Solution to camping Bubbas <3

So you're there, sat on the hook with a bubba camping you...
Or maybe you're on a gen, watching your fellow survivors fall into his insidious trap...
To understand something, you must go through it... So I did the brave challenge in becoming a CAMPING INSIDIOUS BASEMENT BUBBA! DUH DUH DUHHH...
After playing a few games, I found out a few reasons that people may enjoy it....
1) The was funny to see the amount of curses and death threats I got. Hilarious!
2) The thrill of survivors falling into your trap. Its satisfying to catch someone by surprise and feel like your plan worked, even if it is toxic as hell. do we counter this?
1) Give up on hook. I know you've seen the best method is to gen rush. But what for? A few points? You're basically fighting a losing battle.
Also giving up on hook denies him of his plan. He wants people to try and save this poor hooked survivor. But if they kill themselves it's just like... Oh... Okay.. Welp..
2) Try to die as fast as possible. No one wants to play against a camping bubba... What's the point? Wouldn't you rather enjoy a game and earn loads of BP's?! I know I would :)
Also, ending the game without trying kills that satisfaction. A camping bubba wants to fool people and crush the survivors hope of possibly escaping. But he can't fool someone or crush their hardwork if they simply don't care about the game lol.
Jump in/out lockers...Annoy the bubba... Get his attention so that he finds and hooks you... Then just ######### on hook... Onto the next game ❤️❤️❤️
If they get toxic 'gg ez' just reply with 'Onto the next game :)'.
I find them cute just like blendettes. They are like their own species, doing their thing.
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Or just keep messing with them until they tantrum or make them run into the pole? I do it a lot. Since they changed Bubba, he can't actually face camp anymore and can barely camp if they like to use their chainsaw as a threat.
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The options you provide just screw over your teammates and deprive them of getting any points.
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So, screw over your team and give the killer exactly what they want?
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In the wise words of Bo Burnham,
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So your "solution" is to ######### over your team?
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I had a game as a survivor, against a basement camping killer. I was stupidly the first to hook, but I laughed so hard. It was so funny to see a teammate come down one after the other, only to never get out of there.
When I play survivor, I love basement campers. 😍