Walking Dead Chapter Concept

8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129
edited November 2019 in Creations

I know other people did this,, but I would like to make my own so yeah.

New Survivor: Clementine (forgot last name)

Watch Walking Dead telltale series to see backstory. It would be cut down a lot.

Safer in Numbers - Level 30

Stealth - Level 35

Aim for the Head - Level 40

Safer in Numbers (Uncommon/Uncommon/Rare)

You should never go it alone, it's always better for there to be people than nobody. For each survivor in an 8/10/12 meter radius from you you and them get a 2% haste effect. Once Out of that radius the perk persists for 15 seconds.

'it's not safe to go out there by yourself"- Clementine

Stealth (Uncommon/rare/Very Rare)

You can move around without being noticed. All actions sound becomes silenced by 8 meters. You make 50% less grunts of pain and leave slightly/moderately/considerably less pools of blood.

'They can sense you from sound and smell"- Clementine

Aim for the Head (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare)

You always want to aim for the weak spots. Stunning the killer with 2 pallets activates this perk. The next time you stun them with a pallet they recover 45%/60%/75% slower. Once you do this Aim for the Head becomes deactivated.

"Make sure you aim for the head or they won't die"- Clementine

New Killer: The Walker

Ability: Infection

When hitting a survivor they gain an infection. There is a timer before it is fully active. While the timer is going up survivors have a penalty to action speed by 7.5%. When the timer goes up all the way survivors are fully infected and become broken. They also gain a 2% hindered status effect and they leave considerably more pools of blood. A survivor can bet treated by another survivor and when that happens their timer is reduced to 0% and it will start back up again after 45 seconds or you hit them again. They still have the action speed penalty. If an infected survivor does an action with another survivor or a survivor does an action to them the survivor also becomes infected with a timer going down.

Ability: Hidden Stealth

While not in the field of view of other survivors and not in a chase you move at 5.2 MPS, but you still make gargle noises.

Dismembered Hindrance - Level 30

Taste for Blood - Level 35

Decomposition - Level 40

Dismembered Hindrance (Uncommon/Uncommon/Rare)

You take out meat that hinders the survivor. When you hit a survivor they get the hindered status effect for 3/4/5 seconds.

"He takes out the nerves"- Scientist

Taste for Blood (Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare)

You are able to sense the smell of blood. Blood pools become slightly more discernible. For each injured survivor your FoV is increased by 2%/3%/4%. Does not stack with other perks that increase FoV.

"He's out for blood. You can see it in his eyes and he's not stopping"- Scientist

Decomposition (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare)

Decomposition makes survivors unable to work. Hitting a generator causes it do regress 3%/4%/5% faster. If a survivor goes back on the generator the speed the fix it is 5% slower. This stacks for each generator up to a maximum of 15%.

"Look at his flesh peeling off"- Scientist

New Map: Abandoned Mall/Autohaven

You can imagine what that looks like :)

Tell me what you think of the chapter I made, but did not make first.

Post edited by 8obot1c on


  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    You really put some thoughts into this, I love it, seriously they should make a WD Chapter, but I would prefer if we get to have survivors from the TV show.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810


    Clementine honestly deserves to be in this game imo. Neat concept!

  • Lenny197
    Lenny197 Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2021

    This is great! I would love to see Clementine too. But since now we have Nemesis, the Walker isn’t possible as a stand alone killer.

    Maybe we could have a 3 survivors chapter for the first time ever. Personally, I would want to see James in it too. His character is complex and he left quite an impression in the Final Season. Since there’s two options: Kill Lilly (James survives) or Stop AJ (James dies). We could maybe have James’s backstory in Dead by Daylight be something like he realized that if we die (by becoming a walker) we go to the Entity’s Realm and there’s nothing but suffering. It adds a bit of depth to him by making him see that there’s nothing left after we become a walker. So to end the suffering, we must have to kill walkers no matter what. And if other people went with saving James, it’s either he abandoned us or he stayed behind to make sure we are safe. Then we never see him again so that could be he might have been taken in by the Fog (then just like the former where he realized we suffer in the Entity’s Realm). We now have reasons why he is in the Fog even if the player had him die or saved him. I don’t know how they would write his backstory tho, they could maybe choose one canon ending for him. His perks could be related to his pacifistic attitude, distraction (distracting walkers in the game), as well as helping other survivors (like when he helped Clem and AJ).

    Other honorable mentions would be Bonnie and Mike (we don’t know what happened to them after Season 2, but I’m sure not many people like them). Or maybe Molly from Season One as well.

  • mama_3000
    mama_3000 Member Posts: 29

    see if they could they can reskin some of the zombies into walkers as reskin if the devs want to.