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General Discussions

I started playing Pig

Her power is very luck dependent, like to such an extent it can hurt.

However those moments when it works in your favor? Amazing, satisfying, incredible.

I think she needs one thing; Basekit Ruleset No. 2, it would increase tensions for survivors and force them to make difficult choices, other than that, I think she's perfectly fine as is.


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  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I made a post suggesting a couple buffs for her recently. Mainly, her slowdown needs to be more reliable and her dash needs to be less predictable. Otherwise she is one of my favorite killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    The nastiest Pig build is Tampered Timer + Crate of Gears,there's just not enough time to search all the boxes if you get unlucky with RNG

    Tampered Timer should be changed if they make the trap value more consistent

  • Member Posts: 9,039
  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Ruleset No. 2 as Basekit would be a bad idea. In most cases (like at least 98% of the time) the first thing Survivors do is to look for Jigsaw-Boxes, which provides Slowdown.

    With Ruleset No. 2 you do not get this Slowdown, they do Gens. Especially when it is midgame, you can have people still pushing out Gens, because they cannot see the Boxes, which might lead to you losing the game.

    In general, the Traps are not her only power and certainly her most boring one. IMO Headpops are not really satisfying, they are just RNG-Kills, nothing which is really earned. The Survivor was just unlucky. Or, you brought super-strong Add Ons like Tampered Timer and either a fifth Box or Crate of Gears. (Tampered Timer needs to go)

    IMO Pig should have more love to her Crouch and Dash. Some Add Ons should be gone (as I said, Tampered Timer, also Exhaustion and Mangled because those just promote a tunneling playstyle)... Others need to be reworked because they are outdated, like Skillcheck-Odds or Skillcheck-Penalty.

    So, more love to Crouch and Dash and a Add On-Rework is all Pig needs IMO. Granted, this comes from someone who player her A LOT.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    That's what I want. That and her dash to be 1 second to activate. Takes too long if they start to run and you can never get a hit.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Can i boop the snoot?

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited June 2021

    I really enjoy playing Pig. I'm not very good at mindgaming with her yet (I'm fairly decent with em I think), but when I can successfully fake a dash direction and land a hit, its a lot of fun...that and just crouching around and being sneaky.

    Also to this day, having had the DLC since week 1 of its release, no one has booped the snoot when I'm playing Pig, and I am very sad about that!

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Good. When you run ruleset number 2 you want them to have red traps on not white ones. If they rush for traps sure they're off of gens, but no matter what they will be forced to remove their helmet. They will have to make that trip to jigsaw boxes regardless of ruleset no 2 or not. All ruleset does is increase the pressure should they ignore it and have their trap timer start. If their trap timer starts, they risk death......<---That was the point all along. To get them to risk death. Thats all ruleset no2 is. Its a "There's a high chance you might die while this is active" add on.

  • Member Posts: 1,893
    edited June 2021

    I personally don't like her speed nerf while crouching compared to ghostface, but I guess the excuse is "she can dash" so....whatever.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592
  • Member Posts: 6,556

    they still have to make the trip to disarm the traps. what RSN2 does is make it so they are under a lot more pressure.

    this "the slowdown doesn't exist on RSN2" is just silly...

  • Member Posts: 61

    Guide: Don't conserve helmets, use all at the beginning because it helps applying pressures

    If you feel like the survivor is good then don't ambush and pretend to do it

    Never crouch unless you are sure someone is nearby

    Don't over chase a person, pig is a m1 killer

  • Member Posts: 804

    I'm gonna boop your snoot

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    What RSN2 does, from my personal POV, is delay the stall potential you get. If the Survivor has no idea where any boxes are because the auras are gone, then ideally they'd just do a gen, which means you aren't getting any slowdown from that Trap until the gen pops. Fine if you are actively shooting for a Trap kill; less fine if you actually need that stalling.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    They still have to stall no matter what. If they don't stall and take off the traps they die....periodt.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It delays the stall; it doesn't remove it altogether. The thing is that with RSN2, it significantly raises the chances that by the time they start looking for boxes, the team as a whole will be one step closer to powering the Exit Gates.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    either the stall is now, or after the next gen gets finished... either way, stall

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Really? You've never had a survivor go up to you at the start of the match and boop? Quite a few times I've run at someone with my knife out and they crouch and point even as I stab them! Plus there's the "I'm on death hook or you closed the hatch, please spare me" mercy boop. If a survivor randomly crouches and approaches you, they want to boop, but they'll usually turn around and book it if you don't crouch and oink back; if you run towards them, they're just going to think you're attacking.

    Booping is also something you can initiate pretty easily as a Pig - at any point, even mid-chase, if you crouch and start oinking, I'd say about 50% of survivors will eventually turn around and boop. Though I guess it's not as satisfying as a surprise boop that you didn't ask for...

    I'm just baffled and sad that you've never experienced this magical interaction for yourself. :(

    Anyway, if we're talking Pig buffs, what I'd like to see is an improvement on her crouching movement speed and the speed of her crouch itself, and then a smidge more distance on her dash. I'm ambivalent on her traps - I think they function fine as is, even if their value isn't that reliable. Terrible kill tools, pretty good slowdown. She doesn't seem like she's built to be reliable, and I'm okay with that.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    If they do generators, then they risk us running Tampered Timer and Crate of Gears / Jigsaw's Sketch which makes RBTs killing machines.

