Will one get banned by using a cosmetic mod on dbd

I saw many modders on twitter mod dbd characters, and saw a few mods on the gamebanana site, some of these mods look very cool
So I wonder will one get banned by using a cosmetic mod, mod no other uassets but only character's skin uasset.Will it be a ban from dev or EAC?
Thanks a lot
Most likely.
If people can mod in cosmetics, then Survivors could mod in dark clothes, and that could be a huge advantage.
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From what I saw, it only works from your angle, your teammates or killer won't saw the modded skin
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I think anything past UI is banned(and even then UI is use at your own risk) simply because if people could edit appearances it could let them edit object's appearances to let them see through them.
Aka people would use them to effectively give themselves wall hacks and given that people try to achieve that with stretched resolution... Its not hard to see why.
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Then there's also the issue of making mods of existing cosmetics.
I'm not sure the devs would like it if you mod in exact copies of cosmetics that you normally have to buy, regardless of who sees it.
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Not worth the risk.
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lol, mod the store skin.. that's a new point hahaha
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good point, indeed it's hard to distinguish mod skins with mod certain map uassets
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I think it's a bigger issue for licensed cosmetics because you can only get those by paying for them, to mod a licensed cosmetic with another cosmetic is ban risky I think.
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You as the Killer could theoretically mod Survivors to be straight-up impossible to not see, no?
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First of all, if EAC detects it and you get a ban because of it, BHVR will not help you with that.
Second, two possible problems:
- You can gain gameplay advantages - what would prevent me from changing every Cosmetic in the game into a bright pink cosmetic so that I can spot Survivors from miles away as Killer?
- Second, licensed content - sure, it might look funny to give Michael a Clown-Thong to wear, but I doubt that license holders would like to see that. BHVR might get problems if license holders are not pleased when seeing some Outifts.
Other than that, yes, only you will see how the Cosmetics look.
Post edited by Mandy on4 -
Considering it could be used to make absurdly massive cosmetics so you can see people across the map, safe to say you're likely to get banned for it.
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Perk icons and stuff like menu portraits for killers and survivors is one thing, really no advantage to be gained whatsoever. But even they're in that "we don't know if EAC will suddenly ban you for it, but if they do you're screwed" greyzone.
The issue with mods like the one you posted, is that it involves custom textures. The skin you posted is in itself not a problem, it's a cool skin that isn't trying to give any advantage. But there's a lot of advantages to be gained from texture modification if people want to. You can make every survivor cosmetic bright lime or pink so they stand out from 3 lightyears away, you could probably make walls transparent, you could make blood Bloodhound level 17 bright, and so on. There's a reason Team Fortress 2, a game that is very moddable ended up restricting texture mods on official servers and the general server setting that normally allows most modifications. Because there was an honest to god "transparent walls texture pack" for it uploaded to gamebanana, lol.
I have no clue if it's truly 100% bannable or in that greyzone like icon mods, but it seems far more likely that EAC gets trigger happy and starts gunning down those with modded textures in their game as opposed to people with a cat meme as their Spine Chill icon.
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Anything like this is "use at your own risk" - if you do get banned, we will not unban you.
I've also removed the links that were in this thread as we do not promote these things on our forum.