We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Why Doctor is designed to be annoying?

I mean, he clearly is designed this way - to be most annoying thing possible. WHY?

I hate the constant sound. I know this should be "madness", but i dont feel any of it, just big annoyance. Every, sing, time, i, play, against, him. One hit, ant this will not go away. All freaking game. :/ Combined with those RANDOM flashes, electric static and screen distorsion it is most annoying thing in whole game.

Are developers not aware? Fighting killers should be fun experience, right? Thats good design. Doctor is most badly design killer in game. And in almost 90% of matches against him, of course someone will DC and i dont blame those people. IMO they should not even have ban on finding games. Im with them. But then game also want me to play and im stuck in this limbo. We will all die, maybe one will find hatch fast enough. Uh... And he was redesigned recently, and devs. didnt touch anything, even a single thing, to make him more fun to play against. :/

Also he have badly designed skill and upgrades, making him even more, and more, and more annoying.

Freddy have similar thing, but at least in dream world is very quiet place, mostly visual change, without random things poping up on my screen.

Uh. Im just tired every time i play against him and want to throw this out of my chest. Anyone else?


  • LowrenceVonQersrick
    LowrenceVonQersrick Member Posts: 34

    For me he is one of less scary killers in game. Maybe because "things at random" are not scary, just annoying. Anyone can tell you that.

    And i dont think it just me, Doctor have most DC games of any killers. Play him for a while, you will see for yourself.

    About "badly designed" thing. In this game you can run or hide and player cannot do any of this while playing against him. Hiding against him dont work, and that would be fine alone, but also running away will not work, because he will make any loop useless. There should be one thing or another, not both.

    But i was mostly referring to overloading my screen with noise, flashes and other effects he can apply. Its just too much, waaaaaaay toooo much. Its not scary, not cool, not crazy, just annoying.

    He is badly designed even if you compare him to other killers - wounds from AllKill knives will heal after a while, you can cure yourself from poison or dream at anytime, but madness from doctor will stay whole game no matter what you do.

  • Nyx32
    Nyx32 Member Posts: 130

    "things at random" are one of the biggest scare factors in any horror media, actually. that's why jumpscares are so commonly used.

    as for everything else, that's subjective, and from what I've seen not many people agree with you.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I definitely agree that he is annoying. Maybe the most annoying. Him and Freddy are just annoying. But you can run calm spirit as a counter. Makes doctor way less annoying.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    He isn’t designed to be annoying, but I think Legion may be. Can’t really hide from him, can sense you in lockers, has perks that can tell when more than one person is on a gen, can run when he needs to, and his power is only meant to wound. At least a good Doctor ends things quickly, but a Legion round can go on for half an hour. THAT is annoying.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2021

    I think the idea behind his game style is to make the survivors more focused and aware while repairing generators, and kind of "psychological" tactics. like i would say "My survivor is under madness and i can see their vision".

    I find it fun to play against him as long as the game is not tough with crazy skill checks and non stop madness every a few seconds.

    To be honest, i dislike most killers in game because some are lacking Doctor's design. but everyone and what they like to play against.

    Sometimes i like chill killers and sometimes killers with a challenge.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I main doctor and people very rarely DC vs. me. I see a lot more DCs when I play survivor vs. spirit and Freddy.

    Otherwise uhhh... Sorry you don't like doc? We all have killers we don't like playing against. If he bothers you that much, just run calm spirit every game.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    "And i dont think it just me, Doctor have most DC games of any killers. Play him for a while, you will see for yourself."

    Boy howdy, just wait until you start seeing Spirits in every game!

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,691

    It's been a long while since someone in my matches DC'd against a spirit but I imagine it happens all the time in the game.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    From the sounds of it, I hear Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Bubba, and the occasional Wraith seem to be the DC flavors of this month.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Oh yeah so do I, especially if they see that the Bubba is waddling towards the basement with one of their buddies. Yeah at that point I don't blame them lol.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,691
  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    And I have never basement camped as a Bubba before, what do you know lol. To be honest I'm not even really tempted to give it a try either. I personally like re-enacting scenes from the movies where Leatherface is screaming like a maniac and chasing down people in a field somewhere, swinging his chainsaw around lol.

