Keys are absolutely out of control and need immediate attention

Canas Member Posts: 1,021
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Every single game I had tonight featured keys in some form, either by survivors bringing one into the lobby or by finding one in a chest. I had games robbed from me by premade groups with clantags who literally waited for me to show up just to use a key in front of me to escape with their buddy.

I'm sick and tired of this type of abuse. Keys are supposed to be VERY RARE and yet they show up ALL THE TIME, this is absolutely screwed up. The mechanic should be removed for good as long as gentimes remain as they are right now, the red rank experience is already bad enough and keys are simply killing it for me.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    Maybe they have plunders? A lot people are still the working on the chest challenge so that could explain that.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    They’ve already said they’re going to be doing something about keys. They hinted that keys will somehow influence, or have an effect on how the new implementation of Mori’s in the base game will interact.

    My guess is that keys brought into a trial, or found in chests, will make it easier for killers to meet the conditions necessary to Mori survivors.

    I’m also pretty sure they hinted they were going to make some small adjustments to the hatch. Just be patient.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I'm hoping for next mid chapter after the RE release, I'm sure we'll have the changes then.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    They announced the first key changes with moris, moris got nerfed to the ground and Keys didn't.

    They announced a new BP rewards like 6 months ago and a new MM system that Will fix the actual trash MM, nothing has changed.

    So, if Keys are going to be change.... That is going to happen maybe on 2025 or 2026.

    You know, skins before Game health, they must have survivor community Happy with new skins, Killers are like garbage for them, we are here because they Need at Least 10% of Killer players to keep the Game alive, but they dont care about us so... Do not expect any changes that benefit killer side from Behaviour. We got DS Nerf and the price to pay was too high, BT Buff, Undying Nerf, and with Némesis another huge Nerf to hex builds with new jill perk.

    If they Nerf Keys, killers Will get Nerf after Nerf from that day untill eternity to keep survivors Happy and playing.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    People been saying this for years now and yet all its gotten was the time shortened on how long the hatch stays open woopee you cant meme with it as much

  • lolifasad
    lolifasad Member Posts: 68

    Opening the hatch with a key should take time and should give the killer a visual indicator. That way the killer can know the hatch is being opened with a key, so they are not taken by surprise when 3 survivors escape while the killer is peacefully defending his 3-gen. Besides, if survivors 3-gen themselves, do they really deserve to escape? Anyway, adding a time and indicator when unlocking the hatch will be more fair, as survivors will actually have to EARN their escape, in case they mistakenly created a 3-gen or if the exist gates spawn too close to each other.

    That way the escape will still be possible, but survivors would have to be smart and earn it. For example, killer comes while one survivor is unlocking the hatch, the survivor starts being chased, other survivors follow, the chased survivor reaches a safe zone and drops the key, the other picks it -> they outplay the killer and escape. In that scenario and similar others, it's an earned escape. Right now it's just an easy way out for survivors who probably deserved to lose and would so, if it weren't for the key. It's like NOED that can pop before even gens are completed.

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    Isn´t that what people kept saying since Blights chapter? :D

  • Bzrro85
    Bzrro85 Member Posts: 11

    And, the staff in the release video, already said they have game health down, and they were working on cosmetics. Stage 3, or something? They didn't even talk about what stage 4 was, other than mentioning the name; life updates?

    In their eyes, everything is working correctly.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    Another case of blatant key abuse in an evergrowing series of incidents.

    I worked my ass off to set up a 3-gen against a streamer and his pals and was robbed once again due to the mere existence of a key. I didn't even pip despite the high amount of bp I was able to amass, all just because the key removed any further interaction between the killer and survivors. This is unacceptable.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I don’t think they’ll tinker too much with the hatch spawn requirements. They still need to have an option for solo survivors unfairly screwed by the other 3 survivors they’re paired with.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,825

    Yeah I'd like to know if I'm playing with a 3 man squad because they don't always seem to care about the 4th survivor if you know what I mean.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That isn’t always true. But it is sad that it happens at all.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021
    edited June 2021

    I refuse to let this discussion die out, keys NEED to be addressed as early as possible. It's a disgrace how moris are considered problematic enough to be reworked yet again whereas survivors get to outright cheat the system with keys being handed out like they're candy.

    I literally get pips stolen from me due to survivors abusing this mechanic to escape as duos or trios, there is no counterplay to this. Can you at least introduce some depip protection against this as long as this exists? The hatch should remain hidden until the very final gen has popped and it should only enable escape for ONE person, no more.

    Maybe turn keys into second chances to enable survivors to open the hatch that was previously closed by the killer, that's it.

  • jeremycarinio
    jeremycarinio Member Posts: 160

    so it means your not chasing a survivor and just defended a 3 gen all throughout the game? what a nice strategy though. no wonder you got key escaped.