Anyone have any survivor or killer concepts?

Dbdswitchisok Member Posts: 30
edited May 2021 in Creations

Here is mine: New Survivor Dorris Halls

Doris grew up in a broken home. His mom had left and never came back, and his dad never cared for him. Maybe that was what gave Doris courage and commitment. He Always loved education. He exceeded far above expectations and was the smartest kid in his class. Later, he graduated with honors and had an amazing road of career opportunities ahead of him. He got a job offer at Clover Inc one of the biggest Producers of Medicine and accepted the offer. While working for clover, he was assigned to create a treatment for a newly discovered fungus. The Rongan Fungus was infecting humans and I caused some major symptoms like swelling, rapid growing of limbs, and blindness. He attempted to create a drug to treat it, after weeks and weeks of work he thought he created something that worked. Once he came back to the lab he found everyone, dead. A guard came in shouting Help. Dorris asked what happened and the guard responded The fungus its killing everyone! He ran out looking traumatized. Dorris saw a black fog roam in and was immediately somewhere else? All Dorris knew was that he wasn't home, or at the lab, he was in another realm.

Dorris comes with Three personal perks

Engaged Worker: You will work hard no matter what.

After hitting 10 great skill checks, Your next great skill check gives you a 10% bonus.

Fighter: You have courage and strength even in dire situations.

After being unhooked, press the activate button to destroy the hook for the remainder of the trial. One use Per Trial

Helping hand: Being helpful is key for survival

When unhooking another survivor, that survivor gets a 70%/80%/90% healing bonus for 150 seconds

Edit: Got some changes to the perks

Engaged Worker now goes off every 7/6/5 skill checks

Helping hand: reduced healing from 70/80/90 to 50%/60%/70%

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Dbdswitchisok
    Dbdswitchisok Member Posts: 30

    I am also planning on a killer concept as well!

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121

    It's a cool concept! I think Engaged Worker should maybe activate with fewer skill checks, and Helping Hand should have a small duration or heal speed nerf, but it seems solid to me. :)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited May 2021

    I have a concept for a banshee killer I’m working on. It’s still pretty rough around the edges but I though it could be an interesting power


    Basic stats

    Move speed:4.6 Ms(115%)

    Terror radius:24M

    Height: Tall

    A mourning spirit. The banshee can charge her power”Celtic fury” by placing runes. When activated ”Celtic fury” will cause the banshee to become undetectable and increase her mobility. These runes are also a great source of information 

    The banshee starts the trial with 5 runes. She can place these runes any interactable object such as generators, totems or windows when within 32M and having line of sight on the object. If the rune is placed on an object a survivor who begins to use it will scream and reveal their location. Runes take 2 seconds to place and reduce the banshee’s movement speed to 105% when setting them down. These  will charge up the banshee’s main power “Celtic fury”

    The banshee’s power has a cooldown of 180 seconds which begins as the trial starts. This cool downs goes down by 30 seconds every time a survivor interacts with an object cursed by a rune. When activated she will scream. This causes all survivors to scream out revealing their location. This also empowers the banshee.  During this time the banshee moves 30% faster outside of chase, gets an action speed increase of 25%(vaulting, breaking pallets, picking up survivors) and becomes undetectable. In addition the banshee can also teleport to any runes she has placed. This takes 2 seconds to activate and will take her 5 seconds to be able to teleport again. Celtic fury last for 45 seconds

    Edit: Forgot perks!

    Hex afterlife:While your body crumbles your soul lives on. Gain a token up to 4 for every time you get pallet stunned or blinded. Each token grants a 10% increased lunge range and 5% pallet stun time reduction. 

    Hex decay: While this totem is active all survivors suffer from the exhaustion status effect. Once cleansed this effect persists for 40 seconds

    Imprisonment: Kicking a generator will cause that generator to be blocked for the next 20/30/40 seconds. The generator does not regress during this time

    Once activated this effect will go on cooldown for 80 seconds

  • Dbdswitchisok
    Dbdswitchisok Member Posts: 30

    I really like the power of the killer! Perks are really cool I like imprisonment a lot it reminds me of repressed alliance a lot but for killers!

  • Dbdswitchisok
    Dbdswitchisok Member Posts: 30
  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,617

    Well, technically I do but it is not an original concept. It is my idea for a Freddy rework.

    Still, if you would like to read it I am more than happy to share:

    Power: Dream Demon

    Pull survivors into the Dream World

    -Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.

    -Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.

    -During the Dream Transition Survivors can see glimpses of The Nightmare and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.

    -When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

    Once in the Dream World:

    -Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.

    -Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.

    -To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.

    -Failed Generator Skill Checks can also wake up.

    -Hooked Survivors wake up.

    Special Ability: Dream Projection

    -Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.

    -Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.

