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General Discussions

As a killer, do you stereotype survivors? Which ones and why?

I always try to kill the Bills and Davids first, but for different reasons.

Bills are dangerous. They do gens diligently, they rescue other survivors, they heal everyone they get near, and they're always willing to take a protection hit to ensure that your primary targets get away. Worst of all, they're smart. If you leave a Bill alive, it's going to prolong the game and increase your chances of losing almost every time. Luckily, their weakness is in their altruism - they often take risks that other survivors won't. Their selflessness is exploitable.

Davids are stupid. They're brave to the point of being obnoxious, but they always want to be the center of attention. They're the type who will T-bag you while they're standing three yards from the escape line and then act surprised when you're dragging them to the hook while everyone else is already out. They try to take the heat off of other survivors, but they seem to do so out of their need for attention more than anything else, so they make mistakes and end up dead. They're also the type to try to rescue people from hooks while you're standing right in front of them, resulting in multiple downs. Davids are an easy kill. If I see a David T-bagging me within thirty seconds of starting a match, I already know in what order the survivors are going to die.

What about you? Which survivors do you stereotype and why?

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  • Member Posts: 10,910

    People that play Yui are good people so I always let them go.

  • Member Posts: 913

    I've noticed this, too. They're also usually pretty good. They usually get ignored until I have nothing better to do.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't stereotype survivors right away, but if I see a Feng or Steve in the lobby I will expect the worst.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Yun-Jins are cocky, toxic, and think they're better than their skill levels actually are lol

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    any feng nea yui Claudette or ace are most likely the ones who know how to loop and absolutely own me

  • Member Posts: 913

    Disagree on Jane. Jane is ######### trouble. She seems to know how to safely unhook almost as well as Bill and loop better than any other survivor. I don't like going up against a Jane.

    Agree totally on Nea. Either toxic with a violent personality or quiet and diligent.

    Any 3-survivor all-girl SWF team with flashy cosmetics and flashlights are going to be toxic, even if you're playing as the fourth survivor.

    Ash often behaves like David, but with a few extra brain cells tacked on. I bought Ash because I love the movies and the TV show, but I usually play as Nea when I'm playing as survivor (I'm the stealthy type).

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    Survivor bad. Kill Survivor. I'm kidding. For me, Megs are runners. Avoid all Megs until they're the last.

    Claudettes are either obnoxious or very bad

    Ashes are wild cards, they do something stupid, but then immediately make up for it with something impressive

  • Member Posts: 222

    Any feng with a glitched mismatched cosmetic is toxic

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Me wearing Cheryl's sweater because I have nothing else... 😭

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    I only stereotype survivors when they feel the need to bring in Ds.

    Shows me what kind they are. =D

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    No offense, but most Kate's I play against are kind of air-heads.

  • Member Posts: 280

    Megs I typically avoid unless I cannot find anyone else to chase, they typically loop me for at least 2 gens

    Nea's, and Jane's with bright cosmetics make we wanna go afk in the basement...they usually tbag or flashy click me all match

    Bills Depends on the player

    Dweets are 50/50

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    Bills are usually two things: Over altruistic, and air-heads. They'll always have Borrowed Time and will sacrifice themselves for you in the endgame, but at the same time will throw down every pallet on the map without looking behind them in chase. They usually don't know what the hell is happening, but nonetheless try their best.

    As for everyone else, Nea is usually toxic as hell, Dwight is an adorable bean, and Laurie's are gods at the game.

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    edited June 2021

    Megs are usually potatoes in my experience. I don't know what it is about her that attracts the most foolish players.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    Nancys are toxic and horrible players. They get you killed as Survivor while they are the clicking light rageaholics in post chat players when your're Killer.

    Cheryls will hide out for hatch even if it takes 30+ minutes.

    Claudettes are the biggest mixed bag of players.

    Megs and Bills are typically super sweaty with big egos that don't match their skill level.

    Dwights are either noobs or goofballs. Beware the bald ones though, typically toxic SWF.

    Neas are toxic textbook players.

    Jakes, Felixs, Davids, and Steves could step on me as they run to freedom and the Killer catches my slugged self... and I'd thank them. Typically they are good players who play for the team. Jakes and Davids have a chance of being noobs though. Jakes being the hiding type and Davids being the too bold for their own good type.

    Adams with the Seoul Sights can also step on me.

    Other Adams are typically bad stealth players who think they are hidden... but they are not.

    Kates and Fengs typically play good for a little bit then fall to pieces. Both often expect hatches or door mercy escapes cause they are cute girls. I've even had them offer peace items and the other player's location thinking I'd going to uwu over them. Too bad for them I'm gay, so they get killed and one of the others gets mercy.

    Zarinas and Lauries are easily triggered. Disconnection or rage post game is common.

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    If there's one survivor who always easily gives away their position to me, it's Meg with her "Haaugh H A A A A A A A A H"

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Claudette players are like Christmas presents,you never know what you're gonna get.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't understand specifically going for any character for any reason (other than perhaps P3 Claudette) being that they can all use any other characters' perks. I run all my characters using perks that, in general, have nothing to do with them.

