Wraith needs 0 skill
Here we go.
Spirit is not longer the OP killer. Now Wraith also "takes 0 skill".
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So people who play this game for a living and pretty much play him daily just made it up. Okay gotcha 👍🏻
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Given how many people(Including content creators) think freddy has a longer then normal lunge range...Yes!
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Thanks but I'll believe people who play the game for a living and also my own experience from playing the game for four years.
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I honestly feel like I can just turn my brain off and go easy mode when I play wraith.
Im not a great killer by any means but wraith is by far the easiest killer to play now with the most potential. His map pressure is rather insane, and his lunge....
I don’t want to say that he’s oppressive as I’ve had quite a few games against him and as him where his weaknesses can become very apparent, but when played in the hit and run style, he feels extremely strong.
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How does it require skill to hold w and run around a loop until the killer gets too close and then press space? Just wondering what your point of view is here.
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Sounds like you can't have your own opinion nor do your own research on the topic as all of mine research points to nothing having changed.
People are fallible including the creators you seem to worship.
So get your own opinion instead of echoing what they have said.
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Leave the Bing-Bong boys alone
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I tried to play as him and it is so easy to sneak up on survivors and hook them afterwards. Such an unbalanced killer, he used to be better
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Tbf, you can't run loops vs wraith anymore.
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LOL that last comment. XD
I can't stand chases because I don't like to loop. By definition a successful loop is either being good enough to waste the killer's time for a while or to get away. I get away sometimes, I guess I'm moderate at this skill. But tying the killer up? Back and forth for five minutes? Ugh. I wouldn't do it even if I could. To me that's not even playing the game, it's tag simulator. Hell not even tag simulator, it's American Ninja simulator.
Having said that, the chase against the Wraith usually begins by being whacked before you even know he's there. And I don't get the argument that "you should always know he's there if you're good". Maybe if you're spinning the camera 360 degrees around yourself at all times through the entire match, constantly and without end, looking for the tiny little 15 percent shimmer that races up to you from out of nowhere, on maps full of obstacles and atmospheric effects, at 150 percent speed, sure. And then there are people who say "just be by a window". Crap, that's a good point, I should start carrying those around so I'm always near one. Or "you can hear his breathing". Right, again, from a hundred feet away rushing at you from any possible direction at 150 percent speed. Over the sound of generators.
I'm sorry but the people who minimize the Wraith as easy to counter and "B or C tier" consist of two types:
- Experts
- Killer mains who are desperate for the character to be anything other than, in their opinion, garbage (oh no, he M1, he so bad), and thus will aggressively defend ANY improvement to him regardless of how cheap it makes him
I can't speak for the data, and I can't speak for anyone else's experiences. All I know is that he didn't totally piss me off before a few weeks ago, roughly at the same time a bunch of other players noticed that he pisses them off too.
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I definitely wouldn't know, as it's my weakest point while playing this game.
And to be fair I will cop to the fact that if I WERE better at looping I wouldn't hate the Wraith as much as I do know, it's totally valid to say that I need to get better (I'm only about 400 hours in). That said, he didn't feel profoundly cheap before and now he does. That's all I know. I start a match, I carefully make my way around trying to ascertain who the killer is, I try not to jump on a gen right away. Eventually I get on one, or join someone else on OH NO THERE'S THE BELL (if I'm lucky), BAM, free hit, time to run. Okay, it's a Wraith match. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Thank you for that balanced, reasonable summary.
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Learn to play survivor. It does not take skill either.
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My guess as for why Wraith is pissing you off now:
Your seeing him more.
Simply put until the recent changes(Higher base Slightly weaker max power) Wraith was very unpopular and rarely played.
This happens with literally every kill that becomes "Flavor of the Month" every single time they become said "Flavor of the Month"
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I just said my own experience of playing the game for four years or did you just ignore that.
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I still can't believe we live in an age where WRAITH is considered overpowered. Even if its just by forum trolls.
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I accept these possibilities to a point, yes. I definitely AM seeing him more. I honestly don't know why he wasn't popular before, I mean how much more does a killer need than super speed and invisibility? I think, from what I've gathered (since SO many people complain about "M1") that over time, as new killers were added to the old original ones, gameplay became more complex and interesting so perhaps the ones like Wraith were seen as dull. Or maybe people got sick of him, I don't know how long it was before the more complicated and / or licensed characters came along.
So I mean I can understand if people just got bored of him or whatever. I see complaints about Trapper as well (which also confounds me, as I've seen some DEEEEVIOUS Trappers out there whose skill I can't help but respect). Meanwhile Billy seems beloved, if supposedly ignored.
