The Magnus Archives: The Buried Chapter - #2. (Survivor and map)

Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181
edited June 2021 in Creations

This is the second part of The Buried Chapter, based on The Magnus Archives. It includes a perk that could be seen as a "Boon totem", so I'm not sure how that works exactly, but I've put it down as a possible way of working. Anyway, here's the second part!

Survivor: Karolina Górka

Age: 29

Nationality: Polish

Lore: Karolina never celebrated New Years Eve. The trauma of a car accident that resulted in the death of her partner still haunts her. The twisted metal and broken limbs she saw as she drove past. If only they had waited for her to pick them up, rather than venture home drunk.

Now, Karolina celebrates New Year a week later with a few choice friends at the local pub - The Star. On this occassion, a heated argument with her friend Andrew had become too much for her, so Karolina left to take the tube home. She always relied on public transport; not just because of the trauma, but also this was London and was therefore far more practical.

The underground was unusually empty, and as Karolina entered the carriage she noted it was equally as vacant, but also rather dusty. What's more, the adverts lined above the seats had been replaced by packed earth within the clear plastic. Before she could properly gauge her surroundings, the train set off. It continued without stopping for 20 minutes, until Karolina pulled the emergency lever (which was pasted in thick mud).

Opening the door, she was greeted by a wall of earth. Panicked and finding no other way out, she ventured through the train towards the driver's end. Each carriage she passed became dirtier and muddier. The sound of straining metal and heavy pressure grew louder, and soon the sides and ceiling of the train crushed inwards.

In one carriage, the noise was deafening and she barely recognised the surroundings of crumpled metal, plastic and earth. She had little room to manoeuvre when she saw a crumpled body, barely recogniseable and crushed in the most painful of positions. The individual just managed to grab her arm, saying: "Not enough space to move. Never enough to breathe".

Karolina laid down on the floor, unsure of what else remained to do as the ceiling slowly creeked and warped towards her, and she heard the other person scream as she never dreamt a human could. She closed her eyes and felt cold, but then the noise stopped.

She opened her eyes and found herself in a grubby room. She walked out the door and saw a pathway and doorless entrances into other small rooms. A jangle of keys could be heard and she felt claustrophobic again and started breathing more heavily. Her only choice was clear: run!

Perks: Karolina's perks focus on getting out of desperate and suffocating situation that seem inescapable.

#1. Tightly-packed - Too much pressure screams for a desperate escape.

For every 10 seconds a killer remains within 4/6/8 metres of you on a hook, you gain 1 token, up to 4 tokens. When unhooked, for every token you gain 1/1.5/2 seconds of endurance, and any killer hit will put you into the Deep Wound status

"Not enough space to move. Never enough to breathe". - Nicholas Lekman

#2. The Squeeze - Like soap, you slip out of their hands as they try to grab you.

When in a chase and the killer goes into Bloodlust tier 1, your speed also increases by 0.2 m/s for the duration of the chase. You gain 50%/75%/100% BP for all actions in the Boldness category. This perk has a 40 secind cooldown, which pauses if you enter into q chase within that time.

"Being crushed to death would be horrible, yes, but I have never been affraid of dying" - Karolina Górka

#3. Boon: An Anchor to Hold  - A totem giving you or someone close a reason to live when all hope is gone.

A totem appears on the map that's only visible to you when within view and glows blue. Once you break this, a strange power emerges.

When 3/2/1 person is put into dying when you too are also dying, pressing the action button immediately revives you into the injured state. If the Boon is active and you are picked up, pressing the action button revives the dying survivor furthest from your location into the injured state. This can only be done 1 per match.

If all remain survivors in a trial are slugged, the perk becomes active as long as the totem has been broken.

After 3 minutes of the trial starting, the totem is also visible to the killer, who can destroy it - preventing the survivor from activating the perk.

"I'm done with it. Thank you for your time" - Karolina Górka

Map: A claustrophobic workhouse, designed by the ever-maddening George Gilbert Scott.

The map shown is just an example found online, but it would have a few larger court yards, surrounded by a multitude of small rooms and passageways. There would be earth and mud piled all over and the sky would have a dark brown tint. Having a couple of smaller buildings within the grounds would add extra obstacles, and in some places hands and limbs may be seen sticking out of the walls.


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50


    Tightly-packed - just play with friends and run Borrowed Time

    The Squeeze - great idea

    Boon: An Anchor to Hold - interesting idea, combined with the new Boon Totem mechanic ,which the devs want to do


    Indoor Map :/

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Yeah, I admit I didn't want an indoor map, but it's The Buried and it needed to be more cramped. It would probably end up like Midwich - great aesthetically but rubbish for gameplay. Unless maybe it's more ruins.

    And thanks for the feedback for the perks! Tightly-packed is more for solo-q players when caught by a rather vengeful killer who prefers to camp up close, but as a team it probably wouldn't be on a list. I was pleased with The Squeeze, especially with some people not liking bloodlust, so this negates bloodlust for a bit. And An Anchor To Hold is tricky because I don't know how boon works, but I'm guessing it's going to be powerful so a guaranteed anti-slug perk would probably be a good one.