  • Member Posts: 667

    The only stereotype I have as a Killer is that all Jeff players are sweet, wholesome friendos that I will always give hatch to.

  • Member Posts: 360
  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I like running a lot of varieties but my main one is BT, DS, WGLF, and Prove Thyself. I sometimes will stick Deliverance over Prove Thyself.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Green hair or pink wig wearing neas tend to be the best loopers.

  • Member Posts: 360

    Ah fair enough, a good build. I personally go with Adrenaline, Head On, Quick & Quiet and Any Means Necessary. The build provides very fun experiences.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I also love running Head On and Quick and Quiet together. It’s even more fun with Deception.

  • Member Posts: 360

    Yes! I'm yet to include it in a build but I know it would be so much fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    Oh what a lovely thread, time to make some people angry

    Dwight: Biased, but I think a majority of Dwight players are good. Mostly because players who want to look like they're good, or are just toxic, gravitate towards primarily female survivors and Davids. However, Dweards are scummy, if you play against a Dweard you will lose and it will be miserable, and I am very sorry.

    Meg: Normally Toxic, I've had more Megs block exit gates then I can count, seen in packs.

    Claudette: Not good at the game, they'll Urban Evade around, go for flashlight saves, and won't do the objective even if you held them at gunpoint. You'll have a miserable time against them and with them on your team, but the killer will always win because they will never heal others and won't do gens. If they hatch escape they'll type GG EZ.

    Jake: Chill players, probably have music playing, decent players. They almost exclusively run at least one of Jake's perks and will sabo every hook they see, regardless of if its beneficial.

    Nea: Will actively ruin her teammate's games just to add you to her loop montage, she will loop you for hours but will always lead you to other survivors. Good at the game and use their power in the worst way possible.

    Bill: Altruistic as hell because they always run BT, will save everyone at least once, including themselves.

    David: Sometimes toxic. Good at the game, normally in packs with flashlights or toolboxes, never in SWF, packs are coincidental.

    Laurie: Normally Ochido wannabes, they'll t-bag at windows and won't run until its too late, they'll normally force DS once during the match.

    Ace: Some of the best players in the game, never run Iron Will because Ace has it built in, will open every chest and will never find a key, but will always escape through hatch regardless of the game's outcome.

    Feng: Good at the game but think they're immortal, will not heal themselves or others and will get furious when the killer uses that to their advantage, normally in bunny costume.

    Quentin: Watched Yerv once and somehow emulate him perfectly, normally chill but will ruin your game if you insult their face.

    Tapp: Average players, like the SAW movies, normally with flashlights but never use them.

    Kates: The normal stereotype is that all Kate mains are idiots, but I think that's half true, most Kates are idiots, but if they run the "The Rebel Star" set, they're typically really toxic but also really good. If they run a single piece from the set and something else for their other cosmetics they're normally chill and average.

    Adam: Chill players but aren't usually good, but have enough game sense to survive against anyone that isn't Spirit.

    Jeff: The only good part of Darkness Among Us, Jeff players are good at the game and always run Iron Will.

    Jane: Perverts stare at her ass and run into walls, everyone who isn't a pervert is average at the game.

    Ash: Bought him for Mettle of Man before it was nerfed and are trying to get the most out of their purchase, however they are having a miserable time because Ash is loud, tall, and wide.

    Nancy: Like Stranger Things, normally decent at the game but very cocky, will die to EGC because they miscalculated how long they could spin on the hill to taunt killer.

    Steve: Like Stranger Things, run Iron Will, normally decent at the game, Scoops Ahoy Steves flock in packs.

    Yui: Good players, normally chill, if they are P3 and wear all the bloody cosmetics they're awful at the game and will blame everyone but themselves.

    Zarina: Blendettes who actually do the objective, scary to play against, good teammates.

    Cheryl: The licensed equivalent of Feng, but with the skills to back it up, Cheryls running linked sets are fans of the character they're linked as, Cheryls with broken sets are typically good at the game.

    Felix: plays him because they think he's hot, average, always with the beard cosmetic.

    Yun-Jin: Thinks that they're the greatest thing to happen to DBD, haven't read the lore but share many similarities with it, awful at the game, will miss flashlight saves so much you'd think it was on purpose.

    Elodie: The brainlets of DBD, absolutely awful, will feed Myers trying to reveal him like Ghostface, will run towards and injured teammate to take agro off themselves, will hide in corners but won't self care because they didn't unlock it yet. Stay very wary of them as survivor.

    Leon: Love Leon and pretend Resident Evil 6 doesn't exist.

    Jill: Only going to play her for the Claire skin.

  • Member Posts: 615

    Bunny Feng and Toxic Nea(Any Nea with a face mask).

    They are both insanely toxic in my experience, to the point where I dediced long ago that if I get the opportunity to, any Bunny Feng or Toxic Nea I encounter will die. No exceptions.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    I give Bill's hatches if I notice them being hero's, either healing their team, or taking one for their team.