    -For each Survivor in the Dream World, the cool-down of using Dream Projection is reduced by stack-able 20%.

    You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger

  • bowo
    bowo Member Posts: 121

    I like it! The perks seem strong, but not unbeatable. The only issue I have is with the nature of the speed boost. The game is generally pretty good at telling when you are actually chasing a survivor, but it can be abused. Looking down and briefly stopping is generally enough to break chase, and you can still follow the Survivor based on scratch marks and sound. The speed boost would definitely make up for the distance lost by breaking chase. Maybe the speed increase should be based on proximity? The concept is quite good, but I don't think that aspect could be implemented well as is.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah I was struggling to think of ways to make the speed boost work. I couldn’t have it be all the time because then she’d be op. I want to encourage splitting pressure and sneaking up on survivors with her so that was my best idea at the time.

    Basing it on distance isn’t a bad idea maybe like 10m could be good. It would help her catch up to people holding m1 but not make her amazing in chase

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I have survivor idea.

    This survivor had crime history (he is not killer, never killed anyone but he was thief before). Jail days was hard and he learned need allies. In prison he faced really so bad guys and for that he had to be a team with someone else. And in hard status, you need to help each other. Because he believes that: You can success only when you keep alive each other. You always will need someone watching your back.

    He caught by Entity when he trying escape from Prison with some prisoners. Tunnel collapsed and noone saw him body or he again. He will come with 3 perks, he will try to help other survivors with this perks.

    You Will Be Saved = You know how to help your friends. Survivor rescued from the hook will get 150% of normal running speed for 3 seconds. You Will Be Saved has a cool-down of 100/80/60 seconds.

    Perfect Partner = Your imprisonment years taught you one thing very well: You need allies. When you unhook your allies in killers terror radius you will get 10 seconds time. If killer get you down in that 10 seconds you will have Unhookable Effect. Killer cant take you pick up 30/45/60 seconds. This perk can use only one time in match.

    Sacrifice = Your criminal history taught you the importance of allies. You have to trust each other with your allies to survive. If you get hit while the killer is carrying survivor to hook, the killer will be stunned for max 5 seconds. Your ally will be saved from the killer. At the cost of this, you will down dying statu(even you are full health).

  • KasumiDream
    KasumiDream Member Posts: 2

    My concept I created

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I have an idea for a killer a survivor concept.

    The Fate.

    Movement Speed: 115% 4.6 m/s

    Terror Radius: 32 Meters

    Height: Average

    Killer Power: link

    The Fate has the ability to weave people and objects destiny together and manipulate it to their will.

    After 15 seconds you can activate Link.

    When looking at a generator press and hold the activate ability for 3 seconds to start a link. You can link said generator to a max of 2 other generators. You can see if the generators are linked by a red thread connecting them.

    Any generator state effect on one of the linked generators will apply the same effect to the others. The generators link is cut when it's fully repaired.

    Press the activate ability button when looking at a survivor for a full 6 seconds to establish a link on them. While linking survivors you move slower. Survivors will be notified of being linked by a noise notifications.

    When you successfully link a max of 2 survivors together they will see each others aura. If one of the linked survivors loses a heath state the second linked survivors will suffer from a deep wound. The link is cut when you injure the survivors.

    When a generator or survivor link is cut you cannot link for 10 seconds.

    The survivor would be mobster that is loyal and looks out for their family. I would make his perks centered around loyalty and payback

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2021
  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50


    Hex: Afterlife - pretty neat

    Hex: Decay - I dont like this perk at all, being unable to use a perk for maybe the whole game, while the killer has to do nothing to achieve this feels terrible -> maybe you can do it like this: You get a token each time someone gets unhooked. At one token survivors are exhausted for 10s, at two tokens for 20s and at three tokens for as long as the Hex Totem exists.

    Imprisonment - can be pretty nice


    Runes - okay

    Celtic fury - pretty cool, would like to test it out

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    You Will Be Saved - Cool

    Perfect Partner - this works like old Ds and will lead to frustrating moments for espeacilly new killers, BUT it will probaly be useless against good killers, because they'll just wait it out

    Sacrifice - okayish

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    Engaged Worker - Is it still 7/6/5 great skill checks? Or just normal skill checks?

    Fighter - not really useful, maybe worse than Breakdown (perk from Jeff)

    Helping Hand - good

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I thought this perk for stop end game camping. That perk will give you enough time to go to gates.

  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50

    well yeah, but the problem is: you can also use it earlier, so it will get used before the endgame starts

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Yeah you are right. Maybe like Dead Hard we can add button for active it, so if you wanna keep it, you can do it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Thanks! I wanted to make decay powerful since it is a hex that can be destroyed

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    This is mine, please let me know what you think!

    This is what the Sharp Shooter is capable of!!!