Bad Killers

Has anyone been going against a lot of toxic leatherfaces and killers that just camp?
I've literally had two leatherfaces spamming the chainsaw and camp two people in the basement. I'm honestly upset for those people on the hook because they don't get to enjoy themselves.
I also want to point out the unnecessary buff to Leatherface. He did not need 3 tokens for the chainsaw when he already had add-ons that increase the charge speed and movement speed. Now, people just sit in a corner and wait with a leatherface and even a hillbilly too.
Why are people using a skill-less tactic? Are people that desperate for a quick game?
I've had to wait almost an hour to find a match and I don't even get to play it or do anything since I got my face camped.
Those lucky dogs, how I dream for that beautiful creature to insidious camp me in the basement. 🥰🥰
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Found the person who's never played Bubba
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Yes "unnecessary". I've used him before and there was nothing wrong with him. If you're going to be rude than take your comments elsewhere. Don't assume things.
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“I also want to point out the unnecessary buff to Leatherface. He did not need 3 tokens for the chainsaw when he already had add-ons that increase the charge speed and movement speed.”
Did you not see how terrible Bubba was before his buff?
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He was too weak to win against even semi decent teams. There was a reason why everyone expected NOED and facecamping from Bubba, at least before his buffs.
Now, he's completely balanced. The better player wins the chase. It sucks for you that you got facecamped, but that doesn't mean that Bubba is too strong.
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Definitely no, leatherface doesnt need a buff, he is already bad, if we turn him good, he will be able to play with a good chainsaw, and if he is just bad and want to camp, he has this option, he is balanced at low ranks right now.
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Again. I've played as Bubba, he wasn't bad at all if you know how to use him. I don't know why people blow a fuse when I recommend a small suggestion to even the playing field for everyone.
3 tokens weren't needed. I even feel too overpowered when using him.
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Well I’d love to see your Bubba gameplay against GOOD SURVIVORS. If he’s so OP like apparently every other killer with a reliable power, then prove it.
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That is honour, Bubba choices you for camping.
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I don't have to prove anything to anyone who is being toxic about an opinion. I have every right to express my views from both points of view. If you don't like my opinion, then don't comment on a discussion. From what I can tell, you give me the impression of a person that complained about not getting easy kills using a one-shot killer.
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I love camping with bubba, I can pitch a tent & protect my basement chest.
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I am bubba camper main and I feel offended, also how you dare to call me "unnecessary"..
On a serious note, I think bubba is fine currently, but if you see a leatherface camping, just go making generators, I don't think you can do much. If you are unlucky enough to be camped there is not much you can do, just wait for your teammates to finish the remaining gens.
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It's up to Survivors whether that play style is effective or not. As long as some Survivors feed into it, the killer has no reason to alter their tactics.
If a killer stands still and manages to get more than the one Survivor, it's the players still moving that change the outcome.
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Take away the insta-down from the chainsaw, give him a 4th token to compensate and I think that he'd be perfect.
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Again 3 tokens in my opinion is too much. 2 would've been fine. I stated "3 tokens" is unnecessary. It's an opinion which people obviously want to twist it to benefit their own views on a matter. I've said my piece and I'm sticking to it.
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But facecamping isn't the only thing that sucks.
On weekends, the lobby waiting times were sometimes very long. Finally found a game as a survivor.
Coldwind Farm, Billy: He knocks down the first one, walks away and slaps the next one. I pick up the first one, he gets knocked down again right away. Then the third one is down and he races across the map looking for me and finally finds me. No one had UB with them. Game duration 3 minutes - with 9380 points I had the most (because the hunt still took relatively long) and even the killer had just 12000 because he had hooked each of us only once.
His setting was designed exactly for this way of playing. Infectious Fright and Deerstalker, Whisper. I don't remember the other one.
Why do you play like that?
I'm fine with camping, but this way of playing just sucks and no one can really have fun with it, not even the killer.
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Judging by your avatar are you a Jake main? @VanitasRyuzaki
The reason I ask is because Bubbas might want Jake face for their collection. Jakes are the rarest to see out of the original four survivors so when a Bubba finds one they probably want to secure the kill. Not saying that makes face camping any more tolerable but that might be the reason behind it. Assuming you do play Jake.
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I need to bring Bubba back out. I have three of the survivor masks unlocked, but there's still one I haven't yet earned.
Sorry man, the one I'm missing, it's Leaderface.
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Wait a second. Bubba had 2 survivors in the basement, camped them and you call him a bad killer without skill?
He had:
- 50% of your team without doing gens
- the other 50% either watch from outside or try to push gens before the others die
Which makes that tactic a pretty solid choice.
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Bubba main here and I must disagree. He was one of the worst killers before his rework. Same tier as Trapper and Pig. This rework was needed to bring him as B tier killer. Maybe he was good at lower ranks but he got crushed in higher ranks.
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^ this for the "unnecessary buff"
And secondly, if people want to use unfun mechanics that will probably lose them the game and make em depip, whilst having little to not bloodpoints, then the devs can't really do something about it. Dicks will always play in a dick-ish way
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I kinda agree with the buff being a bit too strong, wouldn't call any of it unnecessary though. My only issue with bubba is even with BT you cannot escape from many unhooks since he hits you in one sweep for the endurance and in the next sweep gets the down. His speed limiter is also BS in the fact that unless you're at a pallet all he needs to do is hit his button one more time and gives you two health states in what is essentially a single use of his power. Imo, he needs his chainsaw built like Plague's red vomit, can hit multiple people but only once per person per charge of the power. Or Plage needs to be able to deal multiple health states with a single charge of her corrupt puke.