Will the Key Nerf even come?

In the Anniversary stream, Devs made it clear that Morys were the toxic one. Killing Survivors on death hook is considered toxic that they have to address it again but in the end they mentioned Keys as a problem for like 5 seconds...
I got hit with this just 30 minutes ago and...
I guess I should play better next time.
Keys are being changed and already have. It’s taking awhile because they clearly have more than a numbers change in the works
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Probably not anytime soon because survivor item.
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Tell that to toolboxes and flashlights
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Should have been nerfed more imo.....also BNP should go and flashlights well when I can get blinded from the side out of my fov that shouldn't happen.
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They are changing keys by removing the item and giving it for free after bullying the killer.
Mori's will also be removed, (bc they are "toxic"), and built into the basekit. You will be able to mori any survivor with a key. (If they don't escape through the hatch)
A poorly thought out solution, but what did we actually expect?
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I think we'll see the 3rd mori rework sooner then the first key nerf. It's incredible how long they're taking with the key changes.
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A 4 man flashy squad is the easiest win in this game tbh. As for toolboxes they are okay but medkits are stronger
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I'm main survivor and I won't ever complain about mori. It's a part of the game. All items are and add some fun/punch/spice. So, complain about keys... seriously? You need to fix gens first and very often the dude who came with the key is focus/tunnel hard.
How often a survivor came with a key? Almost never. Complain about survivor's items after all the nerf they did on thoses things? LOL!
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A lot of my games over the last few months had keys in them. Especially during the chest bug that produced keys at the rate of brown toolboxes.
The issue with keys becomes if you kill one survivor, now three can escape. So you end up trying to slug all four to avoid this scenario. This is boring for both sides.
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Yes. The same thing was asked about NOED, Moris, DS, MoM, and so on. They were all nerfed (and Moris are on the chopping block again).
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Around the time when the MMR matchmaking is activated... I.e. never.
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That's new to me. You don't need to fix 4 gens when one survivor die to make the hatch pop now?
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Saying gens are hard?
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Flashlight got nerf a long time ago when the dev got retk by the insta blind in a stream.
And they needed to change to toolbox with the ruin nerf toolbox was in every game and killer were leaving the game. The queue time were a dissaster during those 2 or 3 month before the nerf so they needed to do some change and fast.
So the toolbox nerf was a domino effect to the ruin nerf honestly nothing wrong with that it just took too much time like usual.
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Sure they did. I am using up my keys since they announced they are going to change, just like i used an ebony mori in every of my killer games because i had so many and knew they would become useless.
The fact that they are going to change is what makes them appear so often in games (outside of chest bugs).
Also, i actually like your scenario, because since the ds nerf, a lot of killers tunnel and camp. Escaping then with a key is just sweet. Because tunneling and camping is no less boring.
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Probably 2 years after the next mori nerf.
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Yes, when the killer is good.
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Literally true, I went against one on cowshed and it was an easy wipe. I get much more afraid when I see 4 medkits.
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They will probably change keys when they add in the start game collapse or slowdown they talked about many moons ago.
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As i said, 2 years after the next mori nerf.
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dont spawn hatch till 1 survivor is left or all gens are done... easy key fix. i run loot build all the time and get multiple keys alot. its super unfair/fun. id rather get flashies or medkits tbh
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The reason you can get flashlight blinded from the side, is because of lens addons. They widen the beam, while that width isnt shown inside the game. It's more an issue with in-game visuals why it feels like it shouldnt happen.
As for BNP? It's fine as it is. It's a strong addon, but compared to a lot of killer addons that are also fine(not talking tombstone piece), it's fine. Survivors deserve strong resources just as much as killers do. BNP doesnt affect killers as much as Fragrant Tuft of Hair affects Survivors, or as Iridescent Head, or Iridescent Stone, or Pinky Finger, or Mint Rag, or Compound 33, or Silencing Cloth, or Iridescent Flesh, or Iridescent Queen, or Red Paint Brush, or Iridescent Button, or Amanda's Letter, or Coxcombed Clapper, or Leprose Lichen, or Black Incense, or Mother Daughter Ring, or Renjiro's Bloody Glove.
