BHVR refusing to buff the Pig's deviousness gain FOR ANOTHER PATCH is one of the most frustrating

Freddy would like to have a word with you.
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@powerbats said:
Freddy would like to have a word with you.Freddy's deviousness is fine as far as I can tell. I've been playing him in rank ones all weekend and I've managed to have gotten 6k bp in most of games I'm in, even the ones where most of the survivors leave. Even had max deviousness if the survivors are good and I engage them a lot.
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It's less an issue with her deviousness gain and more an issue in that it relies on her using her arguably unviable ambush. What needs the fix is her crouch/ambush to be actually worth using more. It's only sometimes worth using and I'd argue that even those times it only worked because the survivor was dumb. They released her and left her in a gimped state imo.
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Not all killers are meant to be viable (guess that also holds when talking about BP
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I loved using her ambush and then tossing a devious offering in. Using it properly requires practice and if they have Spine Chill it means not looking right at your target area on approach. You need to be able to use it to mind game at pallets/loops.
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sadly that's what the devs said in one stream as far i remember.i would love to see some buffs tho... just some. not many. but some.
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@Oink_Oink said:
sadly that's what the devs said in one stream as far i remember.i would love to see some buffs tho... just some. not many. but some.
That's so misconstrued. It was more that not every killer has to be nurse tier, _ rather than hey we're purposely making killers freddy tier to waste your money for the lulz_.
That said Legion could be a lot better. They did the spirit right post her release giving her what she needed.
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Would you like this buff?
But im sry, im not BHVR.