You literally cant play nice.

Every time I go into a match and I play for fun I get these lil egotistical scum buckets who exploit and taunt about it. Survivors wonder why killers dont relent well here is why.
Not sure why people are playing nice anyway. Personally, games are no fun for me unless the Killer is a bloodthirsty maniac.
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Every time I try to play fair and double hook everyone, don't slug, never camp, I get punished for it so I don't play nice anymore. I do what I have to to win end of discussion.
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An hour ago I was literally in the middle of typing "GG" before a fellow survivor who lost started screaming about how we all cost him his win because we didn't play well enough for his tastes. The team was useless, calling them crap would be a compliment, etc etc etc. It resorted to references of homosexual activity by the end, natch.
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Then don't.
And while you're at it, quit it with these corny-ass "I used to be a nice guy, BUT THEN" threads.
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I have no problem playing nice in my games. Sure I might not win every match but does it matter if the game doesn’t have a win condition anyway?
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I'll put it this way like I have before:
It isn't YOUR responsibility that your opponent has fun. The only person's fun you are responsible for is your own. That's just how video games work, and this applies to every single video game ever made.
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It is your responsibility to not actively ruin your opponents experience (griefing), however, which is where the lines start to blurr and which is why we have the Survivors Rulebook For Killers because it's very unlcear for survivor mains to know what's actually necessary.
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I play nice all the time at rank 1. You can do it if you really want to.
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Just play in response to how the survivors play and you can't feel bad about it, I just assess whatever situation im in and play accordingly
survivors being annoying on a strong map, give them the ol 1 2
survivors being nice, play nice
you can still win most of the time unless they really pull the rug out from under you but otherwise you can pretty much win every game by being really good at assessing the situation properly and playing accordingly
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Being nice is just playing a game without bming and insulting people.
When you want to be extra nice then you help them in some way. If you don't do this it doesn't make you bad btw.
And you don't have to become like them either and bm everyone else. Survivors/killers made me like this is not an excuse to be toxic.
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Griefing is an entirely different can of worms. I'm speaking strictly from legal play.
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Slugging everyone and leaving them to bleed out is "legal".
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Yes you can
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Yes, you can in fact play nice. You playing nice or not is entirely up to you. Personally I have simple rules that I play by. I don't camp outside end game or in people are hook bombing. I don't tunnel outside of end game. I have no problem with slugging, but won't be aiming for a four man slug. I typically do fine this way unless I'm simply outmatched.
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You don't complain about the person doing it.
It's the devs fault if they leave "unfun" things in the game, they are the only people you should be complaining about when it comes to this.
If people keep complaining we'll get a bleed out button eventually. (hopefully).
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To be honest I'm surprised I'm even rank 4. I give hatch as much as I can. I let people go a lot. I dont tunnel. I dont camp. I just play.
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I can easily play without bm. But I may nod in respond to t-baging after down, or hit on hook the person that tried to taunt me.
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No, I absolutely blame the person whose griefing.
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Sorry to break it to you then NOTHING will change.
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Everyone talks about the sore losers at engame chat, but there's just as many sore winners who decide to gloat and BM for no reason other than ego strokes. Just keep your composure and let them pretend they're tournament champions, shouldn't have to accommodate for these players.
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I used to play nice when I started to play the game. So no proxy camping, slugging or tunneling. The survivors were given a higher chance to escape. And when they did I was usually met with "ez" or worse. Survivors have a huge ego than killers imo.
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I dunno I seem to do just fine in the majority of matches. Sure there's matches where I lose where I could have won if I played "less nice", but I'm playing the way I do because I find it more fun to do so, so I don't really care.
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I want my killers to be merciless killing machines, play nice in different games not in mine please.
That said, I often give hatch to last survivor cause they are cute lol
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Hard disagree. It's your responsibility not to cheat. If they feel grievance with the way you play within the rules, that isn't your responsibility. That's a slippery slope of assuming blame and mal-intent to others who are playing a video game, at the end of the day.
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It's a far worse slope to allow people to be complete arseholes. Why do you think other games actually have functional report systems and take steps to remove griefing?
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Probably because of the end game harassment and cheating or delaying of the game. Saying things like "#########" and making sexual advances. It's usually not used for playing the game in a "mean" way. Griefing is a very specific term used for specific scenarios. It's typically not open for interpretation
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Yes, for example leaving everyone to bleed out on the floor regardless of their proximity to hooks.
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sorry but that is not griefing, read the game rules
- Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates
- Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience
- Holding the game hostage
- In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL
5 -
You're right it is. If there is no counterplay involved then it could be considered griefing. There should be sped up bleeding times if no one has any perks to get them up and everyone is down. It's just a waste of time. But unfortunately that is apparently a blurry gray line for the devs.
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I see a lot of sore winners (almost always survivors) and passive-aggressive losers (responding to gg with stuff like “ok” or “eh”.)
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There may be a difference between playing "nice" and playing fair.
Fair play is doing your job - be it survivor or killer - and doing everything you can within the boundaries of the game to secure an escape, or optimal sacrifices. It doesn't matter how it's done, just so long as you're respectable at the end and move on.
Playing nice is deliberately going out of your way and thinking about what the other side wants, which then results in wide openings for the opponent to take advantage of (e.g.: Not running NOED because you worry about what they think, even though you'd like to try it).
