My "Facecamping" suggestions

Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
edited June 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Are we tired of how Bubbas, and other killers trying to face camp other survivors? This is my idea of how the "killers" begins to be face camping you.

Sacrifice Progress Stops The Timer

I know this sounds like a stupid idea but what if the killer like a bubba chainsaws you and they begin to hook you? There should be a mechanic that if the killer camps during the duration of time for the 1 hook state the time will stop until the survivor unhooks you.

Deliverance should have a buff with endurance come in play

If the 1st one is bad enough why not we buff deliverance with endurance if the killer face camps you. if they use insidious it will still work like borrowed time and you still will have the endurance effect.

I hope two of these things would be a great suggestion, if the killer begins to face camp you on hook. I hope this suggestion will help new players and other players out. 😉

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    They tried the stoped timer once and people abused it the deliverance thing though could be cool but I feel like It would be abused as well or people would farm others to get the effect off. Either way good try, glad to see some people at least try to make suggestions better instead of complaining about them.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    The stopping the timer probably wouldn’t be practical, unfortunately. The BT deliverance I agree with though, and have advocated for before. The perk isn’t OP right now, so that slight change would help.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    just remove bubba

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Again its highly likely people will abuse it or find a way to but as long as people don't mass abuse it, it should be fine and it would be a good deliverance buff. The perk is good but its missing that extra oomph that keeps it from being played more and this would definitely help it but again thats only if people don't abuse it or get crazy with it its why old ds got nerfed people just sat on gens in the killers face or got in lockers they forced it and they never got punished stuff like that is what makes this idea a possible bad one.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Please define camping for me.

    And then give the terms on which it should happen, because on terms where the killer doesnt camp it shouldnt.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    It means that the killer is by the survivor and then there for the whole duration of time. Maybe you should look it up on google. I swear it's like a Roblox Game On Roblox. 😟

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    It seems like a good idea, but in practice doesn't really work. As others have mentioned, the paused timer was abused by survivors and could be used by killers to hold people hostage in the game.

    As for the Deliverance buff idea, I like it. I don't see why not. It seems fair and reasonable.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Google doesnt help, because everyone has their own definiton.

    I had games as killer, where i hooked someone, saw someone else with bbq, and engaged him on the other side of the map.

    He then run straigt back to the hook and looped me around it. And called me camper for that.

    In my opinion, it shouldnt stop the timer. Also, if i turn around and see scratch marks and look for the survivor that made them, thats not camping either to me. So both cases should not stop the timer.

    The thing is you want the system to change, so you give your metrics, not google. Because you need to propose a system that is not abusable AND hold up for your requirements.

    Also, why start this thread? Just google why its not in the game.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Sure, but then let us make it so that Borrow Time does not work if you throw yourself at the Killer after the unhook and stop survivors from running to the hook while Bubba is already reving his chainsaw right behind them. I swear nearly every time I play Bubba for a few matches I get this: I hook someone, I go away because BBQ showed me a new target, I initiate a new chase...and then the survivor I chase runs into the direction of the one I hooked and tries to unhook the poor guy while I am reving my chainsaw right behind him. Oh and of course they then call me camper and tunnler.

    So even if you play the game in a non-camping way you get the survivor how throws his teammate under the Bubba chainsaw just like that. Not to mention those guys unhooking in my face without BT, a few seconds after I hooked.

    But I am all in for a Deliverance buff. Buff Babysitter (haste for the unhooked maybe) and Second Wind too by the way. I am all in for good anti-tunneling perks and ways to take the heat for the one I just rescued. Straight up facecamping should only be a good choice on a few selected occasions where the survivors provoke it. It should not be a regular occurence.

    But please do not bring in another mechanic like Desecive Strike that can be abused by the survivor. The one going for the unhook must take the heat from the Killer and the unhooked one should go away and not throw himself at the Killer just to trigger Borrow Time.