    Survivors with traps who completes the last generator essentially give me free kills because I'll just open the doors and cause the EGC to do the dirty work for me. Had a 0K turn into a 3K because they make this mistake. If I had BW, the game would've been a 0K turn into a 4K.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Stall later is bad because the Survivors have actually accomplished part of their goal and now lose out less on temporarily being down a Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Ruleset #2 kind of... orders survivor behavior? With it, people work on gens and then scramble to get their traps off all at once. But you're better off if the team isn't on the same page and everyone's doing something different. Say one person's hooked, one person's going for the save and will then heal, one person's on a gen, and one person's trying to get their trap off. This is the ideal situation for you, because you can go after the single person pushing objectives and the team won't make much if any gen progress while you're chasing them. Does this make sense? You usually want one person to be trying to do gens because they're very easy to find, but you don't want other people on gens when you're chasing that person because, well, they're getting things done and you aren't in a position to stop them. One person on gens is manageable even without regression perks. Several people on separate gens usually can't be stopped and they'll make progress that you can't regress. Ruleset #2 encourages survivors to finish gens before doing your slowdown, and that's not something you want.

    It's the same principle that you don't want to have all 4 survivors with a trap on at the same time. You'd have a window of time where absolutely nothing gets done, like a magnified Corrupt Intervention, and then it's back to 4 survivors again and you're out of traps. Pig plays stronger by artificially creating a 3-man game for 4 times that length, because 3 survivors is the point where the killer can pressure the team faster than they can dig themselves out of their hole. Additional survivors being occupied at the same time has diminishing returns.

    The tl;dr is that you want one survivor to be busy at several times way more than several survivors to be busy at one time. So it's more useful to you to have the team disorganized, with people doing box searches right off the hook and you harassing the other three whenever they try to do something, than it is to have multiple people ignore boxes until a gen gets completed and then bum rush the boxes.

    Ruleset #2 is only useful if you're trying to ensure your traps are lethal, and Pig has better addons for that purpose.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Yes, I'll never understand what the point of this was

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I have no idea why you think having 4 survivor with traps makes the game harder somehow... you just switch to patrol the boxes...

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Well, obviously. And you find one of them immediately, and you chase them, and then the others get their traps off while you're chasing and hooking that survivor. That survivor eventually gets unhooked, gets their trap off too, and that's the end of it. Having nobody doing anything is great, having no more slowdown after that is awful.

    It's wasted potential. You slow the game's progress significantly as long as you're chasing one person and another person is doing a box, especially if somebody else is in recovery mode. You're better off extending this state for as long as possible than blowing a lot of your slowdown at the same time. Ruleset #2 blows your slowdown unless you space it perfectly and get lucky with chases vs staggered gen completion, and makes it so that survivors power through gens with more coordination, instead of a more favorable situation where you keep stopping and regressing partially completed gens because fewer people are focusing on them at the same time.

    That's the point of wanting to stretch out Pig's traps - you aim to avoid windows of opportunity for people to spread on gens. RS#2 forces those windows by removing the ability to search off the hook.

    Plus, unless you're trying to force a kill with the RBTs (which is still unreliable without addons or the survivor doing some major time mismanagement), it's especially a waste to be chasing a survivor on a box search. They're already useless, and while you should clearly be chasing someone whenever you have the opportunity... you'd get better returns on the match if the survivor you were occupying was trying to do something useful. Pressuring survivors on boxes helps kill them if you move them away from the boxes they need, but also requires you to commit to bothering them afterwards.

    Somebody who plays more Pig than I do can prove me wrong, but I never like to have more than two traps on at a time. Things don't go much slower with more survivors out of the equation and it just ends up being less time to exercise slowdown. The only time I would want all four survivors trapped at the same time is if those traps were active, I had lethality addons or I could open the gates, and the survivors were very stupid and piled on the same location (the same gen, hatch) so they have to compete for the same boxes or waste time spreading out.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    the amount of traps you use depends on the person. there isn't an obvious answer.

    but this doesn really matter. however many traps you wanna use, the effect will be the same with regular traps and RSN2 traps. the only difference being the pressure when removing the traps

  • Member Posts: 1,893
    edited June 2021

    I always get 2-3 traps on people at a time. There was one instance where I had all 4 traps on survivors and forced them to collectively get up and do a gen so I could play....."The Game". But 4 helmets isn't happening most of the you completely dominate some dumb ass team. Extra emphasis on they have to be realllly dumb!

