Do tier lists matter in Dead by Daylight?

I'm trying to find a killer main, but every Killer that fits me is at most top of mid tier. I don't want to play an unviable killer that I won't have fun with because I don't want to be punished for playing a less than high tier killer. I don't really know how to end this post, other than by thanking you all for the help and answers. So thanks.
Not at all. Besides killers in S tier, those lists come down to opinion. Every killer is viable.
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Tier lists in DbD are pretty much useless in this context.
Any killer is perfectly viable in your average lobby if you play well enough
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You should play which killer you find the most fun. Not saying that you should play low tier killers but to some extent it doesn’t matter as long as you have fun with that killer. That’s why I think tier lists’ only purpose is just that they’re fun to make but aren’t really that useful in determining which killer to main.
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With enough dedication, any killer is viable.
I played Clown when he was considered the worst killer yet I consistently 4kd still. Most importantly however, play what you find fun my guy.
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Dude I can 4k on a 110% killer just walking up to them and down smashing, I mean...hitting them with my M1 attack. You'll win some and you'll lose some. If one of them has a power you like using then play that killer. Play game to have fun. Best way. Yes.
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Main whichever killer you like the most.
you're not going to competitions, just have fun.
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Trickster is the exception.
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No. All tier lists are conjecture at best.
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Clown is the killer I use the most, and I have used him since his Chapter release. There’s a long history with this account, and my original account with other forum members not taking me seriously about Clown, because of the perception that he’s not very good (before or after the rework).
However (until recently) I’ve always usually dominated at red ranks with him, using perks that others perceive as being weak, and either use brown add ons or no add ons a lot of the time (not always, but mostly).
Tier lists are totally pointless. Pick any killer. Be willing to be patient, experiment with different strategies, and learn to think abstractly about potential perk uses, eat your loses while you continue to learn and practice, and eventually you’ll be great with your chosen killer.
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The only placements you can't go against are Nurse,Spirit and Hag being the top 3 killers
IMO anything under A starts being debatable
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I don't hold any weight in tier lists because it all comes down to personal play style.
For example, Nurse is undoubtably the strongest killer in the game, and someone who has mastered Nurse is unstoppable - however, I am absolutely awful with Nurse so she wouldn't be my top tier iyswim. So I'd say ignore tier lists, and play the killer that you have most fun with, for me that's Wraith and Legion.
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Play all the killers available for you and then you will see which you like the most.
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No. Those maps are bad for every killer. You don't usually do tier lists based on maps. Just their strength on a balanced map like Coal Tower.
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Ok and? It doesn't matter. The only time tier lists actually are accurate is on a balanced map.
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You can take 4K with every killer on all ranks, even with Trickster or Trapper. That's about your skills. But if you wanna carry by killer's powers play Spirit. She is easy 4K most matches. But Nurse, Blight other options but learning them is little hard.
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Every killer is strong vs Survivors that can´t loop and avoid gens. However, tier lists can be very helpful to gauge your expectations for the occasions you face dedicated people that play well :)
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You only get to find out why certain killers are weak against extremely competent SWFs once in 100-200 matches, and majority of realistic tierlists are based on that level of gameplay. As long as you are not playing tournaments, it barely affects you; and against "normal" players stuff like legion and plague is actually more efficient than spirit/ph/etc.
Stick to whatever you find fun to play.
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Tier lists are usually come down to you're facing the best survivors. In which the tier lists work. But we have average Solo Q with Meg Heads, Corner Care Claudettes, Locker Dwights, and Baby Bills. So against the best some killers aren't viable but normally it's what I mentioned so yes every killer is viable.