Sure, there are times you can go out of your way. For example: seeing someone is very inexperienced and wanting to give them some slack, or feeling someone deserves a sacrifice/escape. These are when you can choose to play nice
Ultimately, you play the game fairly, within the boundaries. But it's not the perks or tactics or what you think they want which is playing nice. It's the actual choices you make in the moment which counts, and even then not being nice does not make you a dick.
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I farm fairly often, I’ll play some serious matches then some friendly ones. I get mostly nice groups, can’t say I haven’t gotten mean groups. Red ranks know how to maximize blood points so it’s nice to farm
When it comes to playing for fun I go in with the mindset that I’m not getting a 4k, it helps a lot. Honestly I don’t even bring good perks
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Hate to say it, but I agree with this. People who are mean in comments afterwords aren't really going to give a rip about how you play in the future because they can't think past themselves.
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Typical killer main tears.
I have no issues to let 2 survivors escape (and even safe pip) if they play nice and to try hard for a 4 k against sweaty teams.
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I have a big question. Why do you play nice? No one forces you lol.
If you play nice and wonder then of ppl making use of that then dont even WONDER cuz the chance always exists. If you dont like that then just play sweaty like I do. Ofc I get alot of hate but hell who cares. You are the killer not the charity for survivors.
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Almost every killer is sympathetic after some fashion and more were formerly human. Stealing a moment of compassion from the Entity is perfectly in character for the nurse or trapper. They're imprisoned just like survivors.
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You can play nice, occasionally i like to go ham and beat the s**t out of survivors 2 hooking them all. Then i stand on a hill flexing in glorious triumph as i watch them do the remaining 3-4 gens (my scraps) and scuttle to the exit door to escape.
I played nice, i dont need to 4k to feel victory. They know the daddy, be free my children. Nice.
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Then it goes back to what I was saying before. I'm probably not gonna have fun if you're not putting out your all to win.
That's just me. When I play any kind of game that has even a sliver of competition, I'm gonna play to win and I expect my opponents do the same. That even applies to party games like Mario Party or whatever. Well, especially Mario Party. The more viscious people play the more fun it is lmao
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Survivor's who cry about the killer tactics are the worst players in the game. They can't adapt so they try to shame the killers into a play style that is more favourable to survivors. Don't listen to anyone who bitches how you play, in fact remember there name and bring NOED next time you see them
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It's nothing personal or anything. People who make it personal are the problem. I just enjoy top level gameplay. I got that from the guy who taught me how to play Street Fighter.
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As much I like to try playing nice for survivors, some high-rank survivors treat the game as an e-sports arena. It gets annoying when generators get completed in under five minutes and you don't even have 4 stacks of BBQ. One of your emblems get blown out by the first minute or two of the game, because people are laying so much generator pressure. At that point, you're in a horrible spot and you're struggling to rebound.
Then high-ranked survivors get curious about these particular questions:
1) Why is NOED so common?
2) Why are certain killers being played?
3) Why are killers constantly tunneling, slugging, or camping?
Don't get me wrong. There are killers out here who constantly do this, regardless of the current environment, for their personal enjoyment. However, it does make fair killers (like myself) become either tired, stressed, and/or angered over the gameplay environment.
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If you want to feel better then let me tell you this killer match I just had:
I was playing my beautiful boy The Minotaur, I only wanted to get a tome challenge.
I ran Nemesis and Rancor.
This Kate decided to t-bag me repeatedly for no reason, I wasn't toxic to begin with.
To get karma back, I decided to let her stun me so she became the obsession and I played along with "farming" so she could pop the last generator.
As the last generator popped, she got moried and it was satisfying to hear her scream :))
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ah nothing beat that sweaty SWF with flashlight, even when we got 4K they still said camp things or any other things, they just cant accept they lost.
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”You can play nice!” - People with nurse+spirit avatars / people who say they don’t care about losing all the time
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I had a Jeff who did that a few weeks ago on Asylum and I was being silly at first with the teabags.
However, Jeff would do it at EVERY SINGLE PALLET just to try be "haha, im edgy xd" kind of survivor.
Jeff would click flashlights at me and ran straight to the main building in every chase, so I was going to save Jeff for last.
After I double hooked everyone else, I found Jeff and he didn't last long outside the main building.
I caught Jeff, took him straight to basement, hooked him, and stood at the top of asylum stairs.
I refused to let the other survivors get the save, which they complied and left the game.
They asked why and I replied: "I don't appreciate people being super toxic all game."
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I wonder what I'm doing to almost never get BMing in my games or EGC. Seriously I go 30, 40+ games in a row with no BMing and no one being rude in EGC.
If I ever figure out what I'm doing to almost never run into these toxic players- that apparently for everyone but me are super common- I'll let everyone know.
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As for myself I wont go out of my way to tunnel or camp but a lot of that imo is the survivor's responsibility. As a team its your responsibility to pull aggro, or use BT or be ready with a flashlight save.
I rarely give mercy to a survivor unless they really got cucked. Like I can tell they're a very new player or a team mate DCed very early or team mates went afk ect.
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i never play nice to survivors unless im winning hard so then i slow down a bit.
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You must be at low rank, don’t play to win, or are the luckiest killer ever.
I played 4 games tonight, and got sent to Haddo / The Game / Springwood.
2 games included key swaps at 6 seconds.
When I tunneled the first key guy out at 4 gens left he left a -rep on my profile. Second key guy said some choice words when he got camped to death in basement and sent out with 3k points.
All it was missing was a clicky 4 man SWF who hold the game hostage if they lost and it woulda been a full round of DBDs bull in one sitting.
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It's a feeling of satisfaction like no other