Legion Really is just... Terrible :( And I'm Sad

As ironic as it sounds my favorite killer is probably the worst one in the game--at least thats how it feels to me.

I've gotten a lot of advice on this killer and have been trying REALLY hard to make this relationship work but I just CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Legion REALLY sucks. I understand now why I've literally NEVER, EVER, NOT EVEN ONCE, seen a Legion in DBD before. They're a trash killer. Like 90% of the game I have NO power, because I already injured everyone one, and if I try to use it again I'm rewarded with a 4 second blind/fatigue status. A perk of being Legion is you can pallet slide? That doesn't matter because unless I'm going against brand new Rank 20s, they're not gonna drop the pallet on me early, they're gonna wait to drop it on my skull. So sliding over pallets is a useless ability. Even with add ons and an extra 50 hours of game play into this Killer, they SUCK.

I'm so upset because I really wanted to try and get this to work but I just cant at this point. I though maybe it's just me? So I tried out other killers... NOPE. I did great as the Trapper, Huntress was a freaking BREEZE, and even the Trickster was a no brainer, I just yeeted knives from across the map and could down people left and right.

I really wish Legion got SOMETHING to make him more than an M1 killer, with NO power, and a useless pallet slide ability. Like... I really don't know what to do with this character anymore. I can't explain why I love this character, I just do, and it kills me that I just cant make them work for me as a killer.

I was so appreciative of all the advice other players gave me on how to play as Legion but... UGH. Nothing can be done. Unless I'm playing against grade A newbies, Legion is a D-Tier non-threat. Like he's more of an annoyance at this point, like a little brother playing "I'm not touching youuuuu!" while you're trying to do your homework.

Does anyone have any ideas on what can be done to make him at least a little more viable?


  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    omg TELL me about it! like ok so I just... never get a power in this game, ever, apparently. like some of these maps are so massive I can't even get across them in time before it wears off, and then I gotta just twiddle my thumbs until its back up--and again, only useful if I haven't already struck all the survivors at least once. even if they all re-heal all my ability is gonna do is.... hurt them again. whoo hoo. they basically gave me a sugar rush---i go fast, then get a headache and some spotty vision.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Yep. Legion was a threat but everyone cried so hard BHVR nerfed them into oblivion and there they stayed. Any Killer who is a serious threat eventually gets that treatment.

    Source: The entire history of DbD

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    On a side note legion if you ask me has like 3 viable add ons

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    l only ever play Legion with Enduring/Spirit Fury combo, Legion chases survivors with no power so I might aswell.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Old Legion was ######### stupid though. One of the unhealthiest powers in the game that pretty much guaranteed that you'd go down.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    And the new one is utter garbage. Literally a waste of space on the roster along with Trickster, Clown and a whole heap of other F-Tier Killers.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I don't think legion is that bad in terms of strength, like they're not amazing but not completely useless. But they're punished ridiculously for using their (mediocre) power, long fatigue, long cooldown, straight into fatigue for missing one hit (mainly to make the lives of last-gen console players even worse ig? It also makes auto-aim about x50 more frustrating on them then any other killer), a basic attack means you can't use your power straight afterwards for reasons that no mere mortal can comprehend, and a vast collection of addons which do nothing. Compare this to the killer who came out just before them who has a completely insane power and is subject to none of these restrictions.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Legion is a very good killer, they have the ability to slow the game down and have strong inbuilt tracking. You simply have to be very good at m1 gameplay, and not be afraid to Frenzy people that are already injured and use the tracking to hunt down a weaker target.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    I still love Legion despite how horrible he feels to play--but I feel like if Legion was any bit decent amonst the killer tier list, I'd of seen him at least ONCE as a survivor. I've literally never seen him, and while still new to the game, I've experienced every other killer several times or at least once--except Legion. Like if he is a great m1 killer, I figured he'd be played more--like the others--but he's simply not. Legion feels like a survivor with an ax to grind. No power, just a knife. I still love this character, but... just don't see how they are decent. I even tried finding videos of successful Legions and 9/10 times they did well because the survivors were absolute idiots. And every tier list I find, Legion is wayyy down there. Either D or F tier

