Have you ever played with or against another forum member?

I was in another post and It talked about people from the forum meeting each other in game and I wondered how many more people on the forum has meet each other in game? How my people have I come across while I was on the forum? And when you went against them was it fun and how did they play?
If you see a survivor named Macco823 it's me.
I think I played with one person on the forums because I'm pretty sure I recognize their name. It was not a positive experience though I will say and for that I won't name names.
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Yeah actually,I played against @Cornpopers_Evan and Mushwin they beat me ,but Mushwin is to adorable to play against so that mostly had something to do with it and I, couldn't catch Cornpopers
I also played against Yerv
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I'm pretty sure I've never played against or with any other forum members to my knowledge but I will say I sometimes get nervous about how I play because my name here is the same as my PSN.
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I have played against a few. But this was years ago and nothing really exciting happend. Also I have probably played with more recently but just haven't realized it.
But years ago when I used to main killer and wanted killers buffed more I remember once or twice people would mock me in after game chat. With something along the lines of "Keep crying on the forums that survivors are OP".
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Unfortunately, I don't think I've ever played with or against a fellow Forum member. Unless it was someone who uses different names.
And by the way, if any of you ever see a: "Hex: General V" in-game, make sure to say hello! I would appreciate it!
Edit 2:
So, apparently I've played against @PureDoctorMain before, and even though I do not recall it, I am positive it was a very good trial!
Post edited by GeneralV on2 -
Yes. :)
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Not to my knowledge, though I think it'd be fun depending on which member I play against.
Also, people probably wouldn't know if they played against me, seeing as my Xbox Live name is different to my forum name.
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I believe I played against @GoshJosh once but I have no idea how the match went.
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apparently somebody here beat the one and only sluzzy because he suicided on first hook
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I played against Sluzzy once and they suicided on hook.
I also believe I played against @Moundshroud once.
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Really was I the Killer or a Survivor? You have my permission to talk about the match (shame or honor)? :)
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Yep... I had Sluzzy as a teammate and he gave up on first hook.
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I've played against @ReverseVelocity a couple of times, but the time I remember vividly they were playing Frank's Mixtape and even though I got hatch I was getting so many flashbacks to old Legion that I think I needed therapy after.
(btw if you've ever faced "I'm Karu :)", "Pope of the Donkerydoo", or "[PFG] David" that'd be me. What does PFG stand for? Well my bf wants it to be Pride Flag Gang but in going for Pretty ######### Gay)
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Maybe idk like others on pc my steam name changes all the time so even if I did it'd be hard to know for sure.
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It was Myers on Badham and I think you were playing Scratch Mirror without a Map Offering. It was several tomes ago.
You certainly lost that match, but I do remember being impressed that you used the Stalk mechanic to lose collision to go through me when I was body blocking an injured survivor at the end of the game.
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No idea could be more common cause I have crossplay on
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It was probably me. I do that often. I hope for a rematch. I've gotten where I can win Badham with Spooky now. :)
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Back before these forums were a thing I remember randomly entering a lobby with and having a 4 man Pizza Dwight with Gay Myers (Luzi) which iirc we made it out alive. I was really into the Pizza Dwight memes back then so my games blurred together a bit.
We're delivering that pizza though all day every day even if we're not in uniform.
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Actually one time I played with @NMCKE
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Played with @NMCKE who was amazing :)
I believe I also played against @thesuicidefox
if you see a mean Killer named PulsarGaming360, say hello <3
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What killer do you play as? I will keep an eye out for you. To be honest I would love to go against another forum member.
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I will keep an eye out for you. I'm a survivor main so if you see and Adam or elodie it's probably me.
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I will keep an eye out for you.
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Pretty much everyone
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Hope we see each other in the Fog!
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Since I change my Steam username every now and then, it'll be pretty difficult to see if anyone's played with or against me (although my real username is stated in my Steam page). Might consider changing it to my actual username so people can see if they've played with or against me.
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If i have id never know. My names different from my forum name. And im assuming its the same for most people here.
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Not that I'm aware of; my name is exactly the same on Steam, though.
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And in fairness, I have a friend deployed right now, who REALLY wants the new Bill cosmetics. He has me grinding for him, so while I normally play under the name Mr. Moundshroud, I'm also out and about under his name earning him BP while he keeps the nation safe. :) In fairness, he is also a Red Rank Killer, so I'm not taking advantage of any easy marks.
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I've played against a few. Mine is Lupin The 3rd with the blue tuxedo and dazzling smile!
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Not that I know of.
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I stopped changing my Steam name for quite a while now... 😅
Are you a PC player of the same name as here?
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I don't believe I have, but I never change my name on anything, so its be pretty easy to tell.
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I don't pay much attention to the player names. I even tab out after clicking ready. So it might have happened several times without noticing.
I remember a match against someone on my friendslist... didn't notice it until the match was over. It's save to say, that the person wasn't happy about the outcome, because I was instantly removed from the friendslist...
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Yes, a few. My in-game name is kind of generic though so I doubt they’d remember.
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Nawwww and yeah i am cute! lol but thank you! and will look out for you :)
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Is your bf, or were you playing with, someone called [pfg] Dwight? 🤔🤔
I remember a couple of days ago a [something] David and a [something] Dwight in my lobby, but my internet crashed (not even sure if you entered loading screen or if it just looked as if i left). Anyway, if that so, we almost got matched against each others then
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That probably wasn't us because we've only changed to [PFG] literally today but yeah it's [PFG] David and Dwight lol.
Also if your name in game is also nursewannabe I think I've faced you before- I was killer, literally playing Nurse, and you were a bald Dweet in a red shirt.
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Nope, my steam name has nothing to do with dbd, although you'd probably find me either playing Nurse or Dwight too, but then again, that's waaaaay too generic 🙁
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Yes I have, but I don't want to name names because it wasn't their best performance and they kind of gave up after just some of the worst luck.
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The PFG David thing seems vaguely familiar. I may have played against you but I'm not sure. Are you on European servers? If not then it was probably someone else. I think I once had @GeneralV in my lobby when I was Killer but he left the lobby for whatever reason, lol.
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I never really pay attention to names but maybe i should.
It would be nice knowing you played against a forum member
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I am indeed pm EU servers - but it would've only been [PFG] David that was me. Some friends picked up on it too so there may be more [PFG] than just me + my bf running around now too
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Wait, really? Damn, if I knew it was you I would've stayed in the lobby! When was it?
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Maybe? Theres no way of knowing that
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Ah, can't confirm it was you then. Well, hope to see you in a game someday! My Steam name can fluctuate but I'm most often just rObO, RoboMojo, or some variety of them.
Oh, it was about a week or two ago now. I just remember seeing a Quinten with the name Hex: GeneralV. I assume that's you? Not to worry, I'm sure we'll match up again someday.
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I played with a ace named kebek, so its probably @Kebek.
Another time i played with @landromat.
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Yes, that would be me. Hopefully we see each other in the Fog soon!
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i would play with and against forum members from time to time, but since crossplay, i barely see other pc player since as survivor im solo and i get a lot of console survivor. Pretty i got killed by L0rd_tony once
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