    But I can get 2-3 without much issue with about 3-4 gens left. The problem is, getting all 3 on people....and having no gens pop. Cause at that point I've effectively been multi task'd. Which for a pig....isn't the most pleasant state to be in and for survivors....isn't very fun. Preferably, I want either everybody working on traps, or everybody trapped and working on gens.....IF THEY POP A GEN and I have 2-3 traps on people, we get to play a new game called Sadism where I patrol puzzle boxes where at least 1 of these unlucky bastards is guaranteed to die. If they make it past all that trap action they still have to get past me and 2-3 other gens. Which gives me plenty of time to play with my food....or 1-2 of them gets away. Either way it goes, by doing this, EVERYBODY gets more points because the match is much longer. I get a ######### ton of points for chases traps and hooks, and survivors get a shitload of points for saves, gens, and chases.....everybody wins....especially the last survivor....if I choose to let them walk. (Usually if I notice a survivor performing above and beyond to help their team among the myriad of traps and other random bullshit curvballs of versatility I can throw into a match, and not make stupid plays that kill their own team mates, I'll give a hatch). I've had plenty of games where every survivor including the weakest link made 18k bloodpoints or more, and everybody died except 1 person I let get hatch.

    Every other killer in this roster doesn't have near enough time to do what pig does in a single match, AND STILL manage to end the game where survivors also profit from secondary objective points.

    Thats why pig is the GOAT......Even when you're dead you're winning.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I once decided to spare an Ace, and I thought I'd just crouch and let him touch my nose, and then he'd understand that we were friends. But he got scared and ran away, and I chased him around in a crouch trying to get a snoot boop, past the point where it became socially awkward. So, I feel your pain.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I love Pig but she has super weak chases. And if survivors play safe and pre drop pallets and hold W early game, you just lose.

    Traps even tho heavily RNG based are imo fine, she needs better chase or stealth. Like make her crouch and uncrouch much faster and she might be high C tier easy

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    To be fair, she was implemented long before Ghostface. They were bound to end up with a better crouch mechanic the second go around. That said I wish she'd get some love.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Lemme put it to you like this:

    If the Survivors have only three gens left, and one person gets an RBT slapped on and starts going for boxes, you can chase one of the other three people and have a reasonably safe bet that all the gens won't finish while you are in that chase (unless the Trapped Survivor gets their trap off quickly) because the Survivors need three people to finish three gens

    If you have RSN2 active, the Trapped person won't start looking for boxes until that third gen is done, and while you are busy chasing someone else, the Exit Gates are at risk of being powered up because there are still enough people to do the remaining gens while the Pig is busy chasing someone.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    But then they risk you running Tampered Timer, Crate of Gears, or Jigsaw Sketch. If they finish the last generator, just open the gates and any remaining survivors will be put under the pressure of two timers. This will usually result in them dying because the RBT kept them from leaving.

    This is why we need more RBT lethality add-ons, but we can't if it still punishes survivors who weren't greedy and actually tried to remove the trap. That's why I been a strong advocate to adding a passive timer, then adding more lethal RBT add-ons to punish greedy survivors.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Pig is far too RNG reliant and gets completely destroyed by predropped pallets, it's too frustrating to play her on AU servers. Even if they aren't trying to slam gens to avoid the beartraps (or just because it's AU and that's what we do down here, which is why I actually find solo que so enjoyable) you only get to dash once and then every pallet is instantly dropped because they know you know how to use her dash and they don't want to mess with a pig that can dash.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    If the Pig has RSN2 in play, the Survivor in question is going to be at the mercy of Timer/Crate/Sketch anyways unless they luck into a Jigsaw Box coincidentally before the timer starts ticking. Not to mention that at that point, the Pig can just tunnel the Survivor anyways to almost assure death once she opens the Gate herself to force the EGC.

    I really do wish the devs were open to looking at the Pig (every time, the response is always "our records indicate Pig is in a good spot") so they could try ideas like yours to see what works and what doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Oink Oink, my little piglet.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Or... the person with the rbt just does the gen anyway... because people do that sometimes.

    If people were this efficient, you weren't gonna win anyway. Because by the time you got your down, 2 gens pop. And now you have 4 people alive and they only need to do 1 gen. And since they are very efficient, they obviously didn't 3 gen and are gonna spread out to finish the gens.

    And since you're pig, you cannot pressure all of them and already lost.

  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Turning off your terror radius is a significant power to have as a killer. There must be some caveats to not make it too powerful.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Yes, people do that sometimes, and that is a notable flaw with the RBTs in my opinion. What I am saying is that RSN2 effectively forces that flaw to happen.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I think that Amanda needs slight (SLIGHT) buffs, but otherwise I enjoy her very much on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited June 2021

    @Laluzi Yup, I've tried most every tactic at the beginning, middle, and end of the match, and it hasn't happened yet! I can get boops as survivor just fine, I honestly just need to play Pig a lot more to increase boop luck

    @Hex_Llama I have had that happen as well many times, and I once approached a survivor asking for boops, and they crouched down, shook his character model "No" at me, then ran away. I respected it 100%, but was still a very sad Pig lol

    I personally wouldn't mind seeing an update to her add-ons, and while part of her power is rng, I don't mind the level of rng she has.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    It is a flaw IMO because it means the stall is less effective because there are less gens that need to be done by the time the stall kicks in, making the stall hurt Survivors less.

  • Member Posts: 1,048

    her chases are so boring man, from both perspectives.

    I've watched scorpions to find some ways to spice up her chases, but he also rarely uses the ambush against anyone good. Short loops, baits it a lot, and uses it once or twice a match, if even that.

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