All pink addons that are stronger or equally strong as BNP. Sure, you could argue that survivors could use multiple BNP's. But we're just talking the addon itself. I could add addon combinations that are much more impactful than 4 BNP's.
Yes, if you didnt prepare for BNP's, it will be tough to face. But guess what? So will any of the above mentioned addons. You shouldnt punish something because you were unaware of it. You're preparing a build just as much as survivors are preparing a build. If you build against survivors healing, for example, but survivors never heal, your build would be worthless. Should that mean that medkit addons need to be nerfed because you never run an anti-healing build because sometimes survivors never heal? No. It just means your preparation didnt work out.
Survivors are allowed to prepare for a genrush, just as much as killers are allowed to prepare for a 4 man slugfest.
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Today i had a game vs a 4 red-rank-swf that all run the same build with resilience, no mither, prove theyself, and streetwise or build to last.
They all had a green toolbox with brand new part and i cant remember the second addon.
Yeah, even with no mither it was a very tough but short match. i got one of them, and gens just flew.
It just happens, but its not the power of BNP, its the power of swf.
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Are you dumb? Not an insult, but a legitimate question.
Moris are useless now, so there's nothing to complain about. Keys are OP, and give a free, unearned escape.
I can't even remember the last time they nerfed keys, either, so idk what you're talking about.
Every survivor item that has been nerfed had a good reason.
Toolboxes: Base gen speeds are a problem. Why in the hell would it be ok to speed them up?
Medkits, or specifically, instameds: Once a killer earns the down, another survivor shouldn't be able to instantly res them. That's just completely unfair.
Flashlights: I don't even need to go into why instablinds were broken.
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It is the BNP. SWF doesn't give anything other than information. 4 solos could run that build and do just as well.
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Tombstone: Countered by tight loops and lockers.
Fragrant Tuft of hair: You get infinite T3 after 4 gens are done bc of how long it takes.
Iridescent stone: Should literally be basekit
Pinky Finger: A clown will take more time trying to use this than it would take him to down you normally.
Mint Rag: Does nothing special since it's hard to control where you go, and the survivor you're chasing would've triggered it anyways.
Compound 33: Nerfed into the ground to the point where it's not even good anymore.
Silencing Cloth: It's undetectable for a short amount of time. Has no effect on gameplay.
Iridescent Flesh: Only does something if everyone is close together, which shouldn't be happening in the first place.
Iridescent Queen: Does nothing. Waste of a slot.
Red Paint Brush: You have alarm clocks to wake up.
Iridescent Button: It's Legion. They're still trash even with this.
Amanda's letter: Trades more than half your power for a ######### aura reveal.
Coxcombed Clapper: Works once, then survivors pay more attention. Bone clapper is better.
Leprose Lichen: Gives you simple information. Should be green at most.
Black Incense: Does nothing if you cleanse.
Mother Daughter ring: The only good addon in this entire list of yours.
Renjiros Glove: Removes your entire power. Enough said.
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"Tombstone: Countered by tight loops and lockers" I didnt even add tombstone to that list, considering Toolboxes only have 1 pink addon, I went for 1 pink addon per killer. Besides, I was talking Tombstone Piece, which, you literally cannot counter as you dont find out it's Tombstone Piece untill it's already too late.
"Fragrant Tuft of hair: You get infinite T3 after 4 gens are done bc of how long it takes." It's not that long. You can easily add addons to make it faster, let alone that the only reason it seems like an eternity is because people stalk from 30 meters distance. You want to get as close as possible, then it's active before 2 gens are done. Tuft+Tombstone takes 4 gens due to the movementspeed reduction Tombstone adds.