    Good guy bill....always engaged in the game...never toxic....a real hero.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    P3 Claudette and neas are usually the pro looper or evading.

  • Member Posts: 93

    Nea's gain satisfaction from seeing you suffer

    and Steve is either completely oblivious or will be an absolute god

  • Member Posts: 290

    I stereotype Megheads because they are generally one of the first characters that new players play as and tend to do some pretty funny stuff.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Anytime I see a Feng with cosmetics I brace myself for the most sweaty players. Always love to mori them if I get the chance but won't go out of my way if they're just looping me around the entire map.

    Nancys are either babby or gods but I generally have good and fun experiences with them either way.

    Neas are like gnats that buzz around your head a whole lot to get your attention. Tend to be cocky and either go down immediately or harass me as much as possible.

    Jakes are usually pretty damn crafty or good at stealth when it's needed, kind of the dark horse compared to Dwight.

    Being a Yui main myself, I oddly don't have much of an opinion on them as killer, some are good, some are bad.

    Other than those not much in particular about the rest of the cast.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Bill's are either new to the game or very good players (Some of them can be toxic).

    Nancy's are typically toxic and selfish.

    Cheryl's are altruistic and can occasionally be obnoxious.

    Nea's are toxic and annoying 99% of the time.

    Claudette's can either be very altruistic, very immersed, or extremely toxic.

    Kate's are helpful to their team and are typically very good at the game.

    Dwight's are either new or extremely good at the game.

    Zarina's and Adam's are typically very average players.

    Felix's are either dumb or toxic. There's no in between.

    David's are usually very dumb or intentionally get their team killed.

    Meg's are either air-heads or attempt to be toxic and fail.

    Feng's are gen jockeys and very good at looping.

    Jeff's are typically very dumb, but very altruistic.

    Steve's are good at looping and will t-bag and click their flashlight at any chance they get.

    Ash's will do stupid things, but somehow will end up escaping the match.

    Yui's are nice players and very good at the game.

    Jake's and Jane's are extremely good at the game and can be extremely toxic.

    Ace's will act dumb, But then suddenly be good at looping and avoiding hits.

    Tapp's are nice players and very altruistic.

    Elodie's will stay on gens, but will help their team if necessary. They are also very good at looping.

    Yun-Jin's are typically very toxic and selfish. They will also camp the hatch.

    Laurie's are extremely good at the game and can occasionally be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Not stereotyping anymore. But I can expect some survivors may bring their strong teachables. Like Bill with unbreakable, or Laurie with DS.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I hate going against p3 felix players. They seem to be ready to bully 75 percent of the time. Yuis also seem to be pretty dumb from what ive seen

  • Member Posts: 247

    whoever has a key.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    If I see a survivor with colorful cosmetics then I instantly assume that they're comp players

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Bunnyhood fengs and bright cosmetic neas solely exist to torment a killer. Especially if they have flashlights

  • Member Posts: 186

    Meg's wearing Absolver mask (or whatever that game is named)...I usually ingore them, cause they just want tho show me how good ninja looping guys they are

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Not really, besides Quentins being a cosmic coin flip.

    It's as if I've never seen an average Quentin. It's as if they're always either super woke and hard to catch with their 3rd, 4th and 5th eye wide open, or they have a fascination with smooching walls based on how often they run into them and do other generally inexperienced and goofy things.

    It's really weird and anecdotal but.. yeah 😄

  • Member Posts: 264

    I play more survivor than killer, but I tend to stereotype survivors more when I'm a survivor to be honest.

    Steve's are almost always idiots who run the killer to me, blow gens up, generally just a liability.

    David's are pretty cool usually, mostly competent, try and take protection hits or distract the killer.

    Nea's I tend to find play quite aggressively - usually flashlight-clickers, both killers and teammates, and if I'm going to be farmed off the hook in the killer's face, I would say 8/10 times it's a Nea.

    Meg's are selfish. They rarely do anything altruistic.

    Claudette's stay out of trouble but also often self-heal when they should be unhooking someone. Most likely to use a key to escape from the hatch without bringing anyone else along with them.

    Felix is bae, I usually play as Felix myself and they are usually good teammates - they might not be the best at the game but they try and help.

    Nancy's are usually pretty cool, they try and help, good at gens and healing.

    Feng's are very hit and miss for me, they can be elusive gen jockeys or constantly in trouble and there doesn't seem to be much middle ground.

    Jun's are selfish, to the point of toxic and trolling - like pointing the killer to a locker I'm hiding in or trying to open the door when I'm in one repeatedly, and they rarely unhook.

    Most the others I either see very rarely or they don't leave a particular impression on me.

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  • Member Posts: 1,521

    Y'all know it's just skins right?

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Meg probably has Sprint Burst.

    David certainly has Dead Hard.

    Bill probably has BT and Unbreakable.

    That survivor who you took a while to chase goes down easily after being unhooked and is super eager to take a protection hit, they have DS.

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