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Killer Concept: The Blackest Plague

Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
edited December 2018 in Creations
 Holly #########, its been a long time. Maybe a year? I'm not sure, but I've been pretty much dead recently and wanted to finish this guy as I never did.

At the dawn of a new age, The Great Pestilence came as a wave of death and suffering. Willard Anderson was just a barber before hand but was also considered an alchemist by many of the townsfolk. He was be able to cure most diseases at the time, and even helped to slow things down such as the flu. No one asked him how he did it. He said he wouldn't tell, because if he did it wouldn't work anymore. These things weren't very common for any town in Europe among even their brightest medical staff. But, he did not want to become involved in the Black Death and it's reign of terror. He believed it was an act of god against everyone else and wouldn't do anything to upset the great one. However, with his family showing signs of the dreaded plague, he decided the only thing to do was to find someway to fix this and dawned the role of the plague doctor.

Things were going well for Willard. He was doing his best to cure people of this death and was doing better than expected by most. His dedication surpassed most others. However, over the span of a week his whole family was murdered from the pestilence. Something snapped in that man and he was never the same again. Slowly, business began to catch traction as more and more people kept going to get themselves cured. But, unlike before, some of the people never came back. Some townsfolk reported above average screaming going on in the home of Willard whenever a cleansing was taking place. The piles of bodies continued to grow and tower on the streets. They were especially high on the Anderson household's corner.

That is when the first person went missing. Alexander Thomas suddenly vanished seemingly overnight and wasn't heard from until two days after, when his body was found were it left, seemingly drained of blood and slashed at the arms. This continued to occur and all of the bodies that showed up had one thing in common. They all had signs of the plague on their corpses. And this showed on even the people who were very smart in stopping the plague from getting them, which seemed odd. But soon bodies stopped showing up after the disappearances. People reported a shadowy figure with a plague doctor mask hiding in the shadows at night, carrying bodies with him. Soon, people began to become suspicious of Willard and his schemes.

One day, they decided to see for themselves what was really going on. The townsfolk busted into the Anderson estate and found the place completely devoid of life. No furniture was to be found except for a trap door were a rug used to be as usual. Once down into the secret basement, they met a truly gruesome site. Bodies were sprawled around the cobblestone floor, blood splattered on the walls. A body was spread across a table, her limbs cut into many pieces assembling into some sort of gruesome puzzle. Their were glass containers of a strange green liquid, all which was present on the bodies down there. But the most gruesome sight of all was that Willard was nowhere to be found. That place stayed abandoned for years upon years. Some people say the laughs of Millard Anderson can still be heard from within the house. Some say it is just a myth.

KILLER: The Plague

MOVEMENT: 115% walking 92% carrying

TERROR RADIUS: 32 meters


POWER: “The Great Pestilence”
-You are able to bring the plague to the modern era through your trusty syringe. You can switch from two modes, pestilence mode and testing mode. Testing mode is simply the normal attack while pestilence mods is using a syringe induced with a mixed formula of the plague. In this mode, you have a slightly longer lunge and when a hit lands you don't actually damage the survivor, but rather you inject them with a lethal substance -- similar to the clown, this needs to be refilled from time to tie however there is no mixing required, needing only about 2.5 seconds for each refill. This raises a survivors Plagued status, which can be identified by different skulls around the players' icon. Also, this ability has the added touch of replacing around 2-3 of the crow spots with rats which come into play in plague 3.
_ -Plague 1:_ A faint skull behind the player's icon. In this state, the chemicals react wildly to the players immune system. The chemicals always had a flaw and that was that the substance needs to sit for a bit and or have more substance injected in order to be effective, as such nothing happens except for a small penalty to skill checks and such, but without items, this is almost unnoticeable, almost about 3%. However, as 30 seconds goes by, you begin to grow a bit ill, suffering from a small cough which within a certain distance can give off your location if the killer is close enough (even when hiding in lockers).
-Plague 2: A fairly obvious skull behind the players icon still slightly transparent. In this state, the coughing comes into full effect as well as speed increased by 5% due to the immune system kicking in, trying to fight back. You also gain a 10% skill check reduction. However, in this state, you are able to spread plague 1 to other survivors in you vicinity. If another survivor is within 9 meters and are there for 12 seconds, they will become infected with plague 1.
_ -Plague 3:_ A rat's skull emanates behind your icon. In this phase, the immune system has failed and now the plague has complete control over your body. The speed increased becomes a speed decrease of 7%, the coughing doubles in distance and sound, the 10% skill check reduction leaps to a 20 percent. Whenever a survivor walks past a group of rats that have taken over a crows' nest, they will alert the killer to the survivor's location. The spreading factor also gets even worse as now it is 13 meters and you only have to be in it for 11 seconds to be infected. Being in plague 3 is a huge detriment and will actually spread survivors out as they don't want to be infected with the plague. Also when in this mode hallucinations will begin to occur, with plague ridden bodies lying on the ground in piles and rats crawling around everywhere.
CURE: When the match begins, the entity spawns 4-5 cure stations on the map. These cure stations are able to cure up to Plague 2-3 but not Plague 1 as it never goes away. The stations do not show their aura when you have Plague 2 except when you get to Plague 3 in which you can them see the auras of them. To cure a plague state, you have to mic chemicals for about 25 seconds for Plague 2 and 35 seconds for Plague 3. When mixing chemicals, you have a chance to come across a skill check. If you fail enough of them, about 2, the quality of the chemicals will deteriorate on that station permanently with about a 10% speed decrease on that station. If you fail 3 skill checks, the station's chemicals will explode and the station will be destroyed.

Post edited by Brookstopher on


  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    DAMN IT. I was gonna use that exact killer with that exact name for my own Fan-made Dlc... Oh well. I had an idea for the Cure at least. Maybe the Cure is a sort of Station, A "Cure Station". It takes a minute (more or less) to reduce the condition of the infection by one state, you'd be permanently in Plague 1 or 2. Perhaps if they fail a skill check, maybe there is a chance the station will "Break", making it unusable.. Just putting in my ideas, nonetheless, I like dis.

  • VickyVoorhees
    VickyVoorhees Member Posts: 13

    I love the idea !

  • FoggyDownpour
    FoggyDownpour Member Posts: 288
    I really like this! It kinda feels like a nice mix between the Doc and Pig. I feel like hallucinations should be a thing with this as well, maybe rats coming out of dark shadows and running across the floors and up trees
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Dang it, I was designing a character like this as well. Cool idea, man!

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47

    Updated The Plague and added a cure station and hallucinations. Thank you guys for helping with the idea. I have to deal with ACT stuff for the week, but once I'm done with it all i'll be able to flesh him out more with perks and whatnot.