"Iridescent stone: Should literally be basekit" No, part of Trapper is placing down traps and resetting them. Hag can reset her traps and get 4k's just fine. Most Trapper mains rarely use iri stone because it also opens up traps on pathways that would otherwise be cutting a survivor short. Literally costing you a hit because it's basekit. If anything, Trapper would need Trap Setters and Trapper Bag basekit. Doesnt make Iri stone weak, though, as it removes a lot of time Trapper needs. Trapper is like a bit like Batman, give him enough time to prepare, and he is nearly indestructable as a killer.
"Pinky Finger: A clown will take more time trying to use this than it would take him to down you normally."
No, he wont. 1. You're hindered. 2. Hitting bottles up close isnt that hard. It's literally doing what basekit clown is already doing, except instead of needing 2 hits, you only need 1.
"Mint Rag: Does nothing special since it's hard to control where you go, and the survivor you're chasing would've triggered it anyways."
Mint Rag is extremely powerful. It allows you to teleport across the map instantly. Tinkerer triggering on a gen across the map? Teleport to the most nearby trap. Unhook happening at the basement when people crouched? Teleport there instantly. Mint Rag is disgusting. You thinking it's nothing special either means you're a killer main that never really played hag, or a mixed player that never played against a mint rag hag.
"Compound 33: Nerfed into the ground to the point where it's not even good anymore."
Except that it's only a 1.5 second stun for removing a pallet, even if you're stunned by the pallet. Normally, this would mean 2 seconds kicking and a 2.4 second stun. That's a reduction of almost 3 seconds per pallet stun. Most good blights run this because their basekit slam doesnt destroy pallets, only lethal rush does it. Let alone that a Lethal Rush pallet break takes 2.5 seconds to recover, instead of 1.5. Not only that, it slows survivors 20%, meaning that instead of a maximum of 12 meters distance, they make a maximum of 9,6 meters distance. That's 3 meters difference, which is more than enough to prevent a survivor from chaining loops. You're heavily underestimating Compound 33 if you think it's been nerfed into the ground. There's a good reason why it was nerfed in the first place.
"Silencing Cloth: It's undetectable for a short amount of time. Has no effect on gameplay."
In DBD, 2 seconds is short. Anything longer than 2 seconds can mean the difference in making a vault and not making a vault. Silencing Cloth works for 20 full seconds. That's not short. That's enough to walk to most generators and get a grab. Let alone that it has no cooldown. If it did have a cooldown, I'd agree with you.
"Iridescent Flesh: Only does something if everyone is close together, which shouldn't be happening in the first place."
Except when survivors work on the same gen, which happens a lot later in the game since there are less and less gens left, or when survivors unhook, or when survivors heal. Let alone that it fully refreshes your stacks, meaning you can make more than twice the amount of distance(and Bubba already gains distance after he used his second stack).
"Iridescent Queen: Does nothing. Waste of a slot."
Does nothing? Man, you ARE uneducated. 1. it gives survivors a charge, which equals HALF a madness state. Meaning that with only 2 global shocks, its possible to go from madness 0 to madness 3 on everyone, which normally would take 3 global shocks. Let alone that it also applies on normal shocks and triggers regardless if people are in lockers. The only requirement for it to work, is for survivors to be within 4 meters of each other. So if a survivor with Static Charge screams after passing a locker, you can easily check that locker for a freebie. It also interrupts an unhook for 2.5 seconds, meaning if someone has Static Charge and tries to go for an unhook with you behind them, you can hit them twice. Dont underestimate Iridescent Queen.
"Red Paint Brush: You have alarm clocks to wake up."
Yes, and that requires you to be off gens, go across the map. You cant just go to the nearest alarm clock to wake up, you need to go to a specific one to wake up. Sure, survivors could also wake each other up, but for everytime they do so, it will take longer and longer to the point where it's faster to just go to an alarm clock. Not having to worry about a skillcheck wake-up because you placed a ton of fake pallets, or because you placed some traps nearby, is good enough to be having an overall better effect than BNP. Which was THE POINT.
