Otz's Video Shows Us: Spirit is Problem

She has already strong basekit. And her add-ons? She is unfairly so strong. You can beat them only if you are lucky or Spirit is bad, that's all.
Devs will listen community and nerf her? I really do not know. Because keys are still strong and we do not know when they will fix problems. Spirit nerf? I can not see, maybe sooooo long time later.
There’s been so many Spirit discussions lately so hopefully the devs are getting tired of them and will finally address her issues.
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I swear to god if they put her in the ground.... All they better do is give her counterplay.
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I really hope they don’t do that because I do love her a lot. I just want her to have her issues addressed while also remaining powerful and fun.
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You can't stop it. They will put everything in the ground.
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You know I miss being able to hear Spirits footsteps while she was phasing
It wasn't much, but for the perceptive survivor it made a difference.
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I do not wanna lose Spirit. I lost Billy and Old Freddy already. Playing againts Billy was sooo fun but i can not see them so much anymore sadly.
I just wanna have chance againts Spirit. That's all. But i swear if they kill her and problems will still stay... That is seem like what BHVR will do.
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No one would complain and we can finally start seeing killer variety in higher ranks besides Blight,Nurse,Huntress,Spirit?
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No, it'll just be Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Wraith
Until one of these 4 is put on the chopping block next
Not saying I disagree with your sentiment but there will always be 'meta' killers at the top.
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I like zix's idea. It makes her feel more like a ghost
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Freddy has best kill rates on all ranks? And he is still so good, i mean for me Freddy is not changed so much. So those killers you mentioned strong but they are not only killers popular, there is more.
Oni, Freddy, Pyramid Head, Hag... Those killers also strong and i am seeing them so much. And possibly Nemesis will be popular too because he is strong and he is popular character.
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My point was that people talk about variety at higher ranks, but a lot of people will always gravitate towards either the 'strongest' killers or the 'strong easiest to play' killers
Even if spirit gets nerfed, it's not going to make people want to play someone weaker all of a sudden, hopefully you get what i mean
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I play survivor all the time and I never have this much of an issue with Spirit. Never mind the fact I don't find her hard to escape from but I don't come across her all that often anyway. This is actually ridiculous now, constant bitching and moaning about this one killer who isn't even that big of a deal. The moment she is nerfed into the ground you people will instantly start crying and moaning about slinger, or nurse or something else. This has never been about balance for you people, it's only ever been about "this killer kicks my ass and I want it nerfed."
Post edited by EQWashu on10 -
That's what I really loved. It felt like I actually could do something against her.
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If this many people are "bitching" about a single specific killer without no way to actually face her, probably means she IS a problem.
Post edited by EQWashu on3 -
If you actually gave two [BAD WORD] about balance then you would be talking about 4man swfs over any single killer in the game. Spirit is strong sure but neither her nor Nurse at the strongest thing in this game: 4 man swfs. You don't care about balance, you care about a killer who kicks your ass on a regular basis. I win 95% of my games as killer, the only thing that ever beats me is a 4 man gen squad. When I swf I win 99% of my games, I literally lose once every 3 months or so. Just because you aren't good at the game doesn't mean a killer is broken. There are far more busted and overpowered things in the game that need fixing over a killer you just don't find fun.
Post edited by EQWashu on7 -
It’s not about how strong a killer is or how often they win, what really matters in this whole debate is whether a survivor has any options when facing Spirit in a 1v1 scenario. It is unanimously agreed that she really gives survivors no option to reliably counter her and that is the issue. It’s possible to keep her just as strong while offering reliable counterplay from the survivor end. That’s all that I want. Now obviously, people that want her nerfed to the ground are selfish and don’t have empathy for the killer side but as it is right now, Spirit really needs changes whether you’re on her side or not.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
"Yeah, I main survivor and I always play against trash-tier Spirits. Therefore, Spirit is balanced."
The thing is, people don't want Spirit to get destroyed, they want her to be given counterplay. If they do that, the good Spirit players will be fine.
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SWFs don't bother me as killer. I do have videos of them facing me while I'm playing killer and still stomp them. Having 0 counterplay but throwing every pallet on the map to try and survive for 30 seconds isn't counterplay. She's broken as she is.
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Patch Notes:
Spirit- We have heard your cries! Spirit now no longer makes any noise when phasing at all, and has no animation for phasing.