Wraith, though? I mean it seems like he'd be the go-to killer for easy 4Ks. Just speed all over the place while invisible and kill everybody. If it wasn't that easy, that tells me that he DID change to become much more cheap. That makes me believe that there WAS a more pronounced pause before his uncloak and his lunge. Plus, before the buff, I never saw a Wraith that could cloak and uncloak without the bell, which is basically his only reliable tell.
So I mean yeah, your observation has merit, but as I said to the other user, I can only report what I've experienced. I do hope you're right in that he's just the flavor of the month and I'll stop seeing him so much though. I started playing at kind of a bad time - within a few days of the All-Kill chapter - so my first month of play was Trickster 15 times a day. He's forever ruined for me (not that I like anything about him to begin with), I'd like it if The Wraith didn't go down the same path. I don't care if I win or lose, I honestly don't. I just want matches to feel fair. And now, when I face the Wraith, they don't.
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Wraith was considered overpowered when the game launched as well, as I mentioned.
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Its really hard for me or really anyone to believe that when 90% of what your saying is: "Content creators said X is real so it must be real."
Please reread your own comments as it really freaking hard to believe this is coming from your own experiences with how much you seem to rely on the word of content creators.
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Every killer was considered overpowered when the game launched, even when killer shack had 2 windows, game had no entity blocker and you could fast vault just by holding shift, all loops had 2 pallets, people still managed to die and cry op killer.
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This is untrue. While it didn't happen at the same time, Wraith's movement speed bonus was increased by .25 seconds. Which means his post stealth lunge is better.
This happened at the same time he got his true invisibility past 20+ meters.
Source, I'm a Wraith main.
Or, I used to be, Demo is taking that spot.
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And I also said my own experience so it comes from both. I've played this game for four years I knew his lunge was buffed when he was buffed content creators simply backed that up and confirmed I was right.
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I have found no where that says that not have i found any evidence of it.
So idk what your getting that from.
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That's fair. I'm a decent looper and find there's nothing you can do against him, even in loops, ignoring his cheap, free hit in a deadzone, because he can just block the pallet and uncloak, and you can't even mindgame him to get some distance as he zooms around it.
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I know, but the Wraith was a special case because of the nature of the complaints. Specifically, that he "ignored game mechanics" (in reference to the terror radius). It's the same complaint you might hear regarding the Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, and so on, because survivors (talking about the vocal ones who complain nonstop about killers) expect every killer to be exactly the same.
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Typically when a killer's movement speed is buffed pre-lunge (look at demo, for example) it actually means they're moving faster with their lunge and hence, can go further in the same amount of time with it. Buffing his base speed did 100% buff his lunge.
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It happened here in the 4.5.0 update. The top is my discussion about it.
Here are the actual Patch Notes.
The Wraith:
While cloaked, the Wraith is completely invisible (no shimmer) to Survivors when more than 20m away
Increased the duration of the uncloak speed boost from 1.0s to 1.25s
Restored a missing bone-rattle sound cue at the beginning of the Wraith's cloaking animation (sometimes referred to as "bell tech")
Fixed an issue where the Wraith would appear to uncloak completely while kicking a generator or breaking a pallet or wall while cloaked. The Wraith now only uncloaks the necessary bits.
Fixed an issue that caused the Wraith's add-on "The Serpent" to reset the uncloaking progress after completing an interaction. It will now leave the Wraith completely uncloaked and able to attack, and trigger an uncloak speed boost, after damaging a generator or breaking a pallet or wall.
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That's not what everyone is referring too.
As people are saying his most recent change buffed his lunge which there is no evidence of such a change.
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His post uncloak speed boost directly affects his lunge. It just gives him a little more wiggle room.
His actual lunge buffed? Not in length, no, but it's easier to use.
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To be fair, yes, I do play without headphones. On one hand I don't think that headphones should be mandatory in order to know that a killer is coming, but I also can't lie and say that throwing a pair on wouldn't make things easier.
I hadn't really thought of it before but I HAVE seen many people say "you can hear his footsteps from a mile away" and I was always like "what? He doesn't even MAKE footsteps". I didn't factor in that the majority of players probably play the game with some kind of headset.
That's exactly it. I see people complain constantly about Spirit (which is fine, I'm not the hugest fan of playing against her either) but from my perspective they're essentially the same. They're fast, they're quiet, they can disappear at will, and basically once they've smacked you your game is over.