"Iridescent Button: It's Legion. They're still trash even with this."
Someone doesnt know how to play Legion. I dont really have to argue why Iri Button is amazing if you dont even understand how to use Legion's power heavily in your favor. Sure, Legion is a bit perk dependend, doesnt matter, perks are part of the game.
"Amanda's letter: Trades more than half your power for a [BAD WORD] aura reveal."
Except that aura readings are better than Jigsaw boxes unless the map is complex. Aura readings give you exact information on where a survivor is and what they are doing, which is much better than guessing their rough location, which can lead into a miss and thus an extended chase. Guarantueed hits for hook pressure is better than relying on reverse beartraps. Pig's main power is her dash, not her beartraps.
"Coxcombed Clapper: Works once, then survivors pay more attention. Bone clapper is better."
Doesnt matter, the point was in comparing killer Iri's vs survivor Iri's. Besides, Coxcombed still works quite nicely since Windstorm was made basekit. You can be far enough to not be heard by survivors, while still being able to reach them.
"Leprose Lichen: Gives you simple information. Should be green at most."
No, it gives you exact info on all survivors for quite a long duration. There is a reason why Aura reading addons are purple or pink. Aura reading gives exact information, exact information is much more helpful to killers than having more power but more guess work. Guarantueed information>>>>>>>guessed information. You can play entire games as a mere m1 killer if you have access to aura readings. It's why people want Old Freddy back. The only thing that Old Freddy needed to address was the fact that he needed to pull survivors to sleep before being able to hit them, his M2 was the only thing that needed alteration. Heck, I could argue easily that if Old Freddy could M1 survivors that werent asleep would be more powerful than reworked Freddy. Aura readings are extremely powerful.
"Black Incense: Does nothing if you cleanse."
Ah yes, cleansing against a Plague is the best thing you can do, give her that assault rifle power all game that gives her easy downs. Not cleansing at all against Plague is the best strategy, having an addon that gives Plague an amazing advantage that literally turns her downside into an upside is amazing.
"Renjiros Glove: Removes your entire power. Enough said."
Someone never played no-power oni. Sure, it removes your power, at the return of potentially infinite readings. There are quite a lot of powers that get removed from a single addon in exchange for something that could be devastating if used by the right player.
But to use your argument against BNP: Pop cancels it entirely, Ruin gets rid of BNP progression within 20 seconds. Making BNP entirely worthless.
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You know it's tombstone if his hand is open.
Hag has the time to do this because her traps are ten times more lethal.
Madness states do nothing. You can get out of t3 extremely quickly.
About pig, nope. The survivors can hear you, and it only has a twelve meter range. That's about a 2 second distance. Having a built in slowdown is much better.
Legions power injures people and keeps them injured. Good players do this anyways, so they essentially have no power. Iridescent Button doesn't change this, and it's actually slower to break pallets with it and then suffer the frenzy stun after, then to just break it normally.
Cleansing against Plague is only not viable if your teammates don't cleanse, and we both know they always cleanse.
They can wake each other up at the beginning of the match and never again if they spawn close. If they don't, they already have a huge advantage to the point where they don't need to wake up.
If you get a grab with silencing Cloth then that survivor hasn't played for more than 10 hours. It's basic gameplay to look behind you on a gen.
Oni can get downs far faster with his power. He gains mobility, and a good Oni can down 3 survivors with every power use. Basekit Oni is better than no power Oni.
Nevermind about compound 33. I was thinking of compound 21, which really WAS nerfed into being useless. You have a good point on this one, and I think it's the perfect iri addon. Not too strong, not too weak. Although, I bounce off pallets a lot, so I don't run it.