    Because this is just another dumb suvivor thing: Somebody goes for the unhook with BT, the rescuer goes hiding and the unhooked one runs into my face with BT. I hit him, he sprints off to a deadzone or a unsafe loop and expects me not to follow him. And if you dare to hunt down that one, then you are a tunnler.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    *nerd voice* Nyactually facecamping refers to before multi direction unhooking where a killer could physically block an unhook prompt.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah the whole "I went and found someone else and the ran right ot the hook and looped me around it" others have mentioned happens to me pretty frequently on killer. 70% of the time I am around the hook it's because the other survivors won't lead me away from it or actively me bring me to the hook. the other 30% is when nothing triggers on BBQ and i see no one show up until I see someone bee line for it. Here's my suggestion which is purely buffs for both sides, and mostly only buffs for newer players/blood point buffs.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    I've actually seen other people before suggest to either add or rework some perks to work more like Make Your Choice and Hex: Devour Hope, where the killer has these really good perks that activate when they are a certain distance away from hooks. That might help counter balance some camping tactics by incentiving the killer to go away and hunt more people (or at least camp at a distance for some). Camping will never go away in this game. It's an actual strategy that survivors need to work around and is actually pretty easy to beat if you're not overly altruistic. I mean sucks for the person who gets camped, but thems the breaks. It happens to everyone at some point in literally any game that has a PVP element to it.

    You want to know what real true frustrating camping is like? Go look at World of Warcraft back in the day, where if you were flagged up for PVP or are in a PVP server, you'd have either big highly geared groups or just rogues come and jump you, murder you, then go back to stealth and stay on top of your body ready to kill you again the second you respawned. Sometimes some groups, just to be real dicks would literally put down a campfire on top of your corpse, just to rub it in your face. Blizzard tried to combat this by making it so that if you died to a player in PVP that you'd respawn with a debuff that makes it so that you were worth no honor points for a certain amount of time after getting killed. It didn't matter. You'd still get camped just cus some people had nothing better to do. Camping is a thing. Whether it's for an actual legit strategy, or just cus someone wants to be a dick. Unfortunately there's really nothing you can do about in these games that wouldn't break them. It sucks, I know but you just gotta tough it out and deal with it as best as you can.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah totally agreed on basically all points. No solutions that hard nerf/remove the ability to camp seem good/not abusable to me, so the right way to go is incentives. Which means you need to give as much possible gain for not hooking as possible, and enough knowledge to want to try and get that gain.

    I also think giving the person being camped some blood points based on how well their team does overall will help some. I actuially think in general if one person dies but the rest of their team does great they should get some partial lcredit for at LEAST everything that happened while they were chased, if not a post game "number of surviving players" bonus sent to all survivors who were in teh game and didn't DC.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    like everything nice, it was abused

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Oh I agree 1000% on the last part. I've suggested in the past to why not grade the survivors as a collective team rather than individually? It just makes no sense that you are in a team, and are rewarded for team work and helping each other....but you get graded individually instead of as a team...? Makes no sense. Grading as a team at least makes it so that it changes the mindset of being tunneled/camped from "the killer is hard focusing me and this sucks" to "I've been chosen by the killer to distract them as long as possible for the good of the team, and if I die I die, so long as we win." Of course changing the points system for survivors to being more team based would mean adjusting how many points you gain individually, so that you don't end up scoring as a team 4X times more BP than the killer no matter what. I think the number can be adjusted so that they're more in line overall with what a killer would make, give or take. Yeah no I think that's completely fair.

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    yeah, i think the bigger problem is actually possibly a technical one, I obviously don't know their infrastructure/code base, but it might be hard/error prone to have a state where players are graded as a team for pips/blood points, but can leave the match after they die. It would mean delayed pips/BP gain, but the survivor can start another match. you could obviously give them their solo BP and at least let them know if they safety pipped as soon as they die, but it might be hard to do the whole team graded thing because dead survivors don't have to stick around.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yeah that's true. Also I forgot, until an actual MMR is put in to help better determine ranks yeah this might be a bit hard to do, you might be right. Still I think they can find a way to do something like this, pending that it doesn't involve a complete overhaul of the system (although I think it does need to be overhauled anyway, cus the current system is garbo).

  • tolore
    tolore Member Posts: 101

    Yeah, they definitely can and IMO should figure something out for that, I think it'd be a lot better for players in general.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Agreed. Hopefully it's on the docket for the devs to do at some point in the nearby future.