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    His nerf was warranted. He was a nightmare to play against and sucked the fun out of each game.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    And rightfully so, old Legion was probably the worst killer they could of ever thought of since they ignored everything in the game and no matter what that survivor did, they were going down. They were the most unhealthy thing the devs could of thought of

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Could you expand more on this? And I only ask as someone who wants to get better at Legion, it's not that I'm doubting you.

    After everyone's already had their first hit, how is FF useful? If I go into FF again and attack an injured survivor, okay now I see heartbeats---and everyone is across the ENTIRE map, way too far for me to be in FF. By the time I get out, their positions will 100% have changed, and even if I COULD get to them in time, I'm going to be punished with 4 seconds of blindness and fatigue once I come out of my ability, giving them a massive escape opportunity.

    I dont see how it stalls a game, if survivors are any decent they wont bother healing themselves--some even get perks to be injured while doing tasks--I could be making them stronger half the time for all I know. And knowing where a survivor is ONLY if I strike another one, isn't very helpful because there's plenty of perks that just do that automatically--so it being part of FF doesnt seem super helpful, at least not to me the way I try to utilize it.

    I dont want him to go back to OG Legion, I heard all about it and it honestly sounded awful, but I would like at least a LITTLE less of a hard time. He's ranked as an EASY killer, which is why I bought him--and so far he's the hardest killer I've played especially with people saying you HAVE to be good with M1 Killers specifically--which is almost impossible when you're still new to the game and that kinda stuff just comes with practice.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Wait did legion get nerfed within the past few months? NGL I havent played them in awhile but I dont get the hate or why people say they're the worst... it's a killer that can get injures super fast, is 115% speed, average height along side some map mobility.

    By no means is he the strongest but alot of killers are a M1 still so I dont get it. I guess legion requires more of an understanding on when to stop frenzy, when to use it, and how to actually mind game. I dunno I like them and I'd still pick legion over so many killers at rank 1

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A lot of it is down to the build and not getting baited. Legion rapidly injures people and has very good inbuilt tracking, but only a (very good, thanks to low stature and quiet footsteps) m1 chase to down. Personally I prefer Ruin/Undying or Ruin/Surge, with Thanatapbobia and the mangled pin and Enduring. Enduring is absolutely replaceable, I just hate getting rubber banded directly into a pallet because the survivor has a shite connection. Avoid PGTW, that perk is the worst, it will lose you more trials than it wins, kicking gens is your absolute worst enemy, you're an m1 killer you can't afford the time waste, don't ever use Pop in a killer that is forced to choose between chases and gens.

    And if you find a good survivor in a strong area, just frenzy them and leave. They literally cannot stop you, you have 10 seconds to find someone else, chasing them will lose you the trial.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Dont get me wrong I LOVE Legion, idk why at this point its not for the wins, but he feels very uncapable compared to the roster of killer's I've played. I've played all the free ones and I even bought Michael, Pyramid Head, and Trickster and Legion just feels so underwhelming compared to the others. Like I FEEL like all I get is a free 1st hit on survivors and then--bubkus. His mobility is only from his FF, which gives him a punishment after using--characters like nurse can use their perk at least several times with INSANELY better mobility before getting their blindness/fatigue status, and its even shorter than Legion's. Hag and Freddie can also pop up almost anywhere as they please with their powers. Legions is "Gotta go fast!"

    Like I wanna be good at this character, but it feels like there definitely is something missing to his kit for me. I know theres pros and cons to all the killers, but Legion feels like most of his kit is kinda useless most of the game.