About Leprose Lichen, you can get the same info with BBQ. The reason I don't like this is because it takes effect in the portal, or slightly after, I can't remember. Anyways, it takes effect AFTER you travel the map. It would be good if it did this while charging shred so you could go to the right portal.
Yeah, you're hindered. He could down you faster with hindered. Just by spinning you can avoid direct bottle hits. Remember, they have to actually touch you, which is PURE LUCK. It doesn't matter if you're the best Clown in the world. They ######### up bottle collisions when they buffed him. They don't hit when they should.
About iri flesh, you'll still only down one. If silencing cloth was a bubba addon, you could do more with it. If survivors pull a Senbonzakura and SCATTER, you can't hit more than one. That addon is only really amazing for camping against BT.
Coxcombed Clapper makes you completely silent, bell wise. However, you need to use Ghost with it, because they either see you, or you are far enough away that they hear you.
Mint Rag is bad imo. I used to main Hag for like 3 months or so, and I used it a few times. I could never control where I was going. And if you have a trap next to a gen it would've been triggered by the survivor. The only way it wouldn't was if you put it out of the way, rendering it ineffective in chase.
As for fragrant tuft of hair, yes it will take 4 gens unless they feed you. I know this because I used this addon on Myers every game for a while.
A lot of these arguments seem from a book smart type of knowledge about these. You know how they work, really well by the way, and you know how powerful they are, or at least how powerful they sound on paper. However, it doesn't seem like you've used these add-ons much, or even at all. How they sound on paper is usually very different from how they work. For example tombstone. If you had played against it much, you would've noticed that in t3, his hand is ALWAYS closed. However, if he has tombstone, it'll be open. That's how you tell.
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I think keys are just harder to balance than the moris were. Moris are offerings so they don't really have much competition for gameplay effectiveness, most of the other offerings aren't really helpful or don't affect gameplay. It's okay if they ends up being underpowered and just for fun. Since they don't have much competition, it's hard to nerf them to the point of being unusable.
Keys are an item which has to compete with toolboxes, medkits, flashlights, etc. A strong nerf to keys would likely result in people not running them at all. It's a more delicate procedure to nerf them while keeping then useable than it was with moris.
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"You know it's tombstone if his hand is open."
Which is too late if Myers is 99%. Cant find a locker if he's behind you.
"Hag has the time to do this because her traps are ten times more lethal."
Not really, Hag has the time to do so because she has access to all her traps at the start of the game and doesnt risk being seen first. Trapper needs to walk across the map to gain traps and even then can only carry 4 at best, giving him a high chance of being seen before he even puts down a single decent trap. Most of Trappers wasted time is due to collecting traps around the map. Increase Trapper's basekit on holding traps, and he easily becomes a monster.
"About pig, nope. The survivors can hear you, and it only has a twelve meter range. That's about a 2 second distance. Having a built in slowdown is much better."
I mained pig, and Scorpionz, who is arguably the best pig main in the game, also agrees with Pig's dash being her main ability. The gen slowdown is nice, but not neccesary for a powerful pig. Amanda's letter gives you info on a loops where you can close the gap with your basekit dash and practically guarantuee a hit. Your reverse beartrap slowdown doesnt start untill you already downed 1 survivor, which, might I add, can mean you already lost 3 gens if you dont get quick hits. Quick hits>>>>>>Reverse beartrap. You dont really use beartrap addons on Pig, you tend to use addons for her dash.
"Legions power injures people and keeps them injured. Good players do this anyways, so they essentially have no power. Iridescent Button doesn't change this, and it's actually slower to break pallets with it and then suffer the frenzy stun after, then to just break it normally."