    Now if I'm being honest here, I ain't no saint and I will admit that yes I have face camped hooks before. Athough usually it's during the EGC and I haven't had any kills or barely any hooks. At that point it's just desperation time for me lol.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2021

    And i dont think it just me, Doctor have most DC games of any killers. Play him for a while, you will see for yourself.

    I play Doctor almost exclusively and the vast majority of my games go without a DC. I'd say 9.5/10 of my games finish without a single person having killed themselves on hook or disconnected.

    About "badly designed" thing. In this game you can run or hide and player cannot do any of this while playing against him. Hiding against him dont work, and that would be fine alone, but also running away will not work, because he will make any loop useless. There should be one thing or another, not both.

    Many killers embody various aspects of horror. The Doctor is made to embody the horror of being powerless. Not being able to run or hide is kind of essential to being powerless. That being said, there is counterplay to Doctor. You can hide in lockers to nullify his Static Blast, or stay out of his terror radius entirely. His shocks can be avoided to some degree, the timings are not easy to master, meaning if you queue up for an action before you've been shocked you'll perform the action anyway.

    But i was mostly referring to overloading my screen with noise, flashes and other effects he can apply. Its just too much, waaaaaaay toooo much. Its not scary, not cool, not crazy, just annoying.

    He does have a lot of visual effects. Those only play in specific circumstances though, not all the time. They play when you get shocked by any means, when you walk through a fake pallet, and when an illusionary Doctor appears or disappears. That's it. It's also worth mentioning that they toned down his visual effects recently due to complaints like this, which is honestly for the best for a whole host of reasons.

    He is badly designed even if you compare him to other killers - wounds from AllKill knives will heal after a while, you can cure yourself from poison or dream at anytime, but madness from doctor will stay whole game no matter what you do.

    Yes, Madness doesn't decay passively like it used to. This was most likely done to aid in the simplification of the Madness system. And yes, you cannot rid yourself of the Madness affliction. That would weaken him considerably seeing as all of his addons and many parts of his base kit function at least partially off of Madness. That being said, you can reduce your Madness level from tier 3 to tier 1 by snapping out of it. Not only that, but while you're in tier 1 you basically don't have madness. All but one of his addons rely on you being in tier 2 or higher, and madness skill checks only have a 1 in 3 chance of triggering in madness one. Madness is very much a mechanic of prevention, not cure.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I was about to comment, but I see this argument has already been taken care of.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Just because you don't understand the purpose of a killers design does not mean they are poorly designed.

    Consider the following.

    Doctor is a free killer for the purchase of any of the console games, therefore put directly into the hands of new players. Now, let us take a moment to look at his kit. Monitor & Abuse is one of the most meta perks on killers, its specific use is for sneaking up on survivors to catch them out of position. (Often in combination with infectious fright for making use of the larger terror radius, but I digress.) His Static Blast, which is meant to be able to find survivors throughout the match which new players struggle with. His Shock Therapy with a low skill floor style of anti-looping that has a high skill ceiling so someone can start playing Doctor as a new player, but still be learning things they can do for a long time. Finally, the madness which causes built in generator delay, which is the reward for the doctor successfully tiering up survivors effectively.

    Now let us look at his addons, things that make his terror radius larger for easier Static Blasts, additional madness effects that make spotting survivors easier or add greater tracking across map (as you can see the red stain or madness apparitions yourself.)

    With all that said, I believe that doctor has been very carefully crafted to be a FOOS, first order optimal strategy. Which is a game mechanic designed in such a way to be rewarded disproportionately for their skill in in order to give new players a chance against players with more time in the game. More easily identified versions of such a mechanic are the "noob tube" from CoD, or the fully charged plasma pistol into melee combo from Halo.