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General Discussions

Stop Bring Killer to Generator

Member Posts: 3,012
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Seriously man, that is team game. I am doing generator for team, not for myself. If you bring killer to my face, i have to leave generator. And if killer has ruin we will lose good time.

I can understand if you are dead on hook, i will gladly take killer attention on me in that case. But so many times that's your not last hook. Please even you down do not do that.

So many solo survivors doing that and i can not see point. What is your plan? Gives killer's attention on me and save yourself. I swear so selfish.

I hope MMR will make me team better survivors.

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  • Member Posts: 3,012

    So smart. Leave 80% gen and make it destroy by ruin, WOW! You can start 0% generator. Seriously best idea, i ever heard.

    And most times they are seeing and also when you are working on generator, sparks can see by other survivors and killer. Send your next excuse

  • Member Posts: 3,012
  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I love when it's a player that hasn't been hooked yet leading the killer to other players that are on death hook. 🙄

    When I'm being chased I try to lead killer away from the unfinished gens but so many lead the killer to those gens in hopes of losing the killer. 🤦‍♀️

    I usually try to get the gens done first in areas that are go to looping areas like shack or main building. That way later on there's less chance of them interrupting players on gens unless they are trying to lose the killer by having them go after the other survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,279


  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Me run from baby killa.

    Gen sounds nearby.

    I am coming for you fren.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Then we have serious problem here. If you get hook, i will loop around you.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    That is what everyone does already it feels like. You don't want someone to loop near your gen and I don't want someone to loop near me when I'm on hook. Yet, neither of us will get what we want.

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    At least we all die together, it is fine. Lets give easy games to poor killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    If you hate this so much, may I suggest running the Nancy perk Better Together?

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Unless you're running "Better Together", usually your team doesn't know you're on that generator. And if they're being chased, they're going to go the only places they can go or else they go down, and then someone's going to have to come off a generator anyway to go save them unless the generators are almost done. Which is much more likely if they pick a safer area to run in.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Killers who complains about Survivors who can 1v1 Otz in cowshed over 4mins that can cost them 3 Gens: "I pretend I will not see this topic"

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Part of the reason I run Bond is to try to not accidentally lead the killer to teammates.

    Sure, sometimes I have no choice so they're gonna have to suck it up but I do my best to make the killer go away from my team.

    Unless you're a hiding Blendette who hasn't done jack all game. Then you bet your sweet ass I'm going to "accidentally" run into your hiding spot. Oopsy! My bad :D

  • Member Posts: 3,012
  • Member Posts: 264

    It happens a lot, and it's really really annoying when someone does it to you but equally I can't hand on my heart say I've never done it myself, albeit accidentally. The trouble is, as a Solo Q you just can't tell if they led them to you deliberately or accidentally.

    I always try, if possible, to run the killer to areas with completed generators, but a LOT of survivors don't seem to even think about this.

    The worst though, as has been said, is people who run around teammates who are on hooks rather than leading the killer away from the hook. There's no excuse for that IMO, just poor play.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    When I'm getting chased in early game I sometimes try to lead the killer to the corner of the map, because it's the last gens we should be doing.

  • Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2021

    I can't tell if you're baiting here you do realise gens spawn near loops right survivors need loops to win if you're on a gen near a safe loop try and continue it unnoticed. Maybe you're that teamate that runs away as soon as killer is looking in your direction. But one thing is for sure stop accusing people of bringing killer to you it isn't their fault alot of the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    He's got a point though. It IS frustrating to be attempting to make progress only for a chased survivor to basically lead the killer right to you.

    That said, to be fair, not everyone uses aura perks, not everyone notices that there's a genny right near where they have to flee, and even if there is one (as was pointed out earlier), it's not always obvious that someone is there working on one. I don't think it's necessarily sabotage (though undoubtedly sometimes it is), I think that in most cases it's just a survivor trying to find the best route to freedom.

  • Member Posts: 207

    That happens sometimes by accident, no can do. When you are being chased, it's difficult to not to go down AND avoid 3 other survivors at the same time. You have to decide quickly where to go, and sometimes it's just a bad decision.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Look for ruin and then theres no ruin, problem solved

  • Member Posts: 688

    I see people bringing killers to gens all the time. Sometimes they don't have many options, because the killer found them near and there is a pallet near the gen or something. Other times, I don't know what the idea is. For example, when 3 gens on the same side are done, I see people being chased and running to the side where most of the gens that need to be fixed are, instead of the opposite. They should lead the killer away so the team can fix, but no. I think some people don't pay attention where the gens pop up and where the others might be. Of course, some other survivors bring the killers to gens in hopes that they will go for someone else...

  • Member Posts: 259

    And first gens when I play solo's. Trying to fix hardest gens first but always someone is repairing easiest ones and then wonder "how we 3 genned ourself".

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s not an acceptable excuse, especially when Ruin is up. In most cases, not all, but most, the gen lights can be seen before getting anywhere near a loop. It’s not ok for teammates to not be paying attention to that, and not considering whether they’re being worked on not.

  • Member Posts: 754

    Me running better together last night and a David immediately bringing the killer to me the second he gets chased lol

    Though I do agree with the overall sentiment.. It just stings when you know they know better.

  • Member Posts: 939

    Most of the time I just work on the generator anyways if the Killer is focused on the survivor. Worst that can happen is I get a swat if the Killer notices.