Pallets are one of the most annoying things to deal with as a killer, having an ability that allows you to close the gap while getting rid of a pallet is insane. Why do you think Nemesis being able to move in T2 after destroying a pallet is such a big deal to killers? Because you can start closing the distance. Add perks that work well against injured survivors(Thana, Blood Echo) and you have a game where gens are slowed down AND exhaustion perks being essentially worthless. Meaning Legion doesnt have to deal with pesky perks like Dead Hard, Sprintburst, Head-On, Lithe or Balanced Landing. Which significantly reduces overall chase time. Add in a lack of pallets, and the best you can do is a T&L wall against Legion. Considering survivors tend to be injured, that means they are pretty much always 1 hit away from being downed. T&L's are only really good to stay at if a survivor is still healthy or has access to exhaustion perks. Which, Blood Echo prevents. Those perks give reason for survivors to start healing, because being healed means Blood Echo wont affect them, giving Legion more value out of his power. Regardless of the situation, Legion cancels out his weakness by the use of 1 single perk. As for it being slower to break pallets, not really, I mean, if you only go for 1 single pallet, sure, it takes longer, but it also gives survivors the info that you're breaking the pallet instantly and start making distance, while after you already broke the pallet, you can use your power to stay close and go out of frenzy once you're in a deadzone(while bodyblocking them ofcourse). Legion's power requires a bit of creativity to work. He's a low C-tier killer with his current capabilities, he just needs a slight buff.
"Cleansing against Plague is only not viable if your teammates don't cleanse, and we both know they always cleanse."
At which point, Plague starts chaining Corrupt Purge and you have to deal with what's essentiallly an Assault Rifle Huntress for the remainder of the game.
"They can wake each other up at the beginning of the match and never again if they spawn close. If they don't, they already have a huge advantage to the point where they don't need to wake up."
They cant, they start the match asleep.
" you get a grab with silencing Cloth then that survivor hasn't played for more than 10 hours. It's basic gameplay to look behind you on a gen."
I mean, yeah, but even if it's not a grab, it's a hit. Any hit with Twins means she gets closer to a Victor sweep. Sure, it might not be her best addon, but I wasnt really arguing about best addons, just like BNP is by far not the best survivor addon(I'd argue Blood Amber is against most killers, if not Styptic Agent against all killers). I was just talking about how effective BNP is compared to other Iri addons. As for my personal stance on Iri addons, they either need to be very powerful to the point of not being intended to be used every match, or they need to be part of niche builds that are not intended to be used every match(like Renjiro's Glove, its not Topknot levels of power, but it's specific build is very powerful nonetheless).
"Oni can get downs far faster with his power. He gains mobility, and a good Oni can down 3 survivors with every power use. Basekit Oni is better than no power Oni."
And I agree with that, but no power Oni is a very powerful build regardless of that. If we're talking absolute best addons, they tend to be in Yellow and Greens, which is honestly quite good. Means they can be used quite often. Pig's overall best addons can be used every single game, while you cant use Pig's purple addons every single game. But that's not what I am arguing right now.
" you can get the same info with BBQ. The reason I don't like this is because it takes effect in the portal, or slightly after, I can't remember. Anyways, it takes effect AFTER you travel the map. It would be good if it did this while charging shred so you could go to the right portal."
Seriously? You missed Demo's changes? The 3 second aura reading is in effect after he leaves, but he sees aura's of all survivors during the travel aswell. Meaning if you travel 4 seconds in the portal, you have a total of 7 seconds in aura reading. As for portal killer instinct, you can use Lifeguard Whistle to permanently having that effect without having to charge shred. The reason why it would be a bit too powerful while doing if you're charging shred, is that you would gain too much info if you saw exact aura's.
"Yeah, you're hindered. He could down you faster with hindered. Just by spinning you can avoid direct bottle hits. Remember, they have to actually touch you, which is PURE LUCK."
Pure luck? Not really, his aim got fixed quite some time ago and the hitboxes are a bit more forgiving. It's relatively easy to hit bottles now.
"About iri flesh, you'll still only down one. If silencing cloth was a bubba addon, you could do more with it. If survivors pull a Senbonzakura and SCATTER, you can't hit more than one. That addon is only really amazing for camping against BT."