    But, you did say you were a Legion player and PLEASE let me know what you do during gameplay, or even if you have some clips for me to watch. The only time I see a Legion doing well on youtube is when the survivors are playing like complete newbies

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    To play Legion well, you have to be very good at the M1 game (I can link Scott Jund's looping guide if you like) and have perks that compliment your power and provide slowdown. I have a work-in-progress post about good builds for Legion, which I will link here once I complete it.

    For now, here are ways to use your power more effectively.

    -Practice being able to react to survivors attempting to juke. Missing one frenzy attack at the wrong time can cost you the game.

    -Use the information killer instinct provides to help stop survivor actions.

    -Frenzy healthy survivors instead of chasing them normally when possible. Try not to start frenzy on injured survivors, but chain hits on them are fine if there are other healthy survivors you need to injure.

    -Try to end Frenzy in a position where you can block off a window or a pallet.

    -The best addons are Iri Button, Legion Pin, duration addons, Fatigue addons and recharge addons are decent despite not having a potent effect. DO NOT use Frank's Mixtape or Stab Wounds Study.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Okay, thank you. I'll try to adjust my perks and add ons, I've had to try to many builds these past few days just to get him to feel better and I'll try anything at this point. And its a good point about the gens, I do take time to kick them and you're right, I probably shouldn't. But idk what else I can do to slow progess of the survivors down? I had a game last night and I was chasing 2 players, the ENTIRE game couldn't of been going on for more than 2 minutes and then mid-chase with 1 survivor 2 gens popped off and I was like... utterly shocked. Idk what kind of perks they had on but a lone survivor doing 1 gen THAT fast is in sane, and in this game 2 survivors had gone to 2 seperate generators and in the time it took me to injure 2 others with FF, basically half off all the generators were done. It made me feel basically useless because I hadn't even done anything majorly wrong, the game had JUST started and I got my 2 injuries right away. I wish I saved that game so I could show because I have NO clue what I could possibly do in that situation

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You're supposed to lose 3 and a half gens before getting a down, usually in between 90-120 seconds. That's how the game was designed, which is why Ruin is so good: it removes the half-gen.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Yes please! I'd love that link. And thank you for these tips! Overall i ahve maybe 50 hours of gameplay as Legion and I'm still struggling hard, compared to how I do with other killers. Like Spirit and Nurse are both m1 yer their mobility is far superior and they aren't punished as har das Legion is so I'm like how do I use Sonic the Hedgehog's power to be as effective as those killers

  • aliquis
    aliquis Member Posts: 82
    edited June 2021

    Although i put most of my hours in billy, legion is probably my second most played killer. On big maps against good survivors he is completly lost. He has no chance against a good group of survivors that do gens anyway. Still, the smaller the map, and against the average solo q team (red ranks) he can apply a lot of pressure.

    Ruin, undying and tana are a must for him, try to spread the pressure. Try to never injure a survivor with m1 but with his power.

    With legion you have to achieve small goals, like get rid of a strong pallet in a gym/shack or whereever, and then reevaluate, mb switch targets again.

    I like that you have to work for your kills and think a lot if you want to achieve good results with him. In the chase he is just a m1 killer with nothing to help.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,795
    edited June 2021

    If everyone is injured, that is basically your power. At that point you basically turn into a Bubba, except you don't need to rev up your chainsaw to get your instadown, survivors are easy to track because they're all injured, and you can get better passive value out of perks like Thanatophobia. If everyone's not injured it means they're healing, which is even better for you, since you can waste a crazy amount of their time with your power. Deep wounds VFX are also tricky to chase through, so you can sometimes get gift downs when a survivors gets stuck on an obstacle they couldn't see or never locates the pallet they should have dropped.

    Legion isn't strong imo, but they're pretty comparable to Trappers and Tricksters of the world. The difference is that you need to learn how run tiles well as a Legion because your power won't help you get downs. I'd work on things like head faking, moonwalking, staying tight to obstacles while chasing to maximize the speed at which you catch up, and watching guides to learn how to chase efficiently around common strong tiles, like shack.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Crash cource on Legion (Take 2 cause the forums ate my first post i was going to send)

    What does FF do?