Again, I will readily admit that I need more practice with the game. I'm sure that I've got less experience than 95 percent of the people who wave Nu-Wraith off as no big deal. But I can't help but throw up my hands and say "the guy is invisible until he isn't, then he hits me before I can get away". I mean I posted a video a few weeks ago of me running away SO fast that all you see is a millisecond of his toes uncloaking - literally, you had to know right where to look and all you saw was the very end of just one of his feet starting to sparkle into view - and he still managed to catch right up to (though at least I missed the initial lunge I guess).
An almost completely invisible, almost completely silent (at least without headphones) killer who moves 50% faster than the player, can use aura perks to see you AND uncloak silently and lunge at you so fast that if he's even a few feet from you the INSTANT you notice that he's about to uncloak it still isn't enough time to get away? I mean...can we just go one step further and bring him to S tier by giving him heat-seeking nuclear missiles too?
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Yes and no.
He's a easy killer to play, you simply have to collide a window or a pallet to avoid a loop.
But you also have to use its invisibility to apply pressure on the map correctly since it gives you a slight % of speed.
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I'm just glad he's easy to play. This means more survivors will switch to killer.
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But Wraith's gameplay is hit and run.
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Shhh. It's easier to say a killer has 0 skill than accept that not all killers chase the same and playing accordingly.
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I gonna be honest here, if you're constantly getting caught out of position and/or taking hits from his lunge at unsafe pallets, that's the Wraith playing very well and/or you not realising you should be predropping unsafe pallets to make sure the Wraith can't take control and use his lunge in the first place.
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Something is off with those scenarios.
Either the Spirit/Deathslingers were bad or the Wraiths were better than them.
Which is why you can’t really base your statistics on player by player case scenarios. Because I am willing to bet an experienced Spirit will always obliterate before an experienced Wraith does. I base this on the fact that unlike Wraith whose first hit outside of his cloak is delayed, vs Spirit who comes out and immediately hits.
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I wouldn't say Wraith requires 0 skill. But I've always found the hit and run strategy extremely boring, most notably on in-door maps. Without Spinechill or possibly SWF giving great comms, it's a guessing game when he's coming for his next free hit.
This playstyle has been buffed since you can't see him coming anymore until he is very close. It's just very boring. There is little to no chases, just me repairing a generator wondering when the Wraith will get his next free hit/down. Rinse and repeat. I really don't like getting hit for free.
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Wraith is more fun then killers with a tr. He keeps you on your toes unless you play with early detection perks, more engaging than hearing the killer before you can see them.
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lol maybe you're just bad survivor
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That is if the survivor is a noob for the most part, then yes.
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Only problem i have with wraith is his all seeing add on. I don't think he needs it hkenstly and should be reworked other than that he's fine. You can still loop him but wraith requiring no skill? What a joke. Thats what happens when you can't bully wraiths anymore.
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This comment got me rolling 💀
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The only thing you've proven is that you're upset about ONE killer (Just like the rest of this community) in a game that has 22 other killers with a new one on the way. You aren't the only one that hates a specific killer. I hate trickster and you don't see me all up in arms and making a post about it.
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You're gonna get hit though if you don't stun on an unsafe pallet.
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"Unsafe pallet" usually being "pallets that killers can play after they are thrown", not just pallets where the killer respects it and gets a free hit.
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That's a safe pallet.
I was going by the standard def of an unsafe pallet that if doesn't stun a killer, the killer can get the hit on you while you're locked in animation.
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I haven't seen the term used like that in years, normally a safe pallet is one that has to be broken, a god pallet is one that can just be camped once it's thrown, and an unsafe pallet is one that can actually be played or else it's not and never has been a "safe pallet", a la car loops and most junk tiles.
Of course, most loops are safe pallets with the bloody reworks. You don't need to throw Hay tiles to counter Wraiths lunge any more, for example, because they're so stupidly big.
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He doesn't I used to main him and played him once after the buff but didn't like it they made him too easy all I have to do is cloak mid chase and unclean to get my boost and lunge range and I 4k it's bor8mg at least before I had to use my head and think is this chase worth it.
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Not sure how that definition has changed with or without reworks. The interaction has been the same for years. Safe and god pallets are mutually exclusive.
There are pallets that are safe because if you loop absolutely perfectly it takes bloodlust to get the hit or break pallet. God pallets cannot result in a hit even with t3 bl. That's the difference between them.
Unsafe is unsafe because if the killer plays correctly it will result in a hit regardless of survivor skill.
Show me some picture examples of what you differentiate between safe and unsafe. I certainly don't call car loops unsafe lol. Pallet between two small rocks? unsafe.
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You mean the bugged lunge that was short and broken because it did nothing? Or the fix where they patched it after the rework to work as intended?