You do realize Bubba can outsprint a Sprintburst with 2 stacks, right? People tend to run this addon with Infectious Fright because if anyone is nearby, they tend to be within hitting range. If they dont get IF triggered, it's a free hook with 0 worries of a rescue.
"Coxcombed Clapper makes you completely silent, bell wise. However, you need to use Ghost with it, because they either see you, or you are far enough away that they hear you."
What? Ghost doesnt add anything that you need. The increased lunge from Windstorm basekit allows you to uncloak around a corner with up to 6 meters of distance between you and survivors and your lunge would be fast enough to hit a survivor. You can even uncloak fast enough to do this without Coxcombed, as survivors dont know from which direction you're coming. Coxcombed removes that 2 second warning that you would otherwise normally get. Wraith doesnt need Coxcombed in those situations to gain hits, Coxcombed just adds panic to the situation.
"Mint Rag is bad imo. I used to main Hag for like 3 months or so, and I used it a few times. I could never control where I was going. And if you have a trap next to a gen it would've been triggered by the survivor. The only way it wouldn't was if you put it out of the way, rendering it ineffective in chase."
Mint Rag isnt really used for chase tho. Hag doesnt really have any addons that make her traps better for chase. It's OUTSIDE chase where Mint Rag gets disgusting. A gen with seemingly 0 traps nearby? Free TP. On the opposite side of the map with both survivors crouching away from the basement before you normally would get there? Free TP. Add Rusty Shackles to the mix and you have pretty much global information with the ability to teleport instantly to it. If you're close enough for a regular TP, it doesnt put Mint Rag on cooldown, if you're too far for the TP, you can use Mint Rag to go there since its technically not triggered. It's absolutely disgusting.
"As for fragrant tuft of hair, yes it will take 4 gens unless they feed you. I know this because I used this addon on Myers every game for a while."
I mained Myers for months, never took me 4 gens with just Fragrant Tuft. My guess is that you were simply stalking from far away, which, if you didnt know, affects the stalk rate. If a survivor stands in front of you, you gain 0.8 points per seconds, if the survivors stands 40 meters away, you get 0.08 points per second. Outside 40 meters, you gain 0 points per second. Add on to that that you will only stalk the closest survivor(even if they are empty), never multiple survivors at once. So odds are that the reason Fragrant Tuft doesnt work out for you, is because you're standing still in the same spot even though 1 of the survivors is already empty. Giving you 0 points(even though the stalk bar goes up, notice sometimes how the stalkbar goes back 10% after it supposedly hit 100%? That's because in reality, you gained 0 points the past few seconds, Myers really needs a QoL on his ability). If I run both pinks, I can consistently get it off, without them feeding me, before the 4th gen is finished. If I only run Fragrant Tuft, I tend to get it before they finish the second gen, without them feeding it to me. The closer they are, the more stalk points they give you. Do with this info as you please, because it will definitely improve your t3 games overall.
"A lot of these arguments seem from a book smart type of knowledge about these. You know how they work, really well by the way, and you know how powerful they are, or at least how powerful they sound on paper. However, it doesn't seem like you've used these add-ons much, or even at all. How they sound on paper is usually very different from how they work. For example tombstone. If you had played against it much, you would've noticed that in t3, his hand is ALWAYS closed. However, if he has tombstone, it'll be open. That's how you tell."
