NOED is a Catch-22

So literally just got out of a match where the killer ended up having "No One Escapes Death." AKA (NOED). And the killer just 3rd hooked a survivor. At that point 5 gens completed right before one of the gates was opened by me. Another survivor was out there trying to escape the NOED activated killer at this point. That survivor running for their life was about to go on 2nd hook. But me and the other survivor who were at the escape door both with 2nd hooks...knew all we could do is escape now and leave our friend to die. Why risk going back? No matter how good you are... a killer with NOED can camp a remaining survivor who is hooked. Had the killer not had NOED, the other survivor and myself would've gone back for 3rd survivor on hook. The killer potentially could've killed all 3 of us with this opportunity. But instead instantly forced myself and 4rth survivor to leave due to circumstances.
So in a way NOED can get you less kills... Thoughts?
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
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NOED usually only gets extra kills because survivors get too altruistic with it. I will look for the totem so I can try to save them but once NOED is in play, it is time for Selfish Tippy to come out. The second I hear that heartbeat with NOED in play is my cue to leave.
Having the team die because you were the unlucky bastard who got caught first sucks but I'm not throwing my life away on a suicide mission...
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NOED as a perk usually gets the killer one more kill before everyone else leaves.
if the killer manages to turn a 0k into a 4k because of NOED, thats because the team got overaltruistic and fed them - on top of not doing the totems properly.
honestly, NOED is hardly worth a perk slot IMO.
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yes because counterforce
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Also because you are sacrificing a perk slot for most of the trial, just to try to use NOED. If you equip something more useful, the survivors might not be able to repair all the generators.
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SO most would agree NOED isn't a great perk slot? I can't seem to find a scenario where I would need it over something else. Cause if it only gets you a 1k instead of 0 at the end of the match. Chances there's a greater issue than your play style. It could be that NOED keeps you from having an edge on survivors during the majority of the time. Imagine all the other perks you can roll besides NOED.
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But in this game 1 bird wont get you much and is basically a loss.
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NOED is a perk for new or average killers who have hard time to kill survivors during trial. I don't say that to bait anyone, juste to be clear.
I play with the perk who help locate totems (don"t have tthe name in english, sorry) because a lot of player use NOED. Just for a kill in endgame. And, yeah, I'm one of thoses "stupid altruist" person who die helping a dude on the hook when doors are open.
It's also a pretty good perk to deal with challenge who ask you to hook/sacrifice x survivors during endgame.
But the dude who want his one kill... meeeeh!
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Yes, but you are taking one with you.
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If you run an endgame build, it usually is fine. Open a gate, hook a survivor, and watch their terror because blood warden activated.
(there was a challenge to sacriice people during egc, and i used that build. 3 Survivors teabagging in the exit gate, i hook a guy next to it, and they all go down, i just couldnt hook all 3, because not enough hooks near ^^. That was fun :))
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If you cleanse the dulls, the killer wins, if you leave the dulls they get a free kill.
Seems like pretty ######### options to me, especially since I could just not use NOED and have all these mor - uh, lovely and intelligent killer/SWF mains tell people to "do bones" and win my killer trials for me.
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Can’t remember the last time noed didn’t give me at least one kill at egc. If you think it’s a bad perk it’s only because you don’t use it.
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I mean yes 1 is better than 0. I see what you're saying
Overall I guess it depends on end game build or not.
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I only really I'll use NOED is in one of two situations. The first is actually the most common reason for me. I'm playing a new low level killer and I have no other good perks to use on him. It's funny too cus I'll get crap at the end of the game for using NOED and they can plainly see they I'll only have 2 or 3 perkslots and I'm yellow and brown add-ons, and still call me NOED trash. I just tell them, I'm sorry next time I'll just handicap myself and run a useless perk on my baby killer, like Deer Stalker or Iron Grip, just to make you feel better about yourself. No problems.
Or the second reason I have ever used NOED and I have only done this once cus I legit felt like a cheap ass after doing this. I wanted to run an experimental Freddy build where I was using his Black Box add-on (which makes it so that survivors who are asleep can't escape for 15 seconds) and I combined that with Blood Warden, essentially giving me a full minute to finish off the survivors. I said I only did that once cus I legit did feel dirty doing that to these guys. But yeah, those are really the only times I've really ran NOED.