    After you use your power you move slightly faster (130% movement speed instead of the normal 115%), you can vault pallets and window vaults are faster. And your attacks apply deep wound to survivors but you are unable to down them. It has a standert duration of 10 seconds Once you hit a survivor Killer Instinct activates. Your terror radius increases by 8m for a total of 40m and all survivors without deep wounds are revealed to you by the use of heartbeats. it also refreshes FF's duration. If canceled or the duration runs out you suffer a 4 seconds stun effect. If cancelled any duration left remains so you'll have it back sooner.

    Some things to note here.

    130% is not that fast. It's good for catching up to nearby survivors but as far as map traversel goes it's not much better then normally walking there. This means that if survivors are on the edge of your 40m terror radius. you will not catch them before the duration runs out. What you do in this situation is when you notice a survivor is to far away. You cancel your power and walk to them normally. If you cancel your power you don't lose any left over charges. which means you will have your power back by the time you reach the survivor. The more you play the better you will get at judging distances. As a rule of thumb You should NEVER let FF run out on it's own. Getting fatigued in front of a healthy survivor after running after them for 10 seconds is the equivelant of huntress missing all 5 of their hatchets on the first chase. You are at a huge disadvantage when this happens

    Stalling by mending.

    To get rid of the deepwound effect survivors have to mend for 12 seconds by default. That means 12 seconds not on a gen. that's 15% gen progress you are denying. every time you FF someone you are essentially getting a mini pop goes the weasel. Especially near the end of the game if you have a solid 3 gen you can really make it hard to finish the last couple of gens. Just don't let people disrespect you by instantly mending in your face. when you see this instantly turn around unless you have a very urgent target somewhere else.


    The biggest advantage that people often fail to see of FF. Knowing where survivors are in a 40m radius around you is really helpfull if you use it well. For example, you just hit a survivor and another survivor heartbeat pulses in a area where the gens are already done. This means that the 2 other survivors are most likely on a gen outside of the 40m radius around you. Don't mindlessly chase the bleeps but think what those positions mean. Even having nobody's heartbeats can tell you where they are.

    Also it helps you find specific survivors. If you come across an injured survivor who hasen't been hooked yet and there are survivors who are on deadhook hit them with FF and let them waste time mending while you chase the higher priority target. The ability to "tunnel" without tunneling is really good. Good Legions who want to win will typically have someone dead by hook 4-5. while still being able to bother the other survivors. Legion is a 4v1 killer, not a 1v1 like most others.


    That's all well and good but it is true that FF offers zero lethality. You have to down them by m1ing. That means you have to be able to use mindgames and run tiles efficiently. everybody being injured means that you only have to outplay them once for a down though. It also makes hook save's a lot more riskier. Legion outside of FF also makes practicly zero sounds and is really short (don't use the bunny costume outside of meme's) so they are probably the best at the m1 game.


    This is a pretty good tutorial on how to run tiles. He also has a lot of Legion video's in the past so you can learn a lot from him. He also explains things better then i can. Scott Junds tutorial was also posted here and is very good.

    On top of that. Perks that give undetectable and/or oblivious can work pretty well to suddenly getting a down for free. Perks like Dark Devotion and Trail of Torment are really underrated on Legion. Carefull with tinkerer though as being undetectable does turn of the information part of FF so you want some control over it.

    The rating the game gives is practically useless. just pretend it doesn't exist tbh.

    Hope that wasen't too long. Keep in mind that in the end of the day Legion is still a high C low B tier killer. They do have issues and if you face good survivors any mistake you make will cost you dearly. but the above should help you to be able to beat most red rank survivors. and getting good with Legion means that you're getting better at every 115% killer so it's definitively worth it.