I actually have used a lot of these addons, very succesfully too. Never claimed they were the best. Just that compared to BNP, they are better. As for Tombstone, whether it be Tombstone Piece or Judiths Tombstone. Yeah, you can tell by the hand, but that info is of no use when you're already dead. You can easily 99% your power, only to tap it and instakill a survivor. There is no way you can counterplay a Myers when he's behind you when he triggers T3. Once 1 survivor is dead, it doesnt really matter what happens next. 3 survivors cant fix 4 gens in time. It's why Tombstone Piece is considered the most overpowered killer addon. Judith's Tombstone is relatively fine, even including Fragrant Tuft, because it takes about 4 gens to get, and even then, you need at least 2 stacks of Play With Your Food to compensate for the movementspeed reduction. Tombstone Piece however, doesnt have a movement speed reduction. And you cant tell if it's a good Myers that knows how to stalk fast, or a mediocre Myers who doesnt know how his stalking works untill its too late and someone is already dead. The hand remains closed untill he hits T3. If there is practically 0 distance between you and Myers, it doesnt matter if you notice his hand opening up, you're already dead.
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No no no. You have it all wrong. The HATCH will be the Mori: it will close halfway through the jumping animation, severing the survivor in two.
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"Almost never"
Nice joke bro.
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I hope it's not gonna a lazy nerf, like the iri hatchet.
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How come survivor items and Shenanigans are always harder to nerf when it's bothering killers?
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Apparently you can still use keys while in madness 3 seems legit
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Not a joke at all (or a bait). I really never saw a survivor with a key. Maybe it's a new thing with red rank survivors, but since we get camped and tunnel every game, I can't rank up very fast. =)
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Like you said, every items had been nerfed it this day. You still need to finish a lot of gen his there is a lot of survivors still alive. In wich way it's a "free, unearned escape?". You can't hide and take the hatch doing nothing.
At some point, I really have the feeling that you don't play for fun but just for the win. Sorry, but we don't have the same vision about this game at all.
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Did they seriously say moris were toxic still? They legit do nothing, cosmetic and nothing else, meanwhile keys have legit no counter at all, press M1 to instantly escape the trial without even finishing your objective. Not to mention keys are in literally every other match I play in, either found in a chest or brought in last second. My favorite part is when they tbag on the hatch because you can literally do nothing to stop them, get out played by an item with no counter.
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Euhm I wouldn't hold my breath to see it anytime this year.
I already said it would take at least a year when the first announced the mori and the key would get a rework.
Looking more and more likely to be true it's gonna be a year.
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I mean, the next mori rework has to be a buff? Right? Theres no way they can nerf it even more..
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My prediction for the new rework of mori is that it will be build in.
So if a survivor is on dead hook, you get the option to mori that person or hook that person.
Or another option will be that you are able to mori the last survivor after a certain amount of hooks.
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I mean, they already said it will be built in. Just like keys.
They want to add a whole new mechanic for those things and thes directly interact with each other then. The only question is how broken or useless it will be.
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Can't remember that they said it would be build in, neither with keys.
Might have missed something then I guess
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Was in the anniversary stream.
I might missunderstood something there tho, cant rewatch it right now.
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Not true. I don't mind losing if I have fun. But key escapes aren't fair. I kill two people, and if they finished 3 gens, the other two instantly escape, robbing me of bloodpoints.
It's a free unearned escape because keys are the same thing as old moris. They circumvent your objective and still allow you to win. To get out, you should always have to do 5 gens.
I have the feeling that you don't play killer enough to know how broken keys are.
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I didn't watch the anniversary stream but did they really say moris were toxic?? that blows my mind if it's true.
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They've nerfed everything else they've ever said they'd nerf so I don't see why it wont?
Just like DS would never be nerfed, just like instas would never be nerfed, just like toolboxes would never be nerfed etc etc.
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Can't say I play Killer often, but I don't mind when survivors take he hatch, with or without key. I ever let the last survivor out if he's not toxic and I don't camp ever, specially in endgame.
I'm probably a baby killer, a noob or whatever. I never consider mori toxic or any item/perk. I only despise camping and tunnelling with no reason. if nobody tbag you/play toxic, a killer had 0 reason o play his way. But everyone here tell me otherwise. Maybe I'm too stupid/naive.
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They did
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doesn't that kind of make you think keys are not gonna be changed?? I'm getting that impression.