    I understand sometimes that in the heat of the moment, as most gens are near pallets/loops, a survivor might run to the nearest. It would be nice if they then lead the Killer away once they realize a gen is being worked on.

    As others have pointed out, nowhere near as irritating as survivors looping the Killer around a hooked person. That drives me nuts.

    Then you get those winners who not only loop near the hooked survivor, but then unhook while the Killer is still on their arse.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    What's worse is when you're repairing a gen and someone fast vaults next to you.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    While it sucks, most of the time it’s not intentional. That’s why I always try to listen for a gen being repaired, but even then there are times where I might try to change my path so that at least I won’t go down next to the gen.

  • Member Posts: 50

    The worst kind of survivor is when someone lopp in the shack when someone is hook in the basement. And the survivor making the killer run is full life. I mean... what's his deal? You can't save the guy downstair since the killer will see you and, logically, follow you.

    And it's not always around the shack. I don't understand why people love so much making a killer run around a hook when they can lure him further. They just block every one with their stupid behavior.

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited June 2021

    Look for ruin then or just keep making excuses that the game didn't just conveniently hand the victory to you where everything goes perfect each game.

    Or you know - Let the killer chase you and then lead them away from the gen.

    Chances are if they are patrolling that gen they'll overstay and you can just bounce to another gen or distract the killer so the rest of the team can do objectives. Not a hard concept but apparently you think only two survivors are in a trial.

  • Member Posts: 351

    ######### do you think it's nust solo survivors doing that? Give me a fn break. Everyone does that #########.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited June 2021

    Windows of Opportunity lets me see pallets and windows, not gens. I'm not always gonna know someone is already there.

  • Member Posts: 292

    SOOOORRY! I do this sometimes! but make up for it. most of the time they just tunnel me because they do not like my psn name haha. so usually folk are fine.

  • Member Posts: 122
    edited June 2021

    I agree with you and recently it has been worse for me. People are running the killer to me. WHY? Why do some people waste so much time to bother others? I don't get it. How miserable must their life be to do that? I don't want to report anyone because i don't want to be the reason someone gets a ban or whatever but what choice are they giving us?

    How do i know it wasn't accidental each time? Well they spin around and tea bag as i am hit and chased. They also did it to another survivor in front of me. If we quit a game when we see players like this we are penalized. This is a mess. Hoping i have just been unlucky the past week. We should be celebrating Pride month by being a team. Not trolls.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Bond is very good perk to run in any rank, its super good.

    It has good range and makes my survivor gameplay much better.

    Gives you so much info, I never run killer into teammate on gen with it and also see teammate being chased while I am on gen and bail if I need to.

    Highly recommended, my favorite aura perk

  • Member Posts: 231

    So give back as you were given? Yeah that's always the best solution and will prevent toxicity in the future for sure….and like many people already said, most of the time it happens accidentally.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    No, I must introduce my new friends to my enemies >:3

  • Member Posts: 638

    I get it if you’re just venting, but otherwise, this sort of thing will never stop happening. I’m sure you even done it before.

    Everyone makes mistakes in this game. You’ll just have to deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 3

    lol people are gonna hate, but me and my friends bring the killer to other players so we can get healed. (sorry but im bad at looping)

  • Member Posts: 143

    No way. If I can pass the killer off to my fellow rank 20 teammates, I can die on hook, happy that I did my part.

  • Member Posts: 14

    I agree with you. Completely frustrating. Like run Bond so you don't inconvenience your teammates who are trying to help you escape. Instead, you decide to be a dick to leave the killer on your teammate and your partner goes down so now you're one person down on hook and one less person contributing to the team. How helpful. I don't deal with it though. I'll happily take my disconnect punishment if it means I'm not going to deal with incompetent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    If a gen is being worked on, you don't see sparks and with the killers' chase music, you cannot hear the generator being worked on, either. As a runner, the persons' top priority is to extend the chase and the person on the gen should leave until he runs past then get back on the gen. You might lose 20 seconds on a gen compared to a hook state.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    Find totems if you don't like to leave an 80% gen with ruin, then.

  • Member Posts: 561
    edited June 2021

    You really need people to tell you that in most cases it's completely accidental? people run the killer and sometimes you lead them to other teammates who are healing or doing a gen by accident, probably because you didn't know they were there and you were just trying to lose the killer.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    This is a friendly gesture. Let me type how I would say what you said, and maybe your English will improve by looking at it.

    "Seriously man, this is a team game. I am doing a generator for the team, not for myself. If you bring the killer to my face, I have to leave the generator. And if the killer has Ruin, we will waste precious time.

    I can understand if you're dead on hook. I'll gladly switch the killer's attention to me in that case. But so many times, that's not your last hook. Please, even if you're down, do not do that.

    So many solo survivors do that, and I cannot see the point. What is your plan? To give the killer's attention to me and save yourself. I swear, so selfish.

    I hope MMR will make me team with better survivors."

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Playing solo, I make no apologies for my survival.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I generally run without a plan, but I do try to run towards the bright lights of gens that have already been completed and loop there.

    Let's just say that I'm not buying my team much time because I will go down shortly, but at least it won't be pushing them off gens.

    @Northener1907 Have you tried using Better Together perk to show that you are working on a gen to the others before they get to you?

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