DC Penalty should be disabled for Steam users while maintenance is occurring

Considering how Steam went down 3 SEPARATE times for maintenance today, and how DC penalties no longer cool down on a daily basis, its about time you guys come up with a solution to DC penalties occurring when an online platform goes down.
Today's blunder on Steam's end gave me a 30 minute DC penalty since the maintenance happened multiple times 10 minutes apart from each other.
The easy solution: disable DC penalties until either Steam confirms their service is working again or disable DC penalties for Steam users during the average maintenance period.
I didn't receive any this time but I have in the past due to being in a match so I'm up for that.
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Well if you know this is going to happen(and it happens around the same time of day as well) just dont play then. Or just wait out the 5 min penalty that's why it is short.
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Sometimes, the Steam Maintenances have happened outside of Tuesday, numerous times on Tuesday evening, etc.
There has been situations in the past where Steam, Sony, Nintendo, or Xbox servers get DDOS'd.
That's why DBD should have some monitoring service to check if a specific game service goes down.
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What I don't understand is that to deliberately disconnect, a player has to enter a menu and confirm the process. Why can't the game detect the difference between that and an unexpected disconnect?
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Because some people like to use the Task Manager process on PC to make their game crash.
Honestly, their DC detection needs to be better.
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Hmm, I guess I hadn't thought of that. It takes a special type of ragequitter to crash their game and go through a good five minutes getting it started again plus five more to get into their next match.
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I had a similar experience. Constant DCs due to the steam servers. Something should be done.
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It's happening today on console as well. It's starting to get aggravating.
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Also most, if not all measures from the devs would still not help differentiating against people that simply "pull the plug". Either by pulling out the Ethernet cable or rebooting their rooter. Their is nothing to detect and differentiate this kind of ragequitting from an accidental loss of connection.
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What do you mean DC penalties no longer cool down on a daily basis?
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PC players with SSD boot their games much faster than 5 minutes. Like 1-2 minutes is a more realistic time. People with SSDs can crash their games in the loading screen to avoid map offerings (which also incurs no DC penalty) and be back on the game and queuing again before any of the other players in that match get their match cancelled and get sent back to main menu.
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You can unplug and replug your ethernet cable. Or restart router. Or enable firewall on dbd ports. So many ways to make game think it was genuine connection lose, while it was not, penalty has to stay in DC cases.
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That's kind of disgusting, honestly...