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Ever think that maybe you just aren't very good at the game? Nah, that couldn't be it, it must be that the killer is just broken, no way I'M the problem here. Right buddy?
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Someone wants easy killers. So then they can take easy 4Ks.
I am seeing Spirit is unhealthy and has problems and i am also killer main. So i really dont understand some people. I have to ignore something because of my role?
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So many threads about not being able to force a way out of bad situations. I'm glad we have killers where chase stalling isn't the favorable option. Just cause shift+w can be a bad option doesn't mean your without any.
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I'm gonna be honest, Spirit is a problem because humans are dumb and we require certain inputs to be happy.
If they give her back the breathing bug, she would be way better to face, even though it would essentially be like how Nurse broadcasts her blinks or Blight broadcasts his Rushes. Why? Because it actually takes a good Spirit to be quick enough for the breathing to not matter.
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Please remember to keep your comments civil and respectful towards others, please. You are free to discuss and disagree, just please do so without getting disrespectful.
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There were alot of Spirit nerf topics recently.
But it doesnt mean I disagree though.
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I guess 90% of the playerbase is bad at the game then.
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I just want fun transformative addons for Spirit. I personally think she's fine ever since she got nerfed awhile back
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As a killer main, me neither. @HollowsGrief here says that because they don't see Spirits often, Spirit must be balanced.
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Please do the Scott Jund challenge and show us how to play against Spirit.
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I would have told them to, but Scott put the challenge on hold due to the amount of requests he was given.
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My b. I doubt the commentor would do it though lol
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Im certainly give back the bug barely help anything for Survivors, except healthy survivors who're hiding while hear she's phasing. Or some extend that help healthy Survivor in mid chase. She has no fatigue after phasing, if you're able to make an unpredictable move, mostly you're in middle of nowhere and she continue to chase & slash you anyway.
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True lol, however I do respect the people who wanted to do the challenge because they were confident. And no worries.
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This is accurate. No I'm not being sarcastic.
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wow bro youre really edgy and cool
This is the definition of "I'm better than everyone else."
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No, just 90% of the player-base apparently.
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I never considered myself some god level player at this game, but since apparently I'm the only person who is capable of dealing with Spirit I must be some kind of god of dbd. Either that or 90% of the player-base have no idea what they are talking about because they aren't very good and have no idea what actual balance is. Hmmm...
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Thats not how BHVR balances things. They usually listen to bad armchair devs on the forum whine and cry about something until they eventually nuke it.
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Why 90%? Why not 91% or 89%? Or %90.1?
Do you have official data? Can you share with us please?
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His challenge is dumb and proves nothing. If a Spirit is that close to you (the shack start he does) then one of two things happened: she has already been chasing you for a while and you have done a "pretty good job so far" or you weren't paying attention and you already screwed up and will go down soon anyway.
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Did you not see him play against the comp player that predropped shack pallet to gain more distance?
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You said you don't go against Spirit that often.
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Only thing she needs is the standing still to go away or a cue when she's phasing thats all. Other than that she's fine.
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My only issue with the video is the slight fact that nearly all of the add-ons numbers are WRONG EVEN FROM THE SOURCES CITED!
Both the charge rate add-ons and the movement speed add-ons all have nearly double the numbers from what is in the game's code.
For example: The Zori only grants 5% movement speed but he says and shows it at being 9% and the yellow Movement speed is 10% but he shows it as 18%. No idea why as movement speed is almost always additive in this game(Almo has too many contradictory statements on this to be used as an example either way).
The charge rate add-ons I think he simply got the numbers wrong on as it seems to be for if the add-on reduced the total amount of time by X instead of its real effect effect of granting you an extra 0.XX extra charges per second.
This video is sloppy as hell research wise for the add-ons.
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Aka "I'm too scared to be shown I'm wrong." Got it
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It's not like killers don't want to play other killers on high ranks. But it's how unreliable the other killers are.
Even IF they'd nerf Spirit, survivors would just jump onto the next killer to complain about. Just look at Wraith. He was one of the weakest killers for the longest time and now we have tons of nerf threads about him.
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I swear to God I want to use my #########-all spirit build on everyone here (in-game obviously)
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why is that one dude so hostile lmao
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You can think whatever you want of me, I have nothing to prove to narrow minded individuals.
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Once again, "I'm better than everyone else."