, I never use them.
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This was going to be my answer. 😂
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I think its an outdated thing left off from the past. I remember seeing a lot of fog before but now I hardly notice it
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There is a very easy fix for that: bring the Fog back.
Something so important to the game can't just disappear.
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It got nerfed around the same time crossplay came out.
A purple thick mist offering used to black out the whole map and completely change how a match would play out since you could barely see in front of you.
Now a thick mist offering usually still lets you see a survivor cross map.
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Mostly fog makes my PlayStation's fans go [BAD WORD]ing nuts, like jet engines.
But, the offerings can cut down on vision. I dunno what it's like for PC players, but playing on my console on my TV screen the Elodie literally disappears (cannot see her at all) while crouching there as the fog rolls over her. I'm at one end of the exit gate, she's at the other, so the distance isn't that great.
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I really wish a dev would explain to us how these work. I feel like they where a part of the game that has always been ignored and now really dosnt do much. I can see the fog very clearly on the new farm map however that's it and on that map it looks so pointless its funny.
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they used to do a lot more, but short answer is yes... but people change their settings and cran gamma and brightness to try and gain advantages, so they barely do anything.
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Check the gallery.
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Thanks for the video this is the best I have ever seen it. I think its a bit clearer on the play-station on pc I just don't see them being used.
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They do something. However it's so little that it has nearly no impact on game play. Wish they were a little more effective.
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So after all the feedback on here about this topic I want to see how people feel about them because if they cause problems and no one is benifiting from them I think we should tell the devs so they know we are not happy with that aspect of the game. If players dont really like/use this feature in a meaningful way and it hurts other players then it may be best just to remove them from the game. In order to get some more feelings and numbers on this topic I have made a poll in the discussion forums. Please feel free to select the option you see fit I tried to make it as